Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 560: walk around

  Chapter 560 Walking around

  Xu Li is a beautiful woman, dignified and generous, and her boyfriend Zhou Yuanbin is not bad, especially when she heard that her parents are still doing big business in Guangzhou, Ji Ling was very surprised.

   Zhou Yuanbin stayed in the capital alone for Xu Li, and opened a shop here to sell motorcycles. It is very popular now, so we can see that the family conditions are very good.

   Zhou Yuanbin was polite, and when we met again, he apologized for the last time he asked Ji Ling to apologize, saying that he was too reckless.

  Xu Li also looked embarrassed, "Teacher's wife, I'm afraid you might misunderstand, I just want Zhou Yuanbin to go over and explain to you first. Thinking about it afterwards, I was too impulsive."

   "Your teacher's wife is not a paper doll, so you don't need to be so careful, you will understand after more contact." Zhu Weidong asked the two to sit down, and the Zhu family hid in their own room after the guests came.

  Xu Li blushed, "At the beginning I had selfish intentions, and I didn't think too much about it, and I was criticized by outsiders. I hope my teacher doesn't mind."

"It's over, so I won't mention it anymore." Ji Ling saw Xu Li, and she didn't feel disgusted with her, and Zhou Yuanbin kept holding her hand after entering the room. Thinking back to what Zhu Weidong said, it was really sticky human.

  Because the two came at night, they didn't sit down much. The main reason was that they wanted to admit their mistakes to Ji Ling face to face, and then left after finishing the matter.

  Before leaving, Zhou Yuanbin stopped suddenly, "Master, I heard from Xu Li that your friend is engaged in logistics and transportation?"

   "I'm doing this." Ji Ling nodded.

"My parents' business is in Guangzhou, and all my goods come from there. Most of the goods are transported by train, and there are a lot of damages. Can you please give me a contact information, I think the goods will come from here in the future. Teacher, mother and friend go there."

  Business is here.

  Nature is a good thing.

  Ji Ling gave him Miao Man's contact information, and watched the two leave before Ji Ling happily took Zhu Weidong's hand.

   "Although what you did was wrong, but for the sake of business, I will forgive you once."

  Zhu Weidong smiled, "Then thank you, my wife, for having a lot."

  Ji Ling snorted, the two didn't go home, they walked around the compound hand in hand, and met Kang Xiaohua and his wife.

   After being beaten up by Ji Ling last time, Kang Xiaohua got married soon. I met him in the compound in the past few years, but he never said hello.

  However, Ji Ling heard a lot about the Kang family from Zhu Yaowu.

After Kang Xiaohua got married, his wife's stomach hadn't moved, and the Kang family didn't say anything, but Kang Xiaohua's wife was very anxious, so she went to an old Chinese doctor in private, but instead of treating her illness, she ate herself out of the disease and suffered from palace cold. I really don't necessarily have to be pregnant in the future.

It was Kang Xiaohua's wife who had a sudden hemorrhage and went to the hospital to check it out. After Kang's family called the police, the old Chinese doctor ran away long ago. After asking around, the residents said that he was not an old Chinese doctor at all, but a liar, and those prescriptions were just fooling around. here.

The Kang family had a dumb meeting, and everyone knew about the trouble, so the Kang family wanted to let Kang Xiaohua divorce, but Kang Xiaohua insisted on refusing, so the Kang family had a small quarrel every three days, and a big quarrel every five days. It is the most lively in the compound.

   When they met at this time, Ji Ling didn't even lift her eyelids, and walked forward leaning on Zhu Weidong's shoulder.

   Instead, Kang Xiaohua took the initiative to say hello, "Weidong, are you on vacation?"

  Zhu Weidong hummed lightly, but he didn't intend to stop.

  Kang Xiaohua knew that he missed this time, and was afraid that if he asked for help again, he would have to give way. He couldn't hold back his face, so he had to bite the bullet and speak again.

   "Weidong, is it convenient to take a step to talk?"

  Zhu Weidong stopped, and Ji Ling also looked over.

  It was a little dark in the evening, and they were walking in the woods of the community again, the inside was even darker, and Kang Xiaohua's face was backlit, although he couldn't see his expression clearly, he could feel his anxiety.

   "Go over there and talk." Kang Xiaohua pointed to the fork in front of him, and seeing Zhu Weidong not moving, he said again, "Just a few words, I won't waste your time too much."

   After speaking, he was afraid that Zhu Weidong would refuse, so he walked over first.

  Zhu Weidong bowed his head, "I'll go there first."

  Seeing his daughter-in-law nodding, Zhu Weidong raised his leg.

  In the same place, only Ji Ling and Kang Xiaohua's wife were left. They were not familiar with each other. Ji Ling didn't feel embarrassed. She put her hands in the pockets of her down jacket and looked at the two men a few steps away.

  Kang Xiaohua's wife seemed to be like air, and she didn't intend to speak actively, so both sides were relaxed.

   "What's the matter?" Zhu Weidong came over and found that Kang Xiaohua hadn't spoken for a long time, so he turned around and left on purpose.

  Kang Xiaohua was in a hurry, "Weidong, can you ask Aunt Kong to persuade my dad not to force me to divorce again?"

  Zhu Weidong turned cold, "Why do you ask my mother to persuade you about your family? Don't utrf persuade your father?"

  Zhu Weidong heard Kang Xiaohua's thoughts from his wife, and his face turned cold on the spot.

  Kang Xiaohua hurriedly explained, "Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else. My dad can always listen to what Aunt Kong says, and I don't mean anything else."

  Zhu Weidong's face was still cold, "Go and talk to my mother yourself, I can't make up my mind about her affairs."

   Abandoning the words, Zhu Weidong turned around and called his wife behind him, "Xiaoling, let's go."

  Ji Ling responded briskly and followed.

  Kang Xiaohua wanted to chase after him, but he only took a step, but Zhu Weidong turned his head and gave him a cold look. He watched the two of them leave before letting out a breath.

   On the way back, Ji Ling saw Zhu Weidong's stinky face, and asked with a smile, "What does he want you for?"

   "Let me talk to my mother and help persuade Uncle Kang not to let them divorce."

  Ji Ling raised her eyebrows, "Is he asking for help, or is he testing?"


   It was rare to hear Zhu Weidong swearing. Ji Ling smiled, thinking it was quite fresh.

   When the two returned home, Kong Siya was reading a book in the living room with Niuniu in her arms. Seeing the two coming back, she immediately noticed that her son's face was not good-looking.

  Ji Ling leaned over and whispered about meeting Kang Xiaohua.

  Kong Siya was not angry after hearing this, "He has been very polite every time he sees me in the past few years, and his wife has caused so many troubles in the past few years, he has always been tolerant and he is also a good boy."

   "Mom, don't be too soft-hearted." Zhu Weidong glanced at his wife, "Xiaoling is just too soft-hearted."

  Kong Siya smiled, "Don't worry, I won't meddle in other people's housework, don't worry."

  Niuniu looked left and right, then stretched out her hands to protect Kong Siya, staring at Zhu Weidong.

  She said, "Human traffickers."

   Zhu Weidong:

  Kong Siya laughed loudly, picked up her granddaughter and kissed her fiercely, "Niuniu is protecting me."

  Zhu Weidong knew that his daughter had misunderstood and could not explain clearly, and he was reluctant to scare her, so he could only admit it.

   In the next few days, it was going to be a holiday. Miao Man happily found Ji Ling's work unit, "You introduced me to a good person. Not only do you want to use our logistics, but you have also become our partner."

  (end of this chapter)

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