Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 655: It's your fault

Ji Ling got off the bus at Beishi and went to her grandma’s house first.

 Old Mrs. Xu was stunned for a moment when she saw Ji Ling suddenly coming back, and then hugged her tightly in her arms.

 The old man said nothing and burst into tears.

Ji Ling's nose was sore and her eyes were sore. "Grandma, I just wanted to give you a surprise, so I didn't tell you."

Mrs. Xu said yes again and again, and asked Ji Jianhua, "Your grandpa went for a walk in the park in front. You go and call him back."

Ji Jianhua responded.

The group of people entered the house. Old Mrs. Xu held her granddaughter's hand and asked about Zhu Weidong and the child's health. The old lady wiped away tears after hearing this.

Ji Ling couldn't stop trying to persuade her, and she felt uncomfortable in her heart. The two of them cried until Mr. Xu came back, and they got better after being given a few words by the old man.

 After that, Ji Jianhua went out to eat. Mr. Xu was happy and went to the study to get a bottle of white wine.

 When a group of people were walking at the gate of the community, they met Chen’s mother.

Even though so many years have passed, Ji Ling still recognized him at a glance.

Fu Yan's face looked very ugly. Ever since his son suddenly came back with a son in his arms, the rumors in the compound have never stopped.

 But the son didn't care at all. Even when he met someone when he went out to inquire, he still talked about the child patiently.

Even though he was just a **** who was brought back from nowhere, Fu Yan held her son close to her heart. Fu Yan dared her mother not to say anything. Her son wouldn't listen to her when he got older, and she was afraid that she would move out if she talked too much.

In just a few days, people will become haggard due to depression.

 In the end, who would have thought that there would be a narrow road between enemies, so he met Ji Ling.

Fu Yan opened her mouth to say something. When she noticed someone looking at her, she raised her eyes and met Mr. Xu's gaze. A chill ran down her spine, and she swallowed the words that came to her lips.

Ji Ling only asked about the Chen family after she got in the car.

 Qian Xiangqian knew her intention and listened quietly.

 Old Mrs. Xu didn’t think much about it and told her about the turmoil in the Chen family these days.

"After Chen Jingming returned to China, he has been in the capital. Because of Ji Ke's incident, your mother came here several times and beat up the Chen family. They broke up on bad terms. Later, Ji Ke became pregnant, and your mother was angry with her. He was disobedient and didn’t want to bow his head in front of the Chen family, so he never looked for her again. Who would have thought that a few days ago Chen Jingming came back with a baby in his arms and said it was his girlfriend, and he left right after giving birth."

 “What does his girlfriend do?”

"I heard Fu Yan say in the courtyard before that his son was having a relationship with the daughter of a boss in the port city. He met him abroad. Everyone in the courtyard guessed that he looked down on Chen Jingming and gave birth to the child. I’ll go back to Hong Kong City after the baby is born.”

"That makes sense." Ji Ling smiled, and there was nothing wrong with her at all.

Ji Ling also felt an indescribable loss in her heart, but she didn't know whether her current appearance was morbid, as she related the loss of her child to Chen Jingming.

"If the child doesn't come to our house, it must be because fate has not arrived." Old Mrs. Xu thought her granddaughter was thinking of the lost child, so she held him in her arms to comfort her, "Just like the Chen family, if there are suddenly many children, any old man will be unhappy. , but their parents felt embarrassed and disgraced, and ended up with a bad reputation. People, how can they have trouble with babies, they will only say that the Chen family is too cruel."

Ji Ling smiled and said, "Chen Jingming is so smart, he doesn't look like someone who does this kind of thing."

 After speaking, Ji Ling was suddenly stunned.

 She looked at Qian Xiangqian.

 Qian Xiangqian also looked at her.

At this moment, Ji Ling finally understood why she had been watching Chen Jingming come back with a baby in his arms.

 She met Chen Jingming on the day of the accident, and Chen Jingming's provocative words were what aroused her vigilance. What is really wrong with Chen Jingming is that he is not the kind of person who does not follow the rules or gives himself a bad reputation.

 But Chen Jingming just did this, and the time she did it coincided with the time when her child had an accident.

 What is the connection between these two things?

Ji Ling couldn't figure it out. She looked at Qian Xiangqian anxiously. Qian Xiangqian was sitting next to her. He stretched out his hand to hold her hand and gently pressed it. Ji Ling's anxious heart slowly calmed down.

"Eat first." Qian Xiangqian's eyes are as gentle as the moonlight at night. When he looks at you, he can always calm you down.

Ji Ling nodded.

Zheng Shi, who was driving in the front, saw this scene and called to the two of them, "Hey, please pay attention to the occasion. Can't you two just hold hands like this?"

Ji Ling smiled and said, "Jealous, you can come over too."

 The old lady Xu also smiled and said, “Drive well.”

 Suddenly, there was more laughter in the car.

When they got to the place to eat, Ji Ling went to the bathroom. When she saw Zhu Weidong, she thought she was in the wrong place.

 Confirmed that she was indeed in the hotel and really met Zhu Weidong.

  What kind of bad fate is this?

Thinking of what happened on the train, Ji Ling ignored him and walked inside.

The two passed each other, and Ji Ling's arm was grabbed, and her whole body was pulled by a force. Before she could scream, she was pulled into a private room by Zhu Weidong. The door was closed, and the sound outside was cut off. .

Ji Ling shook him hard, but did not shake him away. Instead, she was pushed against the wall and her body was surrounded by Zhu Weidong.

"Don't move, I have something to say to you." Seeing that it was difficult to do anything, Zhu Weidong whispered, "If you move again, I will kiss you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the struggling body in his arms stopped moving.

Zhu Weidong was even more disappointed when he stopped struggling.

Now is not the time to feel disappointed. Zhu Weidong got to the point directly, "I made it clear to Cao Yehong this afternoon that she and I are not suitable. When the child is born, I will pay alimony, or if I raise it, I will make up for it for her."

"That's your business. I don't want to hear it. You don't have to tell me this, right?"

"But in my opinion, it has something to do with you. Although I don't remember the past between the two of us, I know that what I want in my heart now is just you, not anyone else." Zhu Weidong lowered his head and hugged the slender waist in his arms again. A little tighter.

Ji Ling hit him in shame and annoyance, "Zhu Weidong, who do you think you are? You can do whatever you want? I'll tell you and Cao."

After a long time, Zhu Weidong reluctantly let go and said, "I told you not to move, otherwise I would kiss you because you had to move yourself."

His voice was low and hoarse, with a hint of emotion and desire.

Ji Ling covered her mouth with her hands and stared at him angrily.

Zhu Weidong's eyes curled up, "I just came here to tell you what I think. You go out to eat first, and I will find you tomorrow."

Until he was released and the door was opened again, Ji Ling turned back and glared at Zhu Weidong before running out, "Today is the last time, you don't have to come to me, we are divorced."

Ji Ling dropped the words and ran away without any regrets.

Zhu Weidong expected to hear hurtful words, but thinking about it was one thing, hearing it with his own ears was another.

 He smiled bitterly, he had walked the road by himself, it was his fault in the first place, no one else could blame him.

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