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Yun Yun doesn’t want to thank Xiao Long.

But what is this!

You were put to sleep by the family, and the Culture Base improved.

Do you still have to tell him: Thank you for sleeping me, so that my Culture Base has improved.

How conservative and reserved she could say such shameful words!

So, she can only express her gratitude through action.

But obviously, Xiao Long did not appreciate it.

Yun Yun is going to try to see what is different about Emperor Dou.

She hasn’t waited for her to leave the imperial palace.

She was caught by Ying Huanhuan.

“Wow! Yun Yun Elder Sister, you are so beautiful today! It seems that the Master served Yun Yun Elder Sister very well yesterday!”

Ying Huanhuan waited for the big eyes.

A very shocked expression.

But those eyes are obviously teasing Yun Yun.

This makes Yun Yun really ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

I was caught by this Little Missy again!

How does this explain to her!

How to explain that today is different from yesterday?

In addition to being moistened by men, what else?

However, she immediately thought, she is now Emperor Dou!

“That’s natural, because of you Elder Sister, I am now Emperor Dou! Of course it is different from yesterday!”

There are enough reasons.

Yun Yun lifts the head high, like a proud little swan.

Diwei released gently.

Let Ying Huanhuan have an urge to worship.

“Oh my God……”

Ying Huanhuan this time is really nothing to say.

Does it mean that with Xiao Long one night, you can break through to Doudi?

Yun Yun was very proud of looking at Ying Huanhuan.

She has never been so happy in her heart.

She had been deflated on this unearthly wild Missy before.

But now, the situation is finally reversed!

She is not talking nonsense with Ying Huanhuan.

Lifts the head and left here proudly.

Ying Huanhuan took a long time to recover.

“Hmph! Master is really eccentric!”

Ying Huanhuan whispered in a low voice.

Full of vinegar.

She is Xiao Long ’s cutest and most charming and good discipline, okay?

Why didn’t Xiao Long open a small stove for her, but to open a small stove for Yun Yun?

Ying Huanhuan secretly made up his mind in his heart.

Tonight, she will stay with her master anyway.

Then he reached the Emperor Dou and went to Yun Yun to show his swing.

Night falls.

There are 2 beautiful voices.

Also sneaking to the place where Xiao Long is located.

“Huh, what are you doing here?”

Xiao Long is refining Ten Thousand Demons Life & Death Wheel.

Seeing his second apprentice Ying Huanhuan sneaking in sneakily, not only asked.

Why are you looking for yourself?

“Master, the discipline is here to warm you up.”

Ying Huanhuan blinked at Xiao Long.

Then, without Xiao Long’s consent.

Lie directly on Xiao Long’s bed.

Big eyes kept staring at Xiao Long.

But just don’t speak.

Xiao Long was dumbfounded.

He at first received Ying Huanhuan as a discipline, and indeed had such a thought.

But afterwards, such thoughts faded.

Now, Ying Huanhuan takes the initiative to do this, which makes him a little uncomfortable.

What is the situation? Is Ying Huanhuan stimulated?

“Tell me? What’s going on?”

Xiao Long doesn’t believe that his Ghost Spirit Essence disciple will come to him for no reason.

“Master, Yun Yun Elder Sister just slept with you and reached the Emperor Dou, so I said, I will come to sleep here! Master can’t be biased! I am your cutest Little Xian female discipline.

Ying Huanhuan educated Xiao Long in an old-fashioned manner.

This is a little embarrassing to tidy up Xiao Long.

It seems that yesterday’s events were leaked!

He should n’t 1000 should 10000 yell Yun Yun in the face of Ying Huanhuan.

At this time, it’s time for trouble!

Generally speaking, as long as a beautiful woman takes the initiative to crawl on Xiao Long’s bed.

Xiao Long will satisfy each other.

However, Ying Huanhuan’s request is a bit difficult.

His Dou Qi has not recovered yet.

Mainly because the Dou Qi he needs is too massive.

If filled at once, Dou Qi Continent’s impact is not small.

So, he chose to take it slowly.

There is also gas.

Although the source gas has accumulated for a year.

However, when Yun Yun was piled up with Emperor Dou, the source gas was already squandered.

After all, if you do that, the source gas is wasted quickly.

So, now, Xiao Long wants to promote Ying Huanhuan to Doudi in the same way.

“You think it’s naive! Now Dou Qi Continent has no energy. If you want to become an emperor through that method, you have to wait for next year.

Xiao Long explained lightly.

Ying Huanhuan is his discipline, and Xiao Long will certainly not treat her wrongly.

But now there is really no way.

“Oh, that’s right, then I’ll come to the Master again next year! Bye Master …”

Ying Huanhuan definitely chose to believe Xiao Xiao.

Therefore, she got up very directly, and after making a gesture of worship to Xiao Long, she drifted away …

Xiao Long: “?!”

He has just put down Ten Thousand Demons Life & Death Wheel and plans to take off his pants! Why did you leave!

nnd, this unconscience …

Xiao Long is very speechless.

In desperation, he picked up Ten Thousand Demons Life & Death Wheel again and began to beat Ten Thousand Demons Life & Death Wheel.

Ying Huanhuan just left one minute.

Another silhouette sneaked into Xiao Long’s house.

Xiao Long sawed in relief after seeing the person coming.

Fortunately, it was not Jiang Yinyin and Lord of Darkness.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing.

It’s Yun Yun.

“Say! I saw Ying Huanhuan just now! Are you two …”

As soon as he came in, Yun Yun questioned Xiao Long.

That tone makes people tolerant.

“How is it possible? She did come with that plan in mind, but now Dou Qi Continent is temporarily out of gas, and Dou Qi 9 in Chengdu with my body was sucked away by you yesterday. what.”

Xiao Long quickly explained.

He will not hide what he has done.

But he didn’t do anything he didn’t do.

“Hehe, it’s actually nothing. Breaking through Emperor Dou is very difficult. If you can, you can help them that way! I have no opinion.”

Yun Yun immediately changed from the big Elder Sister next door to a younger Sister next door, and hehe smiled at Xiao Long.

Xiao Long is very speechless.

Woman! Sure enough to be a born actor!

“You said, yesterday I broke through Dou Qi, the absorbed Dou Qi is yours?”

After the laugh, Yun Yun asked seriously.

“if not?”

breakthrough The Dou Qi that Emperor Dou needed is not a small amount.

If Doun Qi absorbed by Yun Yun breakthrough from Dou Qi Continent, everyone will know the news.

Xiao Long was afraid that his body would be remembered by too many people, so he gave his Yun Dou Qi.

“Hmph! This Sect Master doesn’t want to owe your favor, tonight, you, you suck it back!”

Yun Yun thought for a while and said devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence.

But no matter how it looked, the confusion on her face could not be covered.

Xiao Long smiled evilly at her.

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