Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 557: For the sake of your sister-in-law

  At noon that day, Zhu Yaowu rushed home, "Sister-in-law, my elder brother has someone outside."

  On the weekend, the whole family was there, Ji Ling was drinking tea, and spit it out in one gulp.

  Zhu Chuang didn't feel much better, and spilled all the tea in his hand, "What nonsense are you talking about? The people at work are not in good shape."

  Ji Ling felt the same, "Where did you hear that nonsense?"

Zhu Yaowu didn't care about being yelled at by his father, and strode into the living room, "Why don't you believe me? The news came from the General Administration, saying that my eldest brother and a female engineer went in and out together these days. Well, my elder brother also cooks for the female engineer and is very caring. As for his ice lump, if he didn't fancy her, how could he be so enthusiastic?"

  In an instant, the whole family fell into dead silence.

  Niu Niu's crisp and childish voice broke the silence, "Enthusiasm."

whole family:

  Old lady Zhu got up holding Niu Niu, "Let's go back to the bedroom."

  Old father and son Zhu also followed.

  Zhu Chuang stared at his second son, "Where did you hear that?"

   "It's true." Zhu Yaowu sat down, "Dad, if it wasn't like this, how could I rush back."

  Zhu Yaowu is indeed very steady, and he does not do things that are not sure.

  At this time, facing the worries of the whole family on her, Ji Ling smiled, "Let's ask first, Wei Dong is not that kind of person."

   Ji Ling still believes in her husband.

  Zhu Weiyue immediately grabbed the phone and called, the call was connected, it was a woman, Zhu Weiyue first let out a hush.

  He asked, "Is this the bedroom of Engineer Zhu? Who are you?"

  Zhu Weidong lives by himself, and there is also a phone in the room, and he answers the phone at any time. If there is anything on the construction site, he will not miss it when he is resting in the dormitory.

   "Oh, so when is he coming back?"

   "Okay, please ask him to call back."

  Zhu Weiyue hung up the phone, turned around and said to everyone, "It is said that he is my elder brother's deputy. My elder brother has gone to cook dinner, and he will be back in a while."

   "Look, I brought everyone to my dormitory." Zhu Heping was not afraid of serious problems, "Sister-in-law, you must ask my elder brother to explain this matter."

   "Shut up." Zhu Chuang looked at the four young sons who didn't dislike things, and felt a headache, "Who is your eldest brother, don't you know?"

   "Long time makes love, who knows if my elder brother can control his heart." Zhu Weiyue said.

   "Fifth, what do you think?" Zhu Yaowu asked.

  Zhu Weiming smiled, "Brother hasn't been so enthusiastic in these years, it's really hard to say."

  Zhu Chuang: When the youngest son said this, he also felt that it was a bit true.

  Kong Siya shook her head, only persuading Ji Ling, "Don't listen to their nonsense, Wei Dong is not that kind of person."

  Ji Ling also smiled, "Mom, I know."

  Then everyone waited for nearly half an hour, but they didn't call back.

  Zhu Yaowu couldn't bear it, and called again. This time the call was answered, and it was Zhu Weidong. When he heard that it was from his family, he asked him why he didn't come back.

  Zhu Weidong said that there was someone here, and he would talk about it at night, but before Zhu Yaowu could ask more questions, he hung up the phone.

  Zhu Yao jumped up violently, "Who is there, isn't it the female assistant?"

   "Okay, let's divide it up, go do your own work, and talk about it tonight." Zhu Chuang was also upset, and waved to the study.

  Ji Ling also went back upstairs. After Ji Ke left last time, Ji Ling called home and explained the situation, and never asked Ji Ke again.

  Yesterday, I received a call from my grandma, asking her to keep an eye on Ji Ke, and write a letter to my family if there is anything.

  Ji Ling could refuse her family, but she couldn't refuse her grandma, so she agreed.

  She didn't go back to school, so she could only call Miao Man and ask her to find someone to find out about Ji Ke's situation at school.

  Miao Man asked her to wait for the phone call, and Ji Ling went back upstairs.

  Ji Ling was afraid of missing the call and went back upstairs, but Zhu Yaowu and the others were worried that she would follow. Ji Ling could only explain to the four of them again, and the four of them were relieved.

   Facing the concerns of her uncles and standing on her side, Ji Ling felt warm in her heart, and she was not worried about Zhu Weidong's side.

  The whole family is on her side, so she has nothing to be afraid of.

  At around five o'clock in the afternoon, I received a call from Miao Man.

   Miao Man had a rare serious tone, "Xiao Ling, you'd better tell your family that Ji Ke hasn't returned to school, and the school wants to expel her."

   Graduation is about half a year away, and he is expelled. Isn't it a waste of time to go to college?

  Ji Ling also knew that the matter was serious, "Okay, I will trouble you with this matter."

   "It's okay, we are not outsiders." Miao Man is now busy with the entrepreneurial project proposed by Ji Ling. She has strong communication skills and tough tactics, and she is quite well-known in the circle.

  After hanging up the phone, Ji Ling called Ji Jianhua.

  Ji Jianhua now has his own big brother, and when he heard about Ji Ke, he said, "Let me tell Dad, she is making such a fuss now, it seems that she is forcing the family to bow their heads."

  Ji Ke wants to stay in the capital, unless the Zhu family arranges a job for her, otherwise she will have to go back to her hometown according to the assignment. If she doesn't want to go back to her hometown, she can only find a job outside.

   Now that the national policy is good, there are more people doing business on their own, but is Ji that material?

  She herself knew it would not work.

   Now clamoring for the school to be expelled is nothing more than forcing the family to bow their heads and begging someone to arrange a job for her.

In the past few years, the relationship between Ji Ling and her family has eased, but they have never been far or near. Ji Ling is not born to Ji's family. In addition to the things Ji Ke has done, she can't open her mouth to beg Ji Ling to give it to Ji Ke. arrange work.

  Ji Ling understood the meaning of Ji Jianhua's words, and she didn't answer the words, so she showed her attitude.

   Both sides hung up the phone, and the phone rang again.

   Guessing it was Zhu Weidong, Ji Ling picked it up with a smile, and smiled when she heard the voice from over there.

   "The rumors spread at home?" Zhu Weidong asked directly.

  Ji Ling raised her eyebrows, "You know."

   "I did it on purpose." Zhu Weidong laughed softly, "Don't others say that I have physical problems in private? If I have an affair with another woman, those rumors will naturally be dispelled."

  Ji Ling was stunned for a moment, "Why didn't I know that someone in private said that you have something wrong with your body?"

   Zhu Weidong was slightly embarrassed, "It's better not to know, so as not to humiliate your ears."

  Ji Ling said, "I don't care where you heard this, but you don't need to do this at all. It's superfluous, and it will make your reputation even worse."

   "Don't worry, Xu Li is a student I brought out, not an outsider."

  Ji Ling narrowed her eyes slightly, "After you proposed this idea, Xu Li agreed?"

  Why didn't she know that Zhu Weidong had another female student?

   "Well, when she first joined the General Administration, no one took her because of her poor comprehension skills. I took her for two years. Later, she was transferred to another group, and she was transferred here a few days ago."

  Ji Ling snorted, "How old are you? Are you married?"

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