Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 632: I have decided

Zhu Yaowu Zou Zouzui.

"Appearing in a strange place for no reason, not worrying about family members, but talking about feelings outside, and sleeping together before we are married, Zhu Weidong, you are really good at it." Zhu Yaowu opened his mouth and stabbed, "At first glance, she is not a good woman. .”

"Yao Wu, it was an accident. The house on the mountain was very cold that night. We all drank. When I woke up, it had already happened." Zhu Weidong suppressed his anger, "And if you have any objections to me, you can point it at me. Come on, I know that I lost my memory and did something wrong, and it was wrong and I couldn’t do justice to my family. But Ye Hong saved me. She was drunk at the time, so don’t needle her."

Zhu Yaowu cursed nonsense, "Zhu Weidong, please stop being reasonable and don't think you are so innocent. You are confused about who you are, but your family members are not. You know how to play with women after you drink too much, Why haven't I seen you with this problem before? It's obviously that woman who has a scheming plan."

 “Zhu Yaowu.”

Zhu Yao said vigorously, "Okay, okay, she is a good person, and we are all bad people. Now that you have a new person, you don't care if the old one cries. Just be your Chen Shimei and don't regret it in the future."

After leaving the words, Zhu Yaowu walked out, opened the door and turned around and said, "Why are you spying on my sister-in-law upstairs? Don't be as bad as others think if you are not upright. Rong Junjie is right. After the divorce, There are a lot of people waiting to marry her."

 After saying that, Zhu Yaowu felt happy and walked away.

Zhu Weidong stood alone in the study room, his face ashen.

 He didn’t know why he eavesdropped just now, it was just like his body’s instinct.

 And when he saw other men making his wife happy, he felt very uncomfortable.

 For a long time, he felt that it must be the man's possessiveness that made him have such abnormal behavior and thoughts.

 Downstairs, there are many people at home, and the table is already filled with dishes.

Kong Siya held Ji Ling's hand, her thousands of words turned into a deep look, and patted her hand again.

Ji Ling smiled and said, "Mom, have you prepared the red envelope? I'll be waiting."

Kong Siya smiled, "I'm ready, it's still a big bag."

Zhu Weiyue also went to call people over for dinner. After everyone was seated, Zhu Weidong walked in with Cao Yehong. After the two people came in, Mr. Zhu immediately turned cold.

“Grandpa, happy New Year.” Zhu Heping stood up with a smile and raised his cup, “Grandpa, you said back then that as long as you are not married, you will get red envelopes every year.”

 “You brat, I haven’t married yet, so I don’t have any red envelopes.” Mr. Zhu teased, and there was a smile on his face, “Well, it’s the New Year, a new atmosphere, and everyone will be well in the new year.”

The grandson is dissatisfied, and there are other grandsons. Mr. Zhu also advised himself that he didn't like to ignore them directly.

 Then during the rest of the meal, the atmosphere was very good, everyone was chatting and laughing, only Zhu Weidong and Cao Yehong seemed out of place.

 Cao Yehong kept her head down from beginning to end and never took the initiative to pick up vegetables. She ate whatever Zhu Weidong gave her.

 At first, Kong Siya frowned at her son and used her eyes to signal her son to pay more attention. However, she found that his son was still acting as if he didn't look there at all.

Halfway through the meal, Cao Yehong suddenly retched, covered her mouth and got up and ran to the bathroom.

Zhu Weidong also immediately got up and followed him out.

 The joyful atmosphere was interrupted just like that.

"Eat, let's eat, we will be happy during the Chinese New Year." Old Mrs. Zhu greeted, she peeled another shrimp for Niuniu, "Niuniu, eat more, and tell your great-grandma what else you want to eat." Niu Niu stuffed her mouth. Full of questions, "Grandma, why did that aunt vomit? Doesn't she like to eat our food?"

 The atmosphere that had just eased was froze again by Niu Niu's childish words.

Old Mrs. Zhu didn't know how to answer for a moment. Thinking that Niuniu had encountered such a thing at such a young age, she hugged the little baby into her arms with distress.

 Old Mrs. Zhu’s eyes were red, “My poor Niuniu.”

"Grandma." It was difficult for others to persuade her, so it was best for Ji Ling to stand up. "Niuniu is so pitiful. You guys are caring for her. Besides, her father is back well now, which is a good thing."

"What a good thing, it would be a good thing if he came back by himself." Old Mrs. Zhu was heartbroken just thinking about bringing such a thing back.

“Xiao Ling is right, Niuniu is not pitiful, we are the ones who are hurting her.” Mr. Zhu advised his wife, “It’s the Chinese New Year, so don’t let the children worry.”

The old man said to his great-granddaughter again, "That aunt doesn't like our food, so let's not invite her to eat, okay?"

Niuniu nodded vigorously, "Okay."

Outside the door, Zhu Weidong had just sent Cao Yehong back to the guest room. When he came back, he heard his grandfather's words. He stood outside and was not in a hurry to go in.

He wanted to explain that Cao Yehong didn't do it on purpose, but he stopped thinking about the way his brother was exposed when he helped Cao Yehong explain earlier.

 When the topic was no longer mentioned in the restaurant, Zhu Weidong walked in calmly.

 No one greeted him or talked to him. He sat down to eat quietly.

After the meal, the Zhu family men cleared the table according to the tradition of the Zhu family, and Zhu Weidong was sent away by Zhu Chuang.

 “You’re not needed here, go and rest.”

Zhu Weidong did not leave this time, "Dad, I understand you are angry. I accept it no matter how you scold me. Don't make yourself angry. I am also a member of this family. There are still many things I don't understand after my accident. You can't keep excluding me just because I'm wrong."

Mr. Zhu snorted and walked away.

Zhu Yaowu and others kept quiet and said nothing.

Zhu Chuang looked at him calmly, "Weidong, haven't you already made a choice with Xiaoling? Is it necessary to talk about it now?"

"Dad, I mean the three of us sat down and talked, and she made the decision directly. I didn't let her choose. I said I was responsible for Ye Hong, but I didn't say I must marry her, if..."

"What if? If Xiaoling doesn't agree to the divorce, let Ye Hong give birth to the child and let Xiaoling raise it? Or should she give birth to the child and you take care of two families?" Zhu Chuang slammed the rag in his hand onto the table, " You said you are responsible for Ye Hong, so how do you let Xiaoling choose? You tell me."

 Zhu Weidong was asked.

 He was also aggrieved. He didn't know that he had a family. The incident with Ye Hong was an accident. What would he do if it happened?

 Ye Hong is still an unmarried girl, and now she is back with him. Her work unit also knows about the two people.

Zhu Chuang waved his hand, "Go out and make your own decision, then don't regret it. That Cao Yehong has a family, right? Why won't you go home during the Chinese New Year? Aren't you worried at home? If you bring the person back today, don't say anything at home, and let him go immediately tomorrow She's going home. When you really choose to live with her, it won't be too late to bring her back to see us."

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