Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 749: Chen Tingwan’s madness

Ji Ling felt warm and sour when she heard that her parents comforted her in turn. Thinking back to her daughter, she said she took good care of her parents, but in fact she did not do much by herself.

 Sometimes, Ji Ling feels that she is cold and cold.

 It seems that she has been giving in and being tolerant, but in fact she is so cold-hearted that she doesn't want to pay more attention to it.

Finally, Ji Jianhua picked up the phone. Ji Jianhua told her to take care of her children at home without worrying. He also said that she still had to go to work, so she shouldn't come over to help. He would take care of her parents.

Ji Jianhua repeatedly emphasized that she should stay at home, and Ji Ling understood the implications of his words.

 Say I understand.

 Hang up the phone, Ji Ling leaned against the wall of the hospital, looking at the quiet corridor, reviving her life, and feeling that everything was like a dream.

Suddenly, the silence was broken, and I saw people coming this way, walking and running, and they kept looking at the door of the ward, looking for a room.

Ji Ling recognized Chen Tingwan at a glance. If someone came here at this time, it would be up to him.

Ji Ling didn't think much, got up and entered the ward, locked the door from the inside, and called Zhu Yaowu.

The phone only rang once and was picked up.

Ji Ling said, "Chen Ting is here late."

Zhu Yaowu was stunned for a moment, "Sister-in-law, don't open the door, we are going over now."

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside. Ji Ling did not make a sound and turned off the phone. She walked to the bed and held Zhu Weidong's hand. Zhu Weidong was already awake. When he wanted to speak, Ji Ling covered his mouth. , he quieted down.

The lights in the ward were not turned on, and it was impossible to see clearly what was going on in the ward through the glass on the door. Chen Tingwan tried to push the door open but it did not open. He knocked twice more and heard no sound from inside.

She refused to give up, "Ji Ling, I know you are inside. Open the door and I will only say a few words to you."

Ji Ling didn't move, but just released her hand covering Zhu Weidong's mouth.

Zhu Weidong asked in a low voice what was going on.

After Ji Ling said Chen Tingwan’s name, Zhu Weidong understood. Ji Ling told him that Ji Ke had killed Chen Jingming, and if Chen Tingwan came to find him now, how could it be a good thing?

There was no echo in the ward, and the knocks outside became more frequent. Chen Tingwan's voice also lost its patience, "Ji Ling, I know you are in there. You can't hide if you come out. If it weren't for you, how could my elder brother die?" ?You are the murderer."

“Ji Ling, I won’t let you go.”

 After the shouting, there was silence, and the glass on the door was smashed nervously.

There were people outside who came forward to stop me, making chaotic noises. It must be the nurse who rushed over.

"what's wrong with you?"

“Let me go, I want to find Ji Ling, she is the murderer.”

"Hey, you can't smash it. If you do this again, we will call the police. This is a hospital. You want to go out and cause trouble."

 “Have you called Yaowu or the others?”

Ji Ling said she had been beaten just now.

Zhu Weidong said with a smile, "When you encounter such a madman, you should deal with it this way. There is no need to argue with her."

 As he said this, he held his wife's hand and said, "It's not your fault and has nothing to do with you."

He has always remembered what the Chen family did back then and how he and his wife got together.

Chen Jingming has been thinking in his heart for so many years that he has ended up like this all because of himself.

Ji Ling smiled and said, "Well, although your words of comfort were very simple, they did comfort me."

The couple were talking in the ward. When they noticed that it was quiet outside, Zhu Yaowu and the others also arrived. (End of chapter)

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