Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 630: I accept the result

 Chapter 630 I accept the result

Zhu Weidong stood in the corridor, neither moving forward nor leaving, quietly listening to the conversation in the room.

 He didn't look back until he heard footsteps behind him.

 It’s the strange man from before.

 Zhu Weidong nodded politely.

Rong Junjie stopped four or five steps away from him and looked at him as if he were an object.

 In fact, it is very impolite to look at someone so unscrupulously.

Rong Junjie understood, but that’s what he did. In other words, when Zhu Weidong came back with a woman, Rong Junjie no longer wanted to see Zhu Weidong.

 In the Zhu family, they did not hesitate to provoke him.

"Who are you?" Zhu Weidong did not feel restrained because of this, but instead greeted the other person generously.

Rong Junjie sneered, which made him look like a willful child.

“I am Ji Ling’s friend. Oh, by the way, I am your lover’s friend.”

 Zhu Weidong nodded, "That's right."

The two of them spoke quietly, but they still alerted the people in the bedroom. Zhu Yaowu came out. He used to dislike Rong Junjie, but now he dislikes his own eldest brother.

"Brother Rong, what are you doing standing here? I'm waiting for you to come over and play three-on-one."

“Here we come.” Rong Junjie bypassed Zhu Weidong and passed by.

 The two of them entered the house and ignored Zhu Weidong.

 After arriving home, Zhu Weidong felt that his family was dissatisfied with him. At this time, he became interested in his strange wife. What kind of person could be protected by his family like this.

He walked over and stood at the door of the bedroom. He could see three adults sitting at the table near the balcony, with two small figures beside them. The atmosphere was very warm. After he came over, he only glanced sideways at him, and then He looked away again.

Zhu Weidong did not leave because of the cold reception. He walked over. Finally, because of his actions, the two children couldn't help but look at him.


Zhu Weidong's eyes had long been attracted to his daughter. At this moment, he saw her daughter snort and turn her head. Instead of being angry, she became interested and knelt down to face her face to face.

Niuniu pouted, "Get out, you can't come in here."

 Zhu Weidong asked patiently, "Why?"

Niu Niu’s voice was clear, “Because you are a bad father, and I don’t want a bad father.”

Ji Ling's body was slightly stiff. She did not look at Zhu Weidong. Instead, she lowered her head and taught her daughter, "Niuniu, you are not allowed to talk to adults like this."

Niu Niu immediately buried her face in her mother's arms.

 Zhu Weidong raised his head and said, "Kid, it's okay."

Ji Ling gave a faint hum, then turned her head and played cards seriously, not wanting to communicate more with Zhu Weidong.

Zhu Weidong stood up dryly, and then felt someone bump into him. He lowered his head and saw another little fat kid pushing him aside.

Zhu Weidong smiled and took two steps back. Pangpang turned his back to him, protecting Ji Ling and Niu Niu.

So far away from the table, Zhu Weidong changed his direction and stood behind his younger brother.

Zhu Yaowu drove people away without giving any face, "Brother, don't stand behind me. I'm not used to being stared at when I play cards." Zhu Weidong lowered his head and asked with a smile, "When did you get this habit?"

 Smile, who laughed with you.

Zhu Yaowu had a stinky face and drooped eyelids, "You have even forgotten that you have a wife and children. How can you remember whether I have this habit?"

This statement is obviously mocking people.

Zhu Weidong was not angry either, "I'm sorry, I didn't know so many years had passed."

 While speaking, he glanced across the way unintentionally and saw that his wife did not raise her head and was playing cards seriously. She seemed not to care about what he said, and he felt inexplicably disappointed in his heart.

  I have obviously forgotten my wife and children, but when I see people, I feel familiar again.

Zhu Yaowu was unhappy when he heard this, "I don't know how many years have passed? What? You don't know the years in the mountains? Did Cao Yehong hide it from you? Or did you not think of asking? You said that in Beixian, You were suddenly over there after you woke up, so why don’t you think about what happened?”

Zhu Yaowu vented his anger and threw out the cards hard, "Two twos."

 “Wang Zha.” Rong Junjie then threw out two cards, raised his eyelids, and glanced at Zhu Weidong opposite him, “It took him two months to raise himself in the mountains before he could go to the ground. Is your girlfriend four months pregnant?”

Zhu Weidong's cold and handsome face finally turned serious because of these words. He looked at Rong Junjie without saying a word.

Rong Junjie was not afraid of him and chuckled, "Seeing that you are also cold-tempered, it is quite curious that you can develop feelings for the other person after lying on the bed for two months. You won't repay the debt with your life for saving your life like the ancient saying, right? ."

"It's not good to say this in front of the children." Zhu Weidong said.

Rong Junjie nodded, "I was rude."

Zhu Yao threw away the cards in the general's hand and said, "I won't play anymore, and my good mood will be gone."

 He stood up and faced Ji Ling, "Sister-in-law, I'll take Niuniu downstairs to have a look."

“I’ll go too.” Rong Junjie stood up and waved to his nephew, “It’s New Year’s Day. Let’s see what delicious food Grandma Kong made.”

As soon as Pangpang heard about eating, he ran out the door happily.

Ji Ling put away the cards. She and Zhu Weidong were the only ones in the room.

 She doesn’t need the space of a two-person unit, but obviously everyone is more worried than them.

Zhu Weidong pulled up a chair and sat down opposite her, "Your name is Ji Ling, right? I just heard your friend say, I'm sorry, I forgot about you and my daughter."

He saw his wife holding her cards and not answering, nor looking at him.

Zhu Weidong added, "I just got home and I haven't had time to ask me what happened."

"You were able to get out of bed in two months, why didn't you come back? As Yao Wu said, you didn't know why you were in Beixian before. Why did you wake up there and there was no one around to answer the question? Didn't you think of contacting your family? It took half a year before I contacted my family, and I was very surprised why this happened?"

The wife in front of him had a smile on her face, but Zhu Weidong couldn't feel the closeness, and he didn't like such a smile.

“After I woke up, I asked Ye Hong to contact her home. She lives in a remote place and works separately from her colleagues. She only contacts her once every few months.”

“Well, her colleague can’t go there, so why didn’t you think about leaving after you got out of bed?” Instead, she became pregnant with the other party, and Ji Ling also wanted to hear his explanation.

"The weather turned cold and it was snowing heavily there. Ye Hong couldn't leave her workplace, and I was afraid of getting lost, so I was waiting for her colleagues to come over." Zhu Weidong said, "I know that no matter how I explain it, it's wrong. It's all me, I betrayed the family."

Ji Ling interrupted him, "Then what's your decision now? I've asked all the questions that need to be asked. You just need to tell me the result. No matter what the result is, I will accept it."

Seeing that his wife had lost his patience, Zhu Weidong hesitated for a moment, "To be honest, I don't know what to do? It was an accident that Ye Hong and I were together. But... it happened, and I have to take responsibility."

 (End of this chapter)

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