Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 733: stand out

Miaoman beat four or five people in a row, including two men and three women.

 When she hit someone, none of the five people dared to fight back, let alone speak.

Miao Man finished her attack and walked up to Gao Jing again, but before she could speak, the leader of the bureau came over.

People arrived in the hall and looked at the people in the bureau, "What's going on?"

 Some people had just been frightened by Miao Man. When they saw the leader coming, they told him what had just happened.

The leader frowned after hearing this, "Okay, let's all disperse."

Then he called Gao Jing to stop and asked Gao Jing not to leave, and then looked at Ji Ling and his party.

Ji Ling was about to stand up, but Rong Junjie was one step ahead of her, blocking Ji Ling's body. He shook hands with her first, and then reported her unit. As soon as the other party heard which unit of Rong Junjie was coming, her attitude immediately changed.

“Look, let’s talk in another place. There are so many people watching here now.”

Rong Junjie naturally would not refuse, and the group followed the leader to his office.

Entering the office, Miaoman asked directly, "There is a problem with the character of your education system. Are you going to care about it? If you continue to ignore it, you won't have any objections if we cause trouble like this, right?"

 The leader was speechless and didn't know how to answer Miao Man's words.

Meng Wenbin also stood up and said, "Look at my wife's face. She came to settle a score with Gao Jing. Everyone in your bureau came up to beat her, and her appearance was shattered."

 The leader saw the injury on Miao Man's face and was still trying to figure out what to say, let alone say anything.

Ji Ling also said, "Logically speaking, this is a matter between Gao Jing and Miao Man, and we shouldn't get involved, but if you gather a crowd to beat people, this is not a small matter, right?" "After we came over, Gao Jing has already come out, and Miao Man is still being beaten." Rong Junjie smiled, "If we hadn't seen it with our own eyes, we wouldn't have believed it was true. This kind of thing still happened here."

The leader's face turned green and red, and he looked at Gao Jing, "What's going on? Your personal affairs have caused trouble in the bureau, and you asked everyone to make trouble with you. Where do you think this is? In the ravine where your home is?" "

Gao Jing came from a ravine. When the leader mentioned the ravine, he was undoubtedly pointing out her background and humiliating her.

Gao Jing's eyes were red with grievance, "Director, this matter really has nothing to do with me. As soon as I arrived at the bureau, Miao Man rushed up and beat and scolded me. My colleagues in the unit couldn't stand it anymore, so they stepped forward to help. , she was fierce, scolded everyone she saw, and made everyone angry, so she was surrounded by everyone."

Miao Man sneered, "You are really good at talking. Without you to provoke them, and I don't know them, why would they hit me?"

Gao Jing began to wipe her tears, "What can I say? You scold me and you won't let me retaliate? I know that I come from a ravine and have no one to back me up, but I am also a human being and I cannot let you bully me." Why do I have such bad conduct? You only want to laugh at me every day. If you don’t see it as a joke, you chase me into the workplace to bully people. Miaoman, the rabbit bites people when it gets angry. Do you want to force me to death? "

“Confusing right and wrong, you can really turn black into white with your mouth. It’s a pity that you work here. You should be selling things, then you can deceive people.”

Ji Ling felt that it was useless to talk to her, "Leader, let's first talk about how to solve the problem of everyone in your bureau besieging Miao Man today. As for Gao Jing's matter, whether you handle it or not is a matter for your bureau. We will take care of it." Not."

 The leader understood what Ji Ling was going to do as soon as he heard it. This was to put pressure on the bureau. If the bureau handled Gao Jing's matter well, they would turn a blind eye and everything would be over.

After understanding this, the leader said, "Don't worry, we will definitely give you an explanation for this matter."

Then he looked at Gao Jing and said, "I'll talk about you later. If a group incident occurs because of you, everyone's bonus will be deducted for one year, and outstanding employees will also be cancelled."

Gao Jing turned pale and said, "Director, everyone wants to save me in this matter. It has nothing to do with anyone. If you want to deduct it, just deduct my bonus."

If everyone deducts her salary, how will she stay in the unit in the future?

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