Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 712: Looking for Zhu Yaowu

 Chapter 712 Looking for Zhu Yaowu

Ji Ling would not pity Xu Fanghua.

"If you want to die, go and die somewhere else. If you really have the courage to die, you won't come to my house again. Get away. If I see you again, I will beat you again and again. If you don't recognize me, I will try."

Xu Fanghua was still sitting there. Ji Ling didn't care. Then she closed the door and called the doorman.

How could Xu Fanghua come in casually? Someone must have let him in with malicious intent.

Thinking of this, Ji Ling became angry, as well as who was behind what happened last time.

Ji Ling had already picked up the phone, but felt that it was not possible to make a call, so she put down the phone and walked out.

“Xiao Ling, where are you going?”

“Mom, you should rest first and don’t go to the guard.” Ji Ling picked up the umbrella at the door and went out.

There was no longer Xu Fanghua outside. Ji Ling strode towards the doorman, but she stopped halfway and looked for Xu Fanghua along the way.

 She really found something after searching so carefully.

I saw two figures standing behind the trees, and there were faint voices coming from inside. Because the rain was falling so hard, if you didn't pay close attention and it was dark, you wouldn't be able to spot them at all.

Ji Ling used the rain as cover and moved closer. The street lights in the courtyard were dim, but she could still clearly see the two people standing there.

 One is Xu Fanghua she is looking for, and the other turns out to be Chang Ya.

 After so many years of separation, Ji Ling has almost forgotten this person.

Chang Ya actually knew Xu Fanghua.

Then last time Xu Fanghua was able to enter the compound, was it also Chang Ya who let him in?

Ji Ling put away her umbrella and huddled closer, and the sound of the two people's quarrel could be heard.

"Xu Fanghua, didn't you agree to leave after looking for the Zhu family? Why should I look for my grandpa's house? Are you crazy? The last time you entered the compound, there was a commotion in the compound because the guard let you in. It's been a long time since my grandfather found someone to suppress the matter. Otherwise, the Zhu family will take revenge on you and our family if they find out. This time you want to come in again and threaten me with what happened last time. Do you think you can take advantage of that? Can this thing threaten me for the rest of my life?"

"Chang Ya, I have no choice. Zhu Yaowu is causing trouble to our family every day. He wants to make our family's life worse than death. Please help me think of another way."

"I have no choice. Why didn't you think about the consequences when you dared to cause trouble to the Zhu family?" Chang Ya looked around nervously, for fear that someone would bump into her. "I can't see you again. It's over if people see you. You can leave quickly. .”

"Chang Ya, if you don't help me, I won't leave." Xu Fanghua grabbed Chang Ya who was about to leave.

Chang Ya tried several times but couldn't shake the person away and cursed him angrily. But no matter how much she scolded him, Xu Fanghua wouldn't let go and begged her hard.

"Okay, let me give you an idea. Zhu Yaowu has a troubled man named Kang Xiaohua. If you go to him, he will definitely be able to help you find a solution." Seeing that she still didn't let go, Chang Ya said, "Either you I'm going to kill you, saying that Zhu Yaowu and Ji Ling have an abnormal relationship, so that Zhu Yaowu won't have time to harm your family anymore."

This time, Xu Fanghua felt that the method was good, so she relaxed.

 Once she was free, Chang Ya left without looking back.

 Xu Fanghua didn't stay long and walked all the way to the gate. Ji Ling followed silently with an umbrella. When she reached the gate of the compound, she stopped Xu Fanghua.

At the same time, the doorman also came out wearing a raincoat.

"Who let the person in?" Ji Ling pulled Xu Fanghua, who was trying to struggle, and asked the guard.

 The doorman was stunned when he saw a strange woman, "I've been here the whole time and didn't let anyone in."

"Is it possible that she flew in? Then check one by one. She arrived at my door after eight o'clock in the evening. Who came back from outside at that time, you should remember it, right?" The doorman knew Ji Ling, After the incident at the Zhu family, the guard staff changed. Now that Ji Ling was dragging a girl with her, the guard also took it seriously and took Ji Ling and the others into the guard room.

 “You let go of me, I sneaked in by myself.”

Ji Ling wouldn't let her go even if she didn't know the inside story.

When the guard saw the person about to run, he also joined hands, held Xu Fanghua back, and then started to look through the entry and exit records.

“At that time in the evening, only Dr. Chang, the granddaughter of the Fang family, had come back.”

Ji Ling sneered and stared at Xu Fanghua, "Did Chang Ya bring you in? This is really interesting. There is some grudge between our two families. It seems that Chang Ya intends to harm our family."

“I don’t understand what you are talking about, and I don’t know Chang Ya. Ji Ling, let me go. Zhu Yaowu bullied our whole family, and now you bully me again. You have a guilty conscience because you and your little one..."


Ji Ling slapped him away and slapped him again.

  Two slaps shook the guard who came forward to help.

"Xu Fanghua, please be clear with your mouth. Think about what to say and what the consequences will be. I didn't pay attention to you before something happened because my father-in-law is a big-time person. Now you come here to cause trouble again. Think the Zhu family will give you Does your dad have face?"

Xu Fanghua covered her face and looked at Ji Ling with fear.

Ji Ling sneered and turned around to tell the doorman, "Make a call for me."

 Half an hour later, all three Zhu Weiyue rushed over, and the three of them pulled Xu Fanghua away with a fierce look.

He took Xu Fanghua directly to Fang's house.

 At midnight, Mr. Fang had already gone to bed. He heard a noise downstairs. When he came out, he saw the three children of the Zhu family and Ji Ling walking in, dragging a struggling woman with them.

Fangyuan also frowned, "Ji Ling, what's going on?"

Ji Ling, a foreign daughter-in-law, has a status in the Zhu family, so Fangyuan asked her directly.

Ji Ling said, "Auntie, let's call Chang Ya out first. She should know what's going on."

Fang Yuan glanced at Ji Ling, and then called her daughter upstairs, but no one came down even after calling a few times.

Ji Ling laughed and said, "Chang Ya, come downstairs. I know you can hear me. I also want to tell you one more thing. I heard everything you and Xu Fanghua said behind the bushes. Come to the door at night. Nothing else. That's it. I’m here to settle a score with you. It’s okay if you don’t come down, so let’s go up.”

"What's going on?" Fangyuan frowned when she heard the name Xu Fanghua, "Is she Xu Fanghua?"

 She pointed to the woman Zhu Weiyue and Zhu Heping were holding down.

Ji Ling said, "Yeah, none of us knew that it was the compound that Chang Ya led people into last time. If it hadn't happened, my grandma would still be alive and well. I don't need to say more about this. Auntie also knows that Bar?"

Fangyuan's face changed drastically and he shouted upstairs, "Chang Ya, get down here."

Amidst her roar, Chang Yacai slowly came down from the stairs. After walking over, before she could stand still, she was slapped hard by Fang Yuan.

 (End of this chapter)

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