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After solving Ya Fei’s problem.

Xiao Long went to see his cheap grandfather again.

Then he talked to him again and left.

Went to the last destination.

That is Gong Wuqing Ling Qingzhu master and disciple.

To be honest, Xiao Long also feels guilty for them.

After collecting them myself, it seems that they haven’t taken care of them.

In any case, Xiao Long felt a little overwhelmed.

Especially Ling Qingzhu.

After all, the family was originally a Protagonist woman.

Although she has become a better man than a Protagonist, he is now a woman.

However, the caring received is not comparable to the original.

See 2 of them master and disciple.

2 big beauties are in Cultivation Dou Technique.

When I saw Xiao Long, neither of them controlled him.

Obviously, Xiao Long is now making them angry.

What do you mean by bringing them to Dou Qi Continent and leaving them aside?

Look down on them?

“How did you choose such a place? Let me find it.”

Xiao Long said with a bitter smile.

He also knows that there is resentment qi for the master and disciple, so he is not angry.

But the place they chose is a little bit remote. Away from the center of the imperial palace.

“I want you to manage!”

Among the 2 people, Gong Wuqing was stronger.

Liu Mei said coldly.

The expression on her face showed that she was very bitter now.

She sat across from Xiao Long and wiped her sword without looking at Xiao Long.

“He he he, I’m busy too! Only came back from other world, sorry sorry.”

Xiao Long came to Gong Wuqing with a shameless face.

pats her shoulders, pleasing her face.

Although Gong Wuqing said that he was not a little girl anymore, he had a girlish heart, lifts the head, and snorted proudly.

Although she didn’t speak, she can still see that her face has eased a lot.

It’s just that if she knew she was going to another world to spend her honeymoon, she didn’t know what kind of mood she would be.

“Cough cough, love! You and Qingzhu are my lover, I will treat them equally, listen to me, move to the center to do it, I guarantee that your master and disciple 2 will not be aggrieved.”

Xiao Long was overjoyed to see that both of them were in a relaxed mood.

Quickly hit the iron while hot.

“Qingzhu, come here.”

At this time, Gong Wuqing was considered by Xiao Long.

But Ling Qingzhu still stood on the side, pretending to be Cultivation Dou Technique.

Xiao Long saw it at a glance.

So, I found a step and let Ling Qingzhu go down.

Ling Qingzhu also went down the ladder, next to Xiao Long.

“Qingzhu, I’m sorry I didn’t come to you recently, and I didn’t point you to the Culture Base. Rest assured, I will come back to see it in the future. I will point you a few times at night to let you step into Pseudo-Saint.”

After finishing Gong Wuqing, the remaining one is Ling Qingzhu.

Although Ling Qingzhu is cold, but compared to her Master Gong Wuqing, it must be much worse.

Because Ling Qingzhu is awe and respect to Gong Wuqing.


Ling Qingzhu nodded.

During this time, she also sorry to take the initiative to find Xiao Long.

After all, she is a woman.

So, without resource accumulation, her Cultivation Base did not improve too fast.

It is still 9-Star Dou Venerable until now.

This makes Xiao Long blame himself.

“Love, you have reached 2-Star Dou Saint now, there are some Alchemy Pill here, you take it!”

Xiao Long took out what he had prepared and gave it to Gong Wuqing.

2 Tier-9 Xuan Dan, 1 Emperor Grade Alchemy Pill.

“This is too expensive, you, you take it back!”

Gong Wuqing saw a lot of joy on his face after seeing three Alchemy Pills.

But he pushed Alchemy Pill back.

In her view, these Alchemy Pills are too valuable! Especially the Emperor Grade Alchemy Pill, she really has no face to accept.

Ling Qingzhu, after seeing Xiao Long giving Gong Wuqing so many good things, was very happy for Master.

But there was still a little bit lost in my heart.

After all, she is also a woman of Xiao Long, but she has not received such treatment.

“Accept, now Emperor Grade Alchemy Pill For me, ten can be refined in a year, and Tier-9 Alchemy Pill I want to make as many as I want, you are my woman, how can I treat you wrong? If it ’s not 30% poison, I will use Alchemy Pill to smash you directly to Emperor Dou.

Xiao Long took out the strength of The head of the family again.

To be honest, being a man still needs to be stronger.

If you want to please a woman.

Then, the probability of becoming a spare tire is as high as 90%.

This is definitely not a joke.

So, to women, he has a gentle side.

Of course, there are many times when they are strong.

Having said that, Gong Wuqing certainly has no reason to refuse.

Sweetly received Xiao Long’s gift.

Ling Qingzhu was very excited after receiving Xiao Long’s assurance.

After all, Xiao Long is destined to be her man.

And as one of Xiao Long’s many women.

Ling Qingzhu can not ask too much.

After all, no real woman of Xiao Long is worse than hers.

She only hopes that she can have some weight in Xiao Long’s heart.

Now it seems that she still has weight.

Then, their master and disciple went down to the central area of ​​the imperial palace under the leadership of Xiao Long.

Xiao Long personally chose a place for them to live in.

Finally, I accompanied them master and disciple for 2 days.

Both Gong Wuqing and Ling Qingzhu’s Cultivation Base have improved greatly.

Finally, Liu Yan and Jiang Xue Xiao Long also went to watch.

However, their Culture Base is not very high, and the highest Jiang Xue is no ordinary Dou Venerable that’s all.

Leave them some Alchemy Pill for Cultivation.

After all, although they are only Xiao Long’s lover.

However, Xiao Long will not do anything to watch them move further and further away from themselves.

Although he ca n’t do it completely.

However, they will not be mistreated.

After giving an explanation to the women.

Xiao Long also calmed down and began to cultivate wholeheartedly.

After all, his Culture Base cannot be dropped.

Now, he waits for all Dou Qi Continent who has the probability of becoming an emperor to break through the emperor, and then begins to conquer Myriad Realms.

Medusa’s child was also born.

Not surprisingly, it is a girl. Named Xiao Wan.

This is amazing, directly became 8-Star Dou Saint …

Fortunately, how did the news not at all spread out.

Otherwise, 99% of Dou Qi Continent points 9 9 may have the urge to die?

Xiao Long is looking forward to it now.

If Medusa became an emperor, Xiao Wan did not know whether it would soar to 9-Star Dou Saint Peak?

Then generation after generation are all fighting emperors.

So in the end, after several generations of fighting emperors stack up, will they directly produce a fighting emperor?

This is awesome. When you are born, you don’t have to struggle hard, and you directly become Peak.

Now, Xiao Long can also understand how lucky those who are born with golden keys.

After Medusa gave birth to a child, he also went to the Nine Underworld Python family and got inheritance.

Cultivation Base not only reached 5-Star Dou Saint, but also advanced to the top of the Python family-Nine Coloured Heaven Swallowing Python!

It cannot be said that it is not strong.

After Gu Yuan became Emperor, Cultivation Base in Xiao Xun’er’s place also began to skyrocket, and finally surpassed Medusa.

The most powerful ones are Ying Huanhuan, Jiang Yinyin and Lord of Darkness.

Overnight, I did not know what to hang, and reached Doudi directly.

Let Xiao Xuan, Demon Saint Jing Lian, Demon Sage Huang Quan all envy.

The two people, Gu Yuan and Zhu Kun, are very hard.

They could not have imagined that the three Little Missy had even reached the Emperor Fight earlier than them.

Full of envy!

In short, Dou Qi Continent powerhouse during this time can be described as endless!

Reached the unprecedented peak age of Dou Qi Continent!

In within 100 years, it actually reached an era when ten or eight fighting emperors came out!

Xiao Long, Yun Yun, Medusa, Xiao Xun’er, Xiao Yixian, Ying Huanhuan, Jiang Yinyin, Lord of Darkness, Demon Saint Jing Lian, Demon Sage Huang Quan, Zhu Kun: Gu Yuan, Lord of Space, Yan Jin, Lei Ying, Fairy Huo Ling son, Yao Dan (Yao Clan Patriarch) Otherworld Devil Emperor.

This is definitely the unprecedented prosperity of Dou Qi Continent!

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