Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 667: Why are you such a bastard?

Ji Ling was in a good mood, but Cao Yehong cried when she returned to her aunt's house after she separated from Zhu Weidong.

Aunt Cao tried to comfort her to no avail, so she could only let her cry. It wasn't until Cao Yehong was tired of crying that she asked her what was going on.

 Cao Yehong told the story of the conversation with Zhu Weidong.

Aunt Cao cried angrily, "This man just doesn't want to take responsibility. You are also stupid. You saved his life and gave him your body. Now you are pregnant and you have to shoulder everything by yourself. What will you do in the future? With such a reputation, what will the company do? Will Bian agree? Don’t lose your job then.”

 Cao Yehong then remembered her work unit, her face turned even paler, and she finally panicked.

“Auntie, what should I do?”

“Silly girl, of course we are looking for the Zhu family. Aren’t they capable? Let them solve the problem. We can’t let them take advantage of it and we will suffer a loss.”

Chao Yehong thinks about it too.

 I was so impatient just now that I forgot about the Zhu family’s capabilities.

Aunt Cao looked at her niece, "Ye Hong, you know how much hardship you have endured since you were a child. Is this situation really what you want? Listen to my aunt's advice, that man doesn't care about you, so let's not ”

"No, I want to keep this child." Cao Yehong knew that this was the only thing she could hold Zhu Weidong back.

 If she loses even this, she will have nothing.

“Okay, I won’t advise you anymore, you can think about it yourself.”

“Auntie, I will go back tomorrow.”

"Aren't you going to stay for a few more days? You haven't been back in these years, and I can't go to the capital. If you leave this time, I don't know how many years it will take before we can see each other again."

“Auntie, I have to go back and deal with things, and I have to deal with them before my belly gets bigger.”

 “Okay, I’ll buy a ticket for you.”

 Cao Yehong thanked her and cried a lot. She was pregnant and felt tired, so she went to bed.

Uncle Cao has a bad look on his face. He has always felt embarrassed that his wife's niece gave birth to a child before they were married. Now that he is leaving, he doesn't lack the money for the ticket, so he asks his wife to stay at home while he goes to buy a ticket.

On the other side, Ji Ling was injured because of her leg. Ji Jianhua and his wife only found out after they came back from watching a movie in the evening.

Hearing that it was Ji Ke who did it, Ji Jianhua went to find someone, but was stopped by Ji Ling.

“Brother, please don’t go yet. Qian Xiangqian and I went there in the afternoon. Ji Ke was not at her classmate’s house, and her classmate didn’t go back either. It’s not more than one night. Let’s go tomorrow.”

Ji Jianhua nodded, but his expression was still ugly.

 At last he was pulled out by Zheng Shi.

Wang Sanmei asked about the incident in detail and found it disgusting, "Ji Ke has been making trouble for so long and no one in the family paid attention to her. What could have happened?"

Ji Ling smiled and said, "I underestimated my enemy. I will never give her a chance next time I meet her."

Wang Sanmei didn't believe it, "You are too kind and soft-hearted to be like Ji Ke."

“Sister-in-law, please keep your voice down, don’t let my mother hear you.”

Wang Sanmei smiled, "My mother-in-law is not worried when she hears this."

Outside, Zheng Shi took Ji Jianhua and Qian Xiangqian drove the car. The three of them went to Xiang Yu's house again, but they still missed and saw no one.

The three of them didn't leave until midnight, when it was too late.

As soon as the car drove away, Xiang Yu walked out of the alley with Ji Kecai.

"Did you see that? Your family is now on Ji Ling's side. They don't care about you as their biological child. Why do you still miss your old relationship?" Ji Ke pursed his lips, "When did I miss my old relationship? Didn't I tell you already? Is it Zhong Jiwen? "

“Yes, yes, yes, you don’t miss your old feelings. Isn’t this for your sake? Have you seen it now? For such a small thing, your elder brother has come over to guard you. What do you think he will do if he finds you?”

Ji Ke said nothing.

The two of them entered the room and said to Yu, "I think he will take action."

"I said this, don't look so ugly. This is reality. You are useless to them, and they feel embarrassed. There is only one way to change this situation, and that is to ruin Ji Ling's reputation and let them She feels embarrassed, but Ji Ling’s ex-law-in-law knows that she is involved with another man, are they still helping her?"

"Okay, you go ahead and make arrangements. We'll talk about it tomorrow after Zhong Jiwen comes over." Ji Ke drove her away impatiently.

Xiang Yu was not angry, "Okay, let's discuss it tomorrow. I'm just afraid that you won't be able to think about it. You have to think about yourself more in your life. Look at me. After the divorce, my parents disliked me for being embarrassed. I don't rely on them. I’m not living a very good life.”

 Xiang Yu went out, and Ji Ke sat on the kang in a daze.

She is jealous of Ji Ling.

 Before taking the college entrance examination, she didn't take Ji Ling seriously at all.

 But after taking the college entrance examination, Ji Ling seemed to be a different person. No matter what she did, it was of no use. Ji Ling was like sunshine, attracting everyone's attention.

Even though Ji Ling is divorced, her parents still think she is good.


Ji Kereng raised the corners of her lips as the jealousy in her heart grew higher and higher. She also wanted to see how those who were proud of Ji Ling would react after Ji Ling fell into the quagmire.

 Facing reality, what will happen to Ji Ling?

 The next day, Ji Jianhua and the other three came over early, and met Zhong Jiwen at the door.

Ji Jianhua knew about this bastard, and when he saw him appearing at Xiang Yu's house, his face became even more ugly.

Ji Ling lives in a place like this. Even if she is not involved with Zhong Jiwen, outsiders will think too much when they see Zhong Jiwen coming and going here.

Zhong Jiwen recognized Ji Jianhua. Thinking of those calculations, Zhong Jiwen smiled, and he took the initiative to walk up to Ji Jianhua and say hello.

“Hey, isn’t this Boss Ji? Why are you here?”

Ji Jianhua looked at him coldly and passed him by calmly.

Zhong Jiwen’s younger brother blocked Ji Jianhua’s path, “Our boss is talking to you, what’s your attitude?”

Ji Jianhua sneered, "Fuck it."

 The younger brother is about to take action.

Zhong Jiwen shouted, "Okay, we may still be relatives in the future. Don't lose face now."

 The word "relatives" stimulated Ji Jianhua.

He didn't want to have Ji Ke as a sister, but he didn't want to ignore Ji Ke when he was at the point of no return.

"Who do you think is related to you?" He grabbed Zhong Jiwen's collar and said, "You stay away from me, Ji Ke, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you. If you make a name for yourself in Beixian, just treat yourself as yourself Is he a character?"

Zhong Jiwen was not angry, but smiled, and raised his hand to stop the younger brothers who were about to rush up.

“Boss Ji, you are a businessman. It’s not good to have such a bad temper. Haven’t you heard that harmony makes money?”

Ji Jianhua shook him off and said, "As I said just now, you are also a smart person. Don't mess with people you shouldn't mess with."

In the distance, Zheng Shi and Qian Xiangqian went to park the car. When they saw a fight coming here, they ran over and heard Ji Jianhua's last words.

"What's wrong? Who wants to do what? Let me see." Zheng Shi glared at Zhong Jiwen, pointed at Sang and scolded Huai, and said, "If you want to get in front of me and sign up, I want to see who is so confident?"

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