Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 694: Infighting

 Chapter 694 Internal Struggle

 Chen Jingming’s words made Fu Yan forget to cry.

She looked at her children blankly, "What pushed the knife? What happened?"

Chen Tingwan's face turned pale and green, "I didn't do anything wrong. If it weren't for him, how could I have been kidnapped? Those people still stripped me of my clothes. It was because of my fate that I came back."

“Ting Wan, they didn’t do anything to you, right?” Upon hearing this, Fu Yan looked at her daughter anxiously.

 Chen Tingwan cried and shook his head, "It's okay. Fortunately, my dad rescued me."

“Why did you push your elder brother on the knife?” Chen’s father was not fooled by his daughter.

“The knife came over and I hurried to hide, but he stood next to me again. I didn’t mean it.” Chen Tingwan’s voice became weaker and weaker.

 Father Chen's face darkened, Fu Yan opened her mouth in shock, and looked at her daughter in disbelief.

"How could you push your elder brother on the knife? Are you crazy?" No matter how much Fu Yan felt sorry for her daughter, she could not accept her daughter doing such a selfish thing.

 “I told you I was saving myself.”

"It was because of you that your eldest brother was sent abroad. He suffered so much in a foreign country. Do you still have the nerve to blame your eldest brother? You are so heartless." Fu Yan raised her hand and hit her daughter on the back. "You have no conscience. I'll beat you to death. If I had known you were like this, why would I have saved you?"

"Fight me, you can beat me to death, but I didn't ask you to rescue me." Chen Tingwan didn't feel that she was at fault, she just thought that her parents were partial.

Fu Yan beat herself for a while, until she was tired, and sat there crying, "What evil did I do to give birth to you, a heartless thing?"

“Jingming, don’t be like your sister, she is ignorant.”

"Okay, let's wrap up the child's wound first." Chen's father stood up, not looking at his daughter, and called his son into the study.

The father and son entered the study, and Fu Yan also got up to get gauze. All three of them entered the study, leaving only Chen Tingwan standing alone in the living room.

At this time, Chen Tingwan was also scared. Of course she was scared when she pushed her eldest brother out to block the knife. It was precisely because of fear that she took the lead after returning home.

 It’s just that her parents are partial to her eldest brother, so it’s useless for her to do this.

In the study room, Fu Yan wrapped her son's arm and looked at the wound. She worriedly said, "Is it really okay not to go to the hospital for a few stitches for such a big wound?"

"It's okay." Chen Jingming didn't care, "Zhong Jiwen let him go, but his younger brother didn't let him go."

 Father Chen nodded, "I've arranged good people over there, so you don't have to worry about it anymore."

 What he is most worried about is his son's wound, "Where is Xiaoyou? Is it just your sister? Will Zhong Jiwen get angry and implicate Xiaoyou?"

"No, he still expects Xiaoyou and me to ask for money, how can he do it easily."

"Xiaoyou, we didn't say we wouldn't take the money, so why did we kidnap your sister again? Do they have other plans?" Fu Yan was very worried about her grandson, "Xiaoyou is so young, can they take care of her after they take her away?"

“Okay, if they can **** it away, they can take care of it.” Father Chen waved his wife to stop talking.

As for Zhong Jiwen, he was tied up, his face was stepped on by a foot, and he was pressed to the ground.

"I keep my word, what do you want to do?" Zhong Jiwen guessed that the other party was someone sent by the Chen family, "I have been released, you can also take the money. I, Zhong Jiwen, am not as good at writing as others and I am living on the streets." , You have to spare others, spare them, and leave a way for your brothers."

The person who stepped on him didn't let go, he just asked, "What leverage do you have about Chen Jingming?"

Zhong Jiwen stiffened, "Aren't you people sent by the Chen family?" "Say." The foot that stepped on his face became a little harder.

"Brother, if I knew Chen Jingming's secret, I wouldn't have kidnapped his sister and asked for money? Aren't you making things difficult for me? It's not that I don't want to say it, it's that I really don't know." Zhong Jiwen was obviously not as nervous as before. .

"You don't have to say anything, but the people sent by the Chen family are still looking for you everywhere. What do you think about handing you over to them?"

 Zhong Jiwen stopped talking.

 “He who knows the current affairs is a hero, you’d better think carefully before speaking.”

Zhong Jiwen knew that the other party was not trying to scare him.

“Okay, I said, my people heard Chen Jingming say something drunk, saying that his son was not his, but Ji Ling’s.”

After guessing that the other party was not someone sent by the Chen family, Zhong Jiwen also vaguely guessed who the other party was. The person he sent to follow Ji Ling never came back. Ji Ling came back, but Ji Ling came back with her child. Let Zhong Jiwen relax his vigilance and feel that he has not alarmed the Zhu family.

Now it seems that Ji Ling could not tell the Zhu family after receiving the letter. Only by telling the Zhu family would she be more likely to take the child back.

 At this moment, everything has been figured out.

Zhong Jiwen laughed self-deprecatingly, "Okay, I, Zhong Jiwen, have always plotted against others, and now I realize that I am not as good as others, so I admit defeat."

"Are you the Zhu family? I originally targeted Ji Ling because Chen Jingming promised to give me a sum of money. I owed gambling debts outside, so I targeted Ji Ling. However, Ji Ling was smart and left after she realized something was wrong. After that, after I found out about Chen Jingming’s drunken talk, I had someone secretly send a letter to Ji Ling. I thought that when Ji Ling came back, I could still ask for money from Chen Jingming.”

Zhong Jiwen said a lot. When he noticed, the foot that was stepping on her had been removed. After getting free, Zhong Jiwen got up from the ground.

He could only see the other person's leaving figure, not even the other person's face.

Zhong Jiwen laughed loudly. He guessed correctly, it was the Zhu family.

 The Zhu family did not make things difficult for him and let him go, but Chen still had a family.

 Yes, even if he is let go, the Chen family will fight him to the death, and the Zhu family can sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers.

 Lost, really lost.

On the other side, Ji Ling received a call from Zhu Weidong. As soon as Zhu Weidong found out his son's life experience from Zhong Jiwen, he called his wife immediately.

"This is our son. Chen Jingming said it after drinking. Zhong Jiwen heard it, and he thought of using this to get money."

“How is the child now?” Ji Ling held the phone tightly.

 “Very obedient, I plan to take him to you tomorrow.”

"Don't come over. The Chen family must be watching from behind. This is a critical time. I know you are happy, and I am happy too." Ji Ling couldn't say any more. She sniffed, "You and Wei Ming should pay attention to safety now. , don’t be too happy and expose your mistakes, and if Zhong Jiwen lets him go, will he tell the Chen family?”

"If Zhong Jiwen said it, the Chen family wouldn't believe it." Zhu Weidong mentioned these two families with a cold voice, "The Chen family would only involve the Zhu family because they felt that Zhong Jiwen couldn't deal with them, and what Chen Jingming did, He didn’t dare to tell Father Chen.”

Ji Ling hummed, "Then pay attention to the movements of the Chen family in the past few days. Chen Jingming is shrewd and may have thought that we stole the child."

 (End of this chapter)

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