Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 584: If you don't tell the truth, just shut it up inside.

  Ji Ke didn't speak, and Ji Ling wasn't in a hurry.

  Anyway, there is time for visits, and she doesn't believe that Ji doesn't know.

  Ji Ke lowered his head first, "Did Mom and Dad know?"

   "You were the first to notify them, how could they not know."

   "When are they coming?"

   "I don't know." Seeing Ji Ke looking over, Ji Ling said, "You haven't contacted your family."

  Ji Ke, "Ji Ling, you are not born to your parents. Your parents are so kind to you. Why can you enjoy everything with peace of mind, but do nothing yourself?"

  Ji Ling smiled, "I have done a lot for my parents, and the best thing I have done is not to make them worry about money. This is the best teaching and reward for being a child."

  Ji Ke bit her lower lip in embarrassment, "I just want to prove to my parents that I can do it too."

  Ji Ling didn't refute, she believed it.

  Ji Ke has a high spirit and always wants to prove that she is better than herself.

   "I don't want to, it's not my fault."

   Seeing her crying, Ji Ling interrupted her, "Who is behind you?"

  Ji Ke bowed his head and remained silent.

"Ji Ke, the Zhu family won't help." As soon as Ji Ling's words came out, Ji Ke suddenly raised her head, Ji Ling looked at her and said, "You rely on Luo Li to get into this business, why does Luo Li help you? Luo Li's husband Wu Jian, you should have heard of it, Professor Wu’s son, we both go to the same school, and you know about me, so do you think Luo Li is really helping you? The money you borrowed, and the money you earned from doing business with you Money is nothing more than digging a hole, trying to drag Ji's family and Zhu's family into it."

   "It's all because of you, if it wasn't for you, how could I be calculated."

   "Idiot." Ji Ling said coldly, "If you still can't figure it out now, then there's no need for me to stay."

   Ji Ke stared at her eyes in embarrassment, filled with resentment, grievance, and anger.

  Ji Ling was unmoved, "You are not stupid, can you be used by Luo Li? You are so smart, now you should think about how to get them in and get yourself out."

  Ji Ke didn't speak, and Ji Ling wasn't in a hurry, "Luo Li is staring at Ji's family and Zhu's house. Anyone who makes a move will be bitten by them. Are we going to be stupid enough to send ourselves up there?"

  The expression on Ji Ke's face gradually turned into astonishment and bewilderment.

  Ji Ling didn't speak any more, the time passed by, Ji Ling looked at her watch, with only one small movement, Ji Ke panicked.

"I was introduced to me by Luo Li. Half the street in the antique market is owned by Gao's family. At the beginning, I sold everything I got to their family. After getting to know each other better, they said that they could cooperate. Customers of things can also introduce them to them and give me a commission."

   "Is it only a verbal agreement?" Ji Ling asked.

   "They have sent me money several times, and I have received the receipt."

  Ji Ling shook her head, "These are useless."

  Ji was in a hurry, "What should I do then? Those things are not mine, I just brought them to customers."

   "Is there any proof?"

   Ji Ke shook his head.

  Ji Ling was not in a hurry, she asked, "Did they take you to the place where they put the goods?"

  Ji Ke shook his head and hesitated for a while, "But I secretly heard them say it, and I followed them secretly once."

  Ji Ling raised her eyebrows, "Why did you do that?"

   "I just feel uncomfortable. I want to see how powerful they really are. Why don't they take me with them."

  Ji Ling smiled, she was still unwilling, and seemed to have saved her.

   "You tell me the place."

  Ji Ke said the address, "Does this prove that I am not guilty?"

   "No, but you can make atonement."

  Ji Ke's face collapsed.

   When the time is up, Ji Ling got up, "You wait for your parents to come to see you, and you don't want to see those people who come to see you."

   "Understood."     Hearing Ji Ke was so obedient, Ji Ling thought to herself that she really learned how to behave.

  Out of the detention center, Ji Ling met Miao Man, and they got into the car and walked slowly home.

   "There is a car following." Miao Man glanced behind, "Following Sitiaojie."

   Otherwise, she is really not sure.

  Ji Ling nodded, "I'll take you back to the company first, and then I'll take a taxi home."

   "I will send you off first."

   "No, I don't trust you, those people are not good people."

  Miao Man didn't want her to worry, so he could only agree, but in the end he saw Zhou Yuanbin at the company, and he was surprised to see the two together.

   "Ji Ling, today is the day off?"

   "I asked for leave, why are you here?"

   "It's nothing, come and walk around." Zhou Yuanbin smiled.

  Ji Ling raised her eyebrows, "Xu Li is back, are you still free?"

  Zhou Yuanbin froze for a moment, "She's back?"

  Ji Ling: .

  Zhou Yuanbin smiled, "I won't embarrass you, I'll leave first."

   Waved his hand, without saying much, he got in the car and left.

  Miao Man finally dared to speak, "Hey, this is a good show."

   "I think you really want to watch a movie." The corners of your mouth are pulled to the ears.

   Miao Man said casually, "We are both friends and partners, so there is nothing wrong with seeing the excitement."

  Ji Ling sighed, "I am talking too much."

   Saying goodbye to Miao Man, Ji Ling went home, Zhu Weidong had already made lunch at home, grandma and the others were not at home, only Ji Ling's family of three.

  Zhu Weidong fed his daughter patiently, "How is Ji Ke?"

   "The mood is still stable, I gave me two addresses, I was just about to discuss with you, should I take them directly to the den of thieves, or call the police?"

   "Let's investigate in secret. I'll call Wei Kun and ask him to solve it."

  Ji Ling smiled and said, "I think it's okay. Speaking of which, Luo Li can hate our family because of him."

   "He is also kind, and he can see that Luo Li has misbehavior."

   "Unfortunately, I used the wrong method." Ji Ling answered.

  Zhu Weidong smiled and put a piece of meat in his wife's bowl, "Eat more, you've lost weight."

   "I have to help Yao Wu to finish every day, so it's no wonder I'm not tired." Ji Ling talked about meeting Zhou Yuanbin, "He didn't know Xu Li was back, so I slipped the tongue."

   "You're right. If Xu Li doesn't want people to know, she should be a cat instead of coming to say hello to you. She knows that you have a connection with Zhou Yuanbin."

  Ji Ling raised her eyebrows, "Yo, that's ok, engineer Zhu's brain suddenly became better today."

  Zhu Weidong smiled, "I'm not stupid."

  Ji Ling also felt that Zhu Weidong's analysis was correct. If Xu Li didn't want Zhou Yuanbin to know, she should have told herself when they met yesterday, but she didn't.

   That is Xu Li wanting to tell Zhou Yuanbin through her mouth?

  So she was being used?

  After Ji Ling figured it out, she opened her mouth and met Zhu Weidong's smiling eyes, suddenly, he saw it.

   "No wonder I don't like Xu Li, there is a reason." Ji Ling snorted coldly.

   "I just realized that Xu Li has a lot of eyes." Zhu Weidong's eyes were filled with displeasure.

   She plotted against Ji Ling, but she didn't take him seriously. It seems that he was too kind to Xu Li, which made her feel that Xiao Ling was a bully.

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