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After all, Xiao Long at first does not intend to deal with Fugu Devil Emperor.

It is against Shen Xuan Devil Emperor.

After all, the strength of Fugu Devil Emperor is stronger than that of Shen Xuan Devil Emperor, and it is difficult to deal with. On the contrary, sneak attack Shen Xuan Devil Emperor is simpler.

If he hit Shen Xuan Devil Emperor unexpectedly.

Then, of the three Immortal Rank Heavenly Sovereign powerhouses, two have lost their battle strength and the remaining Fugu Devil Emperor is almost inconspicuous!

After these three people settled, the rest, relying on Dou Qi Continent, fighting guerrilla warfare, and then waiting for the arrival of their men, they can be resolved.

After all, there are now 21 Dou Corpse Puppets at the Emperor level.

21 Demon Emperor Dou Corpse Puppet plus himself, against 50 Demon Emperor, although it is said that they cannot be raped, it is certainly possible to contain them.

You can even kill some of them.

Sure enough, Xiao Long did not expect.

Shen Xuan Devil Emperor at first originally planned to help Fugu Devil Emperor.

After all, Fugu Devil Emperor was pitted, and he had nothing to end.

He is not an opponent of Xiao Long alone.

But absolutely did not expect Xiao Long to beat his idea!

He has already made a move, naturally there is no reason to return.

Such a sudden attack went out and suddenly withdrew.

It will cause the magic energy of yourself within the body to touch, and suffer internal injuries!

Taking advantage of this gap, Xiao Long struck Shen Xuan Devil Emperor with an enhanced version of Di Yin.

Five big ears, one is stronger than the other, and the formidable power is stronger than the other, directly knocking out the seeds of Shen Xuan Devil Emperor’s head.

The remaining half of the face is also flesh and blood, which is terrible!

Shen Xuan Devil Emperor suffered a lot of trauma, but his soul was strong and he persevered.

He is not a fool, he hastily changed his tactics, intending to change from injury to injury!

At this time, if Xiao Long is injured, they will have a great advantage!

Xiao Long not at all back off.

Instead, he greeted him directly.

Face to face with Shen Xuan Devil Emperor.

With his palm, simply not much effort.

Instead, she chose to distract Shen Xuan Devil Emperor.

Then back home.

Just settled in the place where Fugu Devil Emperor reorganized the body.

I slapped it.

When Fugu Devil Emperor saw Xiao Long and Shen Xuan Devil Emperor hand in hand, he was not too worried.

After all, he was just scared to self-mutilation by Xiao Long.

If you run away at this time, you will definitely be laughed at and say you will retreat without a fight.

When the time comes, the entire All Heavens Myriad Realms has no place for him.

Therefore, he reorganized the fleshy body not far away.

After planning to reorganize, join the battlefield again.

As a result, Xiao Long suddenly came running.

It was a tragedy in the end, and Fugu Devil Emperor had just collapsed half of his body and suddenly fell apart.

The last time was voluntary.

This time, it is passive!

The tragic Fugu Devil Emperor, although not at all the real death.

But the strength will fall again.

I am afraid that it fell to the Immortal Rank Heavenly Sovereign Initial Stage, and a realm with Shen Xuan Devil Emperor.

Xiao Long not at all let him go.

Taking advantage of his illness and killing him, Xiao Long knows the ground.

Xiao Long always feels that this guy’s moves are strange.

Use both hands to hold the largest of the two bones scattered by Fugu Devil Emperor.

With a slight pinch, that leg and backbone will be completely wiped out!

Suddenly, the remaining bones seemed to scream together.

Xiao Long feels novel and plans to pinch two more.

But how could Fugu Devil Emperor make Xiao Long do it?

In the blink of an eye, all the remaining bones scattered to 4 places.

He is not so stupid, waiting for Xiao Long to slowly kill him.

In fact, Qixue Devil Emperor’s luck is really moldy enough.

His life-saving skills are more powerful than Fugu Devil Emperor’s autopsy.

He has 2 life-saving skills.

One is called blood escape! One is called Rebirth from a drop of Blood!

Blood escape is an escape technique!

Burn your own blood essence and then escape.

Ten times faster than usual! You can stick to one day one night!

After using the blood escape, as long as you suck some blood, you can recover.

And Rebirth from a drop of Blood is even more amazing!

Unless you drop a drop of blood from him, he can be resurrected.

Even a drop of blood!

Only: that kind of price is too great, it is simply self-dispersion Cultivation Base, re-Cultivation.

Moreover, if you are unlucky, the blood will be found and refined directly.

It’s just that Qixue Devil Emperor doesn’t have a chance to show it now.

Wrapped in Flame Emperor, he couldn’t escape.

If you use blood escape, Rebirth from a drop of Blood, especially Rebirth from a drop of Blood, you will die faster!

Carrion did not want to follow him.

Simply left.

Although he did not go far, he would not return until his body was reorganized.

“Shenxuan, the grudge between you and me should be settled!”

Seeing Fugu Devil Emperor go away, Xiao Long did not feel sorry and so on.

Instead, I felt a little lucky.

One less Immortal Rank Heavenly Sovereign is the opponent, and the next time he wins the probability is greater!

“Go together!”

Shen Xuan Devil Emperor now dare not face Xiao Long alone.

Except for the reason that Xiao Long was not weak when he was on Spirit Rank Heavenly Sovereign Peak.

In addition, he threw up Qixue Devil Emperor and Fugu Devil Emperor, two more powerful Demon Emperors than him, with a sudden thunder.

Although the means are somewhat shameful.

However, the result is just that!

However, he is not afraid!

Because he still has 1000 1000 absolutely Devil Race behind him! More than 50 Demon Emperor!

How could I be afraid of a Xiao Long!

“Come on! Let’s win!”

Now, Xiao Long only feels that his whole body is boiling.

I really want to fight generously with others!

If he dealt with Qixue Devil Emperor or Fugu Devil Emperor alone, he would not use these small methods.

It’s just like dealing with Otherworld Devil Emperor.

However, it is clear that the current situation does not allow.

But he still has to fight to the end!

He hasn’t had such enthusiasm for a long time!


The remaining Devil Imperial Capital received an infection from Shen Xuan Devil Emperor.

Xiao Long’s terrifying, they all have a deep experience.

Because they have just seen it.

However, no matter how powerful his strength is, he is only one person!

If under these circumstances, they dare not face the battle, then it is really possible to buy a piece of tofu and die!

Xiao Long had originally planned to see if this time could overspend Heavenly Star Continent’s power and let his strength reach Saint Rank Heavenly Sovereign in a short time.

But no matter how he extracts the power of Heavenly Star Continent, he still can’t do it.

Finally, for his own safety, he put back the power of Heavenly Star Continent.

Just keep your strength until you have just reached Immortal Rank Heavenly Sovereign Late Stage.

Faced with more than 50 Demon Emperor, Xiao Long also feels pressured!

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