Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 564: I just ask what Ji Xin thinks

  Ji Ling called her aunt, and said that she would go into the room first.

  Li Songlan nodded with a smile, "You kid, this happened to you when you came back, and it made you laugh."

  Ji Ling's family is powerful and powerful in the capital, and Ji Ling herself is in the finance department, so it's too late to flatter her, how dare Li Songlan show embarrassment.

  The atmosphere in the room was not very good. Ji Jianhua entered the room with Ji Yong. He knew that Ji Yong couldn't keep his mouth shut, so he just talked about today's events in a few words.

The old lady Ji followed behind, defending herself, "Bastard, if you don't come back during the Chinese New Year, I will go over and drive me away if you don't let me eat at home. It's just for the adopted one. Why should I let you eat? No Sorry for turning the table over."

"Mom, you went home and made a lot of noise. I told you that the whole family would come back the next day after Xiaoling and her husband arrived home. If you don't listen, you keep scolding Xiaoling for adoption. Is it wrong for me to let you come back?" Ji Yong asked.

"Ji Yong, don't talk to my old lady here. You just say that you can't drive away the adopted one. Our Ji family doesn't raise other people's children. Let her occupy the name of Ji's family for more than 20 years. Now she Flying to Gaozhi is getting better, why are you still chasing Ji's family? Isn't it just for your business and Jianhua's factory?" The old lady Ji never left Ji Yong's business.

  Ji Yong tensed his face, "Mom, I said that Xiao Ling is our child, and she is a child of Ji's family."

   "Look, old man, he has kept it from us for so long, and now he still refuses to admit it in front of us." Mrs. Ji felt that she had caught her eldest son.

  Old man Ji drooped his eyelids, and said in a low voice, "None of your business? The child is raised by Ji Yong and his wife. Did you ask for a penny? Did you bring it? Did you give it food?"

  The old lady Ji was stunned, "You are not from the Ji family."

   "You and he are confusing the blood of the Ji family."

"Marrying you is an insult to the blood of the Ji family." Old man Ji raised his head, his eyes were cold, "If you hadn't made such a fuss today, I still don't know why you run out every now and then? It seems that you didn't take my words to heart , I told you that the family has been separated long ago, and they live their own lives, so don't stretch your hands too far, what did you do?"

  Recalling that the youngest son had no job and the old woman was jumping up and down this year, old man Ji knew it.

"You just said that Xiaoling is staring at Ji's property, so what's the matter? It's what Xiaoling deserves, so what does it have to do with you? You don't need to worry about it, even if Xiaoling doesn't want it, it doesn't belong to you, let alone There is no peace and smoothness for them.”

  Old man Ji's words happened to be heard by Ji Ling and Li Songlan who came in later.

  Li Songlan's heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly explained, "Dad, my mother-in-law went to the elder brother's place to make trouble. Ji Xin and I didn't know about it, and the elder brother's property, we didn't think about it either."

  Old man Ji said with a cold face, "Where is Ji Xin? Go and call him over. There is so much movement in the room, is he still lying in the West Room and pretending to be deaf and dumb?"

  Li Songlan's face became hot, and she went to Westinghouse to call for help.

  Old lady Ji felt sorry for her youngest son, "Old man, what do you mean?"

   "If you don't want to think about it, then take your things back to your brother's house, and I won't stop you."

  Old lady Ji blushed, she didn't dare to breathe, let alone speak.

  For a while, the room was silent.

  Ji Ling hesitated, then stepped forward, "Grandpa."

  Old man Ji raised his eyes, with a smile in his eyes, "Are you back? Let your partner watch the joke, it's like this at home, you take care of it."

   "Grandpa, what are you talking about, my family is like this, if Zhu Weidong dislikes it, then change him."

  Old man Ji loves to hear these words. He also knows that his granddaughter is telling the truth, and he feels even more comforted. Looking at the old woman, he is even more disappointed.

   "Look, you are not even as good as a junior."

  Old Mrs. Ji wanted to say who the younger generation was, but when she met the old man's cold eyes, she held back in fright.

   Soon, Ji Xin and his wife came over, and Ji Xin looked like he had just woken up.

  He embarrassedly called out to Ji Yong as big brother, and then explained to old man Ji, "Dad, I fell asleep just now, and I didn't hear any movement here."

  Old man Ji doesn't believe it. His son's factory has lost his job since it was bought out. He doesn't show it on the face, but his mind is much gloomy.

   "Jianhua, you don't know if your uncle fell asleep. Tell him what your grandma did and said." Old man Ji didn't expose his son, but he didn't save face for him either.

  The smile on Ji Xin's face froze.

  Ji Jianhua opened his mouth obediently, and told all the things that Mrs. Ji went to make trouble at home this year.

  Uncles and nephews were not close to each other in the first place. This year, Mrs. Ji had been quarreling with her for a long time. It had been several years since my sister came back, and grandma was quarreling and scolding. Ji Jianhua vented all his grievances at this moment.

  His eyes were red. What Mrs. Ji did was what the people present would make their teeth itch.

  During this period, Mrs. Ji wanted to interrupt several times, but she was frightened back by Ji's look.

  After Ji Jianhua finished speaking, there was no sound in the room for a while.

  Old man Ji put down the cigarette bag in his hand, "Ji Xin, what do you think?"

   Ji Xin, who lowered his head and wanted to lower his sense of existence, felt his heart twitch when his name was called.

  He raised his head, with a helpless smile on his face, "Dad, what should I say about this?"

   "Say whatever you want."

  Ji Xin was silent for a while, "I don't agree with any of what Jianhua said."

  Old Man Ji asked, "That's all?"

   "Dad, that's my mother. I'm a son. I know what she did is wrong. What can I say?"

  Old man Ji thought that his son was cunning, but his son was not too confused. His eyes fell on Ji Ling, "Xiao Ling, tell me."

Ji Ling smiled, and was much more generous than Ji Xin, and she said when she asked, "Grandpa asked me to say it, and I will say a few words. I dare not call grandma. Grandma doesn't recognize me as a child of Ji's family. I just stand by my side." From the perspective of parents and children. I have been making troubles this year, but I don’t want me to be a child of Ji’s family. I am also old and married again. , not to mention that it won't affect me being my parents' child, why don't I just do what my grandma said, so that she won't make a fuss."

   "No." Ji Yong was the first to stand up and object.

  Ji Jianhua also disagreed, but he said to Mrs. Ji, "Daughter, Xiaoling just doesn't recognize my parents, and there is no outsider's share of my family's property."

  Who is the outsider?

   Naturally, Ji Pingan and Ji Pingshun.

  The two brothers are also on holiday for Chinese New Year, and they don’t have a job. They usually only do some odd jobs. They don’t like to listen to Li Songlan’s nagging at home during the Chinese New Year. They go out with friends after breakfast.

  Li Songlan has always been very diligent, but her two sons are not as good as Dafang.

  She snorted coldly, "Jianhua, you think too much. Even if your two younger brothers go to beg for food, they will avoid your house, let alone your family's things."

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