Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 536: Ji Ke and Jiang Yihang?

  Chapter 536 Ji Ke and Jiang Yihang?

   Miao Man contacted the three people in the dormitory, and Hua Xiaoyu was assigned a task by Miao Man to contact Meng Wenwu.

   "There is Ji Ling, do you want to contact the Yihang brothers and sisters?" Hua Xiaoyu is quiet and has no idea about this matter.

   "Everyone used to play together, but now they've all graduated. Besides, conflicts in the past are a thing of the past. I'll go to the contact person. Don't worry about it."

   When I arrived at the hotel where the party was held at night, I found that everyone I usually knew was there, including Gao Jing and Jiang Zheng. When Miao Man saw these two people, his face sank and he glared at Hua Xiaoyu fiercely.

  Hua Xiaoyu looked embarrassed.

Meng Wenbin stood up and said, "We are all friends, and I call them people. Don't bully Xiaoyu. You two will be colleagues in the future. He is honest and you have to take good care of him. I didn't see that he doesn't even have a girlfriend now." Is it? You also help him look for it."

   Miao Man talked sharply, "Do you want me to find one for you? I remember you talked about several when you were in school?"

Meng Wenbin also brought his girlfriend out. His girlfriend was from his father's factory and was recruited to be a secretary. She was taller than Meng Wenbin, and she was also white and good-looking, but her family was ordinary. Meng Wenbin The family owns a beverage factory, and it may have something to do with women's interest in Meng Wenbin.

  Meng Wenwu didn't care that his girlfriend would get angry, so he grinned at Miao Man.

   Miao Man rolled his eyes at him. After all, it was a party for everyone, and he didn't want to make everyone feel bad, so he didn't say any more.

  Gao Jing brought Gu Baoshan and his son over. After the two came in, Gu Baoshan hugged the baby and went to talk with Zhu Weidong.

  Gao Jing walked to Jiang Zheng, and the two were assigned to a unit, at the Education Bureau.

  During the last two years of college, the two had a bad relationship. Everyone in the class knew that the two who were traveling together before became strangers after Gao Jing became pregnant.

  After everyone sat down, Miao Man first said that she and Hua Xiaoxiao were assigned to the same unit, "Hua Xiaoyu and I are colleagues."

  Before she finished speaking, Meng Wenbin interrupted, "Okay, you call to inform everyone of the party, everyone knows. It makes you happy. Those who don't know think you like Hua Xiaoyu."

   Miao Man's mouth is not forgiving, "I like him to be none of your business."

   "It's none of my business, I have to pack a big red envelope when you two get married, and my wallet will be flat."

   "That's what you said, without which I'd pluck out your hair."

The two were bickering here, but Gu Baoshan came out with a smile to smooth things over, "Okay, it's rare for everyone to get together. Four years have passed in a blink of an eye, and it's fate to be able to get together after work. Now that Miaoman is assigned to the steel factory, I don’t know how many Xiaoling and the others are.”

  Wife is assigned to the Education Bureau, Gu Baoshan knows.

   "Yeah, I forgot to ask this." Miao Man looked at Ji Ling.

  Ji Ling mentioned the place she allocated, everyone at the table was stunned for a moment, and then, like a flood being released, the room erupted in an instant.

  Ji Ling is assigned here, and in the future, she may take the path of politics.

   "Ji Ling, there will be more times when people will count on you for help." Meng Wenbin raised his glass, and asked everyone to toast Ji Ling together.

  Ji Ling didn't refuse, and drank a glass of beer openly.

   Miao Man was also afraid that everyone would respect Ji Ling alone, so she brought the words to Li Jia and Tang Meng.

   Li Jia is in the Cultural Bureau, and Tang Meng is in the court.

   Miao Man clutched her chest, "You all are going to official positions."

  Everyone was amused by her.

  Miao Man's eyes moved slightly, and she took the initiative to talk to Gao Jing, "Gao Jing, where are you assigned?"

  Gao Jing smiled, "Xiaozheng and I are both in the Education Bureau."

   "It's also a good department. After all, I'm the only one assigned to the steel plant." Miao Man couldn't help feeling regretful.

  Ji Ling said, "Now that the national policy is liberalized, many factories have started to buy out, but steel factories will not, so your job is very stable, so just be content."

   Miao Man, "My dad said the same thing."

In fact, of the few people present, Ji Ling's unit is the best, followed by Tang Meng, who is usually very low-key, who would have thought that he would also be in such a department, followed by Li Jia, then Gao Jing and Jiang Zheng, In the end, it is not Miao Man who is not good.

  But the work of a few people is really good compared to others.

  So the identification of good and bad still depends on who you compare with.

   Needless to say, men, Jiang Yihang also graduated, and was then assigned to the General Administration of Railways, where he entered the same unit as Gu Baoshan.

Ji Ling sat next to Miao Man, and the four of them had always had a good relationship. They got together to talk. Meng Wenbin only knew how to pull people to fight for drinks, and didn't care about the stiff girlfriend sitting next to him. What Gu Baoshan and Zhu Weidong were talking about was Children, only Gao Jing and Jiang Zheng were particularly silent.

   "Xiaozheng, I will be a colleague again in the future. I made a lot of mistakes in the past. I hope we can start over after work." Gao Jing offered to raise her glass.

  Jiang Zheng said lightly, "I don't drink."

   Gao Jing smiled and drank it herself.

  As for Jiang Zheng's refusal, she didn't take it seriously, or two years later, she had already persuaded herself to leave.

   "Xiao Jiang, report to duty on the 15th, is yours the same?"

  Jiang Zheng hummed, she looked down at the cup in her hand, "Gao Jing, my elder brother has a girlfriend, do you know?"

  Gao Jing paused for a moment, and said with a smile, "Congratulations, was it introduced by your family?"

   "No, my elder brother did it by himself." Jiang Zheng raised his head and met Gao Jing's visiting gaze, "You know him too."

   Then, she turned her head slightly and looked in Ji Ling's direction.

  Gao Jing paused, "Is it Ji Ke?"

  When they were in school, Ji Ke and Jiang Yihang went in and out together, but Gao Jing never thought about that. After all, Ji is Ji Ling's younger sister.

   "Yes." Jiang Zheng rarely showed a smile, "It seems that Ji Ling doesn't know yet."

  Gao Jing also laughed, "That's interesting."

   In her heart, Gao Jing was naturally uncomfortable, and she couldn't help but glance at Jiang Yihang, her eyes moved, and then moved away.

   Halfway through the meal, Meng Wenbin drank too much and talked loudly in the room.

After Meng Wenbin read it, he let it go even more, and took Ji Ling to drink together. After drinking two bottles of beer, Ji Ling felt that she had drunk enough, so she refused to drink any more. Miao Man can drink a lot. , got into a fight with Meng Wenbin again, and finally turned into a man and a woman fighting for wine.

  Jiang Yihang also had too much, swaying his body to go there, the room was full of people, only Ji Ling knew that Jiang Zheng sat there blushing after drinking two glasses of beer, his eyes were dull, and he watched too much.

  So, Ji Ling watched Jiang Yihang go out, and Gao Jing also went to the toilet.

   Thinking of the relationship between Gao Jing and Jiang Yihang, Ji Ling raised her eyebrows.

  (end of this chapter)

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