Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 721: handle it yourself

 Chapter 721 You handle it yourself

 Hong Siya’s face looked ugly.

 She never took these things seriously before, but since what happened to her mother-in-law, she couldn't accept these things for a moment.

 She looked at her son coldly.

 Zhu Weidong looked confused, "Mom, I really don't know why she is here."

"You don't know? You came back from abroad, and she came to your door the next day. You said you didn't know who would believe it?" Kong Siya was not in the habit of quarreling. She turned to look at Cao Yehong, "Cao Yehong, you are a woman, woman You have to love yourself. You know better than anyone else what's going on with the child in your belly, don't you? Now you're here to pester Zhu Weidong, and you don't even want the woman's ancestral beauty? "

Cao Yehong lowered her head and did not answer or speak.

Hong Siya looked at her coldly, turned around and left.

On the side, Zhu Chuang was waiting for his wife. He took his wife's hand, and the couple chased Mr. Zhu and his children.

At the same time, he also advised, "Let the children handle their own affairs. Let's not worry so much. Now that we are older, it is not up to us to just tell them how to handle things."

"That's the truth, but I get angry when I think about it, and Wei Dong doesn't live up to his expectations. How long has it been? If he still hasn't dealt with it properly, does he really not want to be with Xiaoling?"

Hong Siya pursed her lips and her eye circles were red.

Zhu Chuang was also angry. He had never made his wife sad for many years since he had been married to him. Bigo was getting older, and his sons were still making trouble.

They all say that children are debts owed in previous lives.

 He had never thought about this before, but now it seems that it is indeed the case.

Zhu Weiyue and the others in front were afraid that their grandfather would be unhappy, so they also thought of various ways to make the old man happy.

Mr. Zhu doesn’t want to expose it. Sometimes he can just turn a blind eye and close one eye.

 As for the grandson's matter, he believed that his grandson could handle it well.

But obviously, he still overestimated.

Zhu Weidong watched Cao Yehong wiping away tears and frowned, "How did you find this place? Didn't I make an agreement with you at the beginning?"

"Weidong, I didn't come here to find you. I came here today to take some time to relax, and then I saw you. I didn't know you were coming." Cao Yehong raised his head, with red eyes, "You don't believe it? ? I haven’t looked for you since the last time we talked, right? "

Zhu Weidong said calmly, "Have you been to the bureau? My colleagues in the bureau have told me that you went there several times to find out where I went?"

Cao Yehong shook her head vigorously, "I knew you must have misunderstood because of this matter. It's not me who wants to find you, but Wang Hongwei who forces me every day and says he wants to ask you for money. In order to avoid him, I can only pretend Cooperate with him to go to the bureau."

 Cao Yehong felt that what she said was already so pitiful. Zhu Weidong had always been soft-hearted and would definitely ask her why Wang Hongwei was pestering her, and then she could take the opportunity

 It was just that after she finished speaking for a long time, she did not wait for Zhu Weidong's caring words.

Her aggrieved eyes were filled with water, "Weidong, I really don't want to pester you, I just want to go out and relax."

"Then just relax." Zhu Weidong looked at her lightly, turned and left.

Cao Yehong opened her mouth and forgot to close it in astonishment. She looked in disbelief as Zhu Weidong just left her and left.

This is not at all what she thought, nor is it like Zhu Weidong's character.

If she didn't understand Zhu Weidong's character and knew that he was responsible, then she would have arranged those things.

 Everything has always been according to her ideas, but now everything seems to have changed. Zhu Weidong is not the one she knows, just like she has never known him before.

 It shouldn’t be like this.

Cao Yehong watched the person walking further and further away, but she couldn't catch up, otherwise what she just said would be exposed. In this case, she could only take the second path.

Zhu Weidong walked very quickly, catching up with his parents behind him first. When he received his father's cold eyes, he pretended not to notice, and rushed forward, catching up with Ji Ling, and then took the daughter in her arms.

Ji Ling didn't ask any more questions. After her daughter hugged his neck, she asked him curiously, "Dad, is that aunt going to give birth to a baby? Why is she here alone?"

Children’s childish talk is like a fig leaf that no one wants to mention.

Ji Ling’s smile froze for a moment.

Zhu Weidong held his daughter's hand a little tighter, and then he explained in a calm voice, "Maybe she is waiting for someone."

Niuniu nodded, "Then the person she is waiting for must arrive quickly, otherwise Auntie will be too pitiful."

The young and clear voice struck everyone’s hearts hard.

Ji Ling couldn't stand the atmosphere anymore. She stopped and took the child, "Let me hold it."

Zhu Weidong wanted to refuse, but after seeing Ji Ling's face, he didn't dare to say more and handed his daughter over.

Ji Ling hugged her daughter and walked forward quickly.

Zhu Weidong was stunned for a moment, and then quickly followed.

Zhu Weiyue and the others naturally saw this scene, but they didn't know what to say.

 They also heard what Niuniu said.

  It is indeed quite uncomfortable.

 They also felt that the elder brother had not handled the matter well. On a day like today, how could people come and make trouble.

On the other side, Cao Yehong gritted his teeth, counted the time, and then went up the mountain.

  If this opportunity is missed, she may really have no chance.

So when Cao Yehong climbed the mountain with a big belly, passers-by were shocked.

A well-meaning passerby even came up to her and advised her, "Girl, your belly is so big and you are about to give birth, so you can't be fooling around. If you want to climb the mountain, wait until you are pregnant before climbing. You have to think about the baby in your belly."

 Cao Yehong thanked her gently, and said that she would only climb a section to see the scenery, and reassured everyone.

 She has a round face and big eyes. According to the aesthetics of this era, she is a beauty.

Cao Yehong didn't walk very fast, because looking forward, she could see the Zhu family. That was all. She didn't need to get too close.

Moreover, the Zhu family did not walk very fast. There were old people and children, and the children would stop to play from time to time, so the Zhu family also stopped.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Cao Yehong felt envious and hated Ji Ling more and more. If Ji Ling hadn't plotted against her in Beixian County, she would be the one who was climbing the mountain with the Zhu family now, and the one who was valued by the Zhu family.

Cao Yehong stopped when she saw the Zhu family stopped to rest at noon and even took out food.

She held her stomach, which was already beginning to hurt. She gritted her teeth, leaned against the side of the mountain road and tried her best not to let the Zhu family notice, and slowly walked up.

 The pain in her stomach became more and more frequent. Cao Yehong bit her head nervously. She could already clearly see the Zhu family, and her heart dropped.

 (End of this chapter)

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