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“Oh, if you don’t hand over Qi Transforms Three Purity because of selfishness, do you still have these things?”

Xiao Long cold said with a smile

Now he doesn’t like this so-called Heavenly Emperor anymore.

Another hypocritical person.

“Hmph! Take it!”

There was a hint of impatience on Heavenly Emperor’s face.

Throw the scroll that records the Magic Powers of Qi Transforms Three Purity to Xiao Long.

Xiao Long was in the eyes of Man Cha Luo’s reluctant look.

“By the way, according to your current situation, at most this World will continue to exist for a while and it will beappeared, but I have a way to help you resurrect!”

Before leaving, Xiao Long gave Heavenly Emperor 2 a light look.

Heavenly Emperor listened, the whole body trembling with an unable to bear.

However, in the end there was still no opening.

He just had an evil relationship with Xiao Long, how did he ask him to ask Xiao Long?

He couldn’t let go of his arrogance as Saint Rank Heavenly Sovereign!

Even if it is extremely emotional, but it does not speak.

However, Man Chaluo is different.

She doesn’t have so many scruples. After all, her character is like this.

In addition, even if she is not such a person, for Heavenly Emperor, she will still do so, put down her figure.

“Please, save him!”

At this time, Mancha Luoke couldn’t be mad at Xiao Long.

The crying beauty is so distressing to watch.

After all, she separated from Heavenly Emperor 10,000 years ago.

Now it’s hard to meet again, she really doesn’t want to feel that taste again. She wanted to be with the man in front of her forever. With the total death.

Heavenly Emperor’s face was very struggling, but said nothing.

“But some people don’t want to …”

Xiao Long faint said with a smile, his eyes inadvertently glanced at Heavenly Emperor 2 eyes.

“Please, save Lord Heavenly Emperor! You saved him, me, and I am willing to make you a slave!”

Manchalo did not know whether it was really unknown or fake.

not at all Explain what, but cry for Xiao Long.

“Enough! Don’t beg him!”

This time: Heavenly Emperor failed to hold back.

Last time, he sealed her for the sake of survival of Man Chaluo, and went to Swallowing Heavenly Demon Emperor by himself.

At this time, even if he really scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, he would not make Man Chalu so difficult!

This is his bottom line!

“That’s all that’s all! I will show mercy, save him once, you follow me!”

Xiao Long glanced at Man Chaluo, hook the head.

He at first also has the mind to save this Heavenly Emperor.

How to say is also a Saint Rank Heavenly Sovereign powerhouse. If he can use Xiao Long, it will be a great help!

Only later, because of certain things, some ideas were slightly changed. Now that Mancharo is like this, he will follow the trend.

Finally, Xiao Long spent a lot of exchange points to help Heavenly Emperor.

3 people returned to Nine Nether Palace in 9 Yuque.

Xiao Long likes the word “9 幽” very much: So it occupies the Nine Nether Palace.

“Man Cha Luo, I have helped you so much. You have to give it back in any way!”

In the Nine Nether Palace, Xiao Long sat on the throne, looked at the Qi Transforms Three Purity Cultivation method, and asked Faint smile to Man Chaluo.

“You, what do you want me to return …”

Surprisingly, Mancharo, who has always been carefree, was ashamed at this time.

2 little tender hands, pulling on her own clothing corner.

She was at a loss at this moment.

She was worried that Xiao Long would make excessive demands.

But her brother, or … Heavenly Emperor is still in the hands of Xiao Long.

She really didn’t know what to do.

“Hehehe, I have helped you so much. How can you give me all the Sovereign Elixir you have accumulated over the years?”

Xiao Long laughed, a conspiracy look.

One Qi Transforms Three Purity, differentiated into 2 Avatar.

The two Avatars are all condensed with Spiritual Qi.

The best, of course, is Sovereign Elixir.

Unfortunately, when Xiao Long first arrived, how could there be Sovereign Elixir?

Since he didn’t, he had to ask Man Chalu to pay for him!

How can I say that her “love big brother” has a chance to be resurrected, let her Sovereign Elixir not be too much?

Don’t look at all the Sovereign Elixir that Xiao Long suggested to Manchalo looks excessive.

In fact, Xiao Long still lost.

An Early Sovereign level other Sects, even if all the wealth is added together, can not make up for the loss of Xiao Long exchange point.

“it is good!”

Hearing Xiao Long’s words, Man Cha Luo sighed in relief.

Fortunately, Xiao Long’s request is not excessive!

Man Cha Luo originally did not want to run sect.

But she knew that if she did not build strength, she might not be able to protect what Heavenly Emperor left behind.

Now, Heavenly Emperor is resurrected, there is no need for everything to exist.

What can I do with Xiao Long?

In her eyes, all these things add up, and you can’t afford to live with Heavenly Emperor for a day or even an hour.

“That’s good!”

After Xiao Long heard it, he was sighed in relief.

I saw, a Qi Transforms Three Purity can be ranked in the top 20 Divine Ability among Great Thousand World, he still wants to make him Culture after all!

Manchalo’s movements were quick.

She vetoed all her subordinates’ opposition and took out all Sovereign Elixir.

There are a few 10000000 drops!

This sounds like a lot, but the result …

“Hey, there is less, Sovereign Elixir is less!”

As soon as Cultivation came down, Avatar also condensed.

The results of it? 2 Big Avatar can only be Cultivation to Realm of Earth Sovereign Great Perfection.

I can’t go up anymore.

The main reason is that Sovereign Elixir is missing.

Earth Sovereign Great Perfection to Heavenly Sovereign is a huge hurdle, 1000 Earth Sovereign Great Perfection, among them Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth will be stuck on this hurdle, can not progress for life.

This shows the difficulty of breaking Heavenly Sovereign!

If you want your two Avatars to reach Heavenly Sovereign, the Sovereign Elixir will definitely exceed 2!

If all reach the Immortal Rank Heavenly Sovereign, it is even more inestimable.

It is not a sect built by Earthly Sovereign at all.

What should I do? “Man Chalu is also anxious.

Of course, if not considering Heavenly Emperor, she must be able to help Xiao Long raise Sovereign Elixir.

Now, she can’t get Sovereign Elixir simply because she has disbanded her sect.

With so many resources, she is no longer able to continue to be a Sect Master, and she actively disbanded her sect.

“It’s okay, here in Heavenly Luo Continent, so many sects, can I just grab some of them?”

Xiao Long shrugged said indifferently.

Man Cha Luo also wanted to say that you, as a Heavenly Sovereign powerhouse, how can you be so embarrassed to grab some Earthly Sovereign stuff?

After all, in the northern part of Heavenly Luo Continent, the strongest person is Earthly Sovereign.

not at all Heavenly Sovereign exists.

I do n’t know if there is a seclusion, but there is no on the surface.

But considering that the person in front of her was not at her disposal, she shut her mouth in a funny way.

“I don’t bully them, let these 2 Avatar go!”

Xiao Long a single thought is posted.

The 2 Incarnations of Earth Sovereign Great Perfection that have just been condensed will be separated from Nine Nether Palace and go to collect the “protection fee”.

Man Cha Luo fiercely despised Xiao Long in his heart.

Does Earth Sovereign Great Perfection stop bullying?

Heavenly Luo Continent North, there seems to be no Earth Sovereign Great Perfection ………

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