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3 There was a hint of joy in the eyes of the people immediately.

Obviously, I was tempted by Xiao Long’s proposal.

“Wait a minute, when the two sides are fighting, a corpse of Demon Emperor is worth five 5 million Sovereign Elixir, Profound Level Demon Emperor is worth ten 100000000 Sovereign Elixir, and Saint Rank Heavenly Sovereign is worth 100000000 billion Sovereign Elixir, how about this proposal? “

Xiao Long smiled and spoke.

A magic Emperor level Dou Corpse Puppet is indeed very valuable!

“it is good!”

The 3 people didn’t think about it, and they agreed directly.

Demon Emperor Dou Corpse Puppet has no effect on them at all.

At most, it is to extract some Demon Emperor blood essence, and then use the Demon Emperor body to refine the soldiers.

It is impossible to refine the puppet of the Emperor level like Xiao Long.

Then, the value is naturally not high.

Even sometimes, they played against the Emperor level powerhouse, and they all beat the family with no slag.

Now, it is worth five Sovereign Elixir of 5, worth it!

Although the Saint Rank Heavenly Sovereign worth 2 billion Sovereign Elixir is a bit low.

However, for them, it is too difficult to kill Saint Rank Heavenly Sovereign!

Almost impossible!

Then, it doesn’t matter how much the Saint Rank Heavenly Sovereign is worth!

“Okay, then I’m here to wish you all the best!”

Xiao Long laughed.

More than 500 Demon Emperor, if 2 300 are killed in battle, then Xiao Long is awesome!

In Great Thousand World, it is definitely the existence of walk unhindered.

With space shuttle, Xiao Long returned to Heavenly Star Continent in 5 days!

After seeing Heavenly Star Continent, Mohe Tian and Futu Xuan didn’t feel much when they arrived.

After all, they didn’t come to Lower Bounds much, and they didn’t know how big the Lower Bounds planet was.

However, they all know Qin Tian.

Heavenly Star Continent is definitely the biggest planet they have ever seen!

Bigger than usual!

It’s no wonder that Xiao Long has devoured a lot of the spirits of the World, and Heavenly Star Continent is slowly becoming bigger.

Heavenly Star Continent, which was already huge, has grown up a lot now.

It is 3 times the area of ​​Dou Qi Continent!

Put it on All Heavens Myriad Realms, it can be regarded as Hegemon.

They stopped for a while at Heavenly Star Continent.

Then I went to meet the people of the Great Thousand Palace.

Don’t go, don’t know, startled!

Great Thousand Palace in Lower Bounds, actually gathered more than 400 Spirit Rank Heavenly Sovereign!

Led by 3 Saint Rank Heavenly Sovereign and 1 Immortal Rank Heavenly Sovereign!

At this time, don’t say Xiao Long, even Mohe Tian, ​​Futu Xuan, these people don’t know what to say.

They never imagined that the power of the Great Thousand Palace is beyond his imagination!

However, when Qin Tian said that only a dozen of these people who could be counted on one’s fingers were from the Great Thousand Palace, the rest were those powerhouses born on their own planes, staying in Lower Bounds, not at all after leaving.

Only a lot of balance in their hearts.

Xiao Long this time also transferred the overwhelming majority of the people under his command, and took 9% away!

Almost 80 people!

With the addition of Ancient Buddha Clan, Ancient Mohe Clan, and Great Thousand Palace, there are more than 150 people!

The lineup is very strong!

This time, I played against Devil Race, and I felt a lot more confident!

The army rushed towards the dark cloud planet where Devil Race is located.

They are certainly impossible and go to the dark cloud planet foolishly.

After all, where is the base camp of Devil Race, the ghost knows if there is any ambush inside.

The place they went to was the transit station between the dark cloud planet and the area under the jurisdiction of Nine Heavens Heavenly Emperor where Xiao Long is located.

Where is waiting for the arrival of Devil Race.

The people of Devil Race have also gathered nearly 500 Demon Emperor.

Lead by 1 Saint Rank Heavenly Sovereigns such as Heart Devil Race old Patriarch, Great Elder, Outer Devil Race Patriarch, Blood Spirit Race Patriarch, one of thirty two Royal Family!

These ten people are all people who have hatred against Xiao Long!

Outer Devil Race Not to mention, the otherworld Devil Emperor of Profound Heaven Continent was Xiao Long who cut the ground.

The Heart Devil Race, Shen Xuan Devil Emperor and his son were all hacked by Xiao Long.

Blood Spirit Race is the tragic child born by Xiao Long.

The remaining race should also be the family where Demon Emperor was slaughtered by Xiao Long.

They do have the idea of ​​avenging their family members.

But that is only secondary.

The main thing is to plan to occupy Xiao Long’s site at once, and killing the chicken to warn the monkey!

Accelerate their Devil Race to attack Great Thousand World’s lower World!

The people of Devil Race didn’t have to be wordy, they killed Nine Firmaments Heavenly Courtyard after the assembly.

Halfway through, the two sides met.

“Qin Tian !”

After seeing Qin Tian, ​​the old Patriarch and Great Elder of Heart Devil Race both had huge eyes!

Although it is pretended, it looks quite similar!

“Qin Tian, ​​travel far and wide looking for something only to return and find it easily, today, I will take revenge and wipe out grudge for my son!”

Heart Devil Race old Patriarch killed Qin Tian directly.

After all, Qin Tian, ​​in name, killed his son, Heart Devil Race Patriarch!

The people of Great Thousand World have no doubts. Obviously, they all know this matter.

Only Xiao Long knows the reason.

It’s really an actor at the Emperor level!

It’s not surprising that none of the people here are not old guys who are over a few hundred and a few thousand and even over 100 years.

No matter how weak the actor innate talent is, it will never be worse if accumulated over the years!

“Hahaha! Since you miss your son so much, this seat is very compassionate today and will send you to reunite with your son!”

Qin Tian laughed.

At the beginning, he killed Heart Devil Race Patriarch, which was the pride of his life.

After all, he can run the Devil Race site alone and kill Heart Devil Race Patriarch among Devil Race Demon Emperors.

He was n’t even afraid of Heart Devil Race Patriarch during the Peak period. How could he be afraid of an old Heart Devil Race Patriarch?

Sure enough, even the Great Elder of Heart Devil Race came together to continue the show without help.

That is, 2 hit one!

This really made Futu Xuan and Mohe Tian more at ease in their hearts.

They have one less Saint Rank Heavenly Sovereign battle strength on their side.

Now, Qin Tian is restraining 2 people by himself, which relieves them a lot of pressure.

“Boy, kill me clansman, go die for me!”

Blood Spirit Race Patriarch, challenged Xiao Long!

Their Blood Spirit Race was originally ranked in the bottom of the thirty two Royal Family.

Finally, there is a Qixue Devil Emperor with the hope of reaching Saint Rank Heavenly Sovereign.

But it was killed by Xiao Long.

You said, he was angry?

Outer Devil Race Patriarch originally wanted to pick Xiao Long.

After all, they only have one Saint Rank Heavenly Sovereign in their Outer Devil Race.

So, he was very sad and planned to squeeze the soft persimmon.

However, since he has already been taken by Blood Spirit Race Patriarch, he has no choice.

Outer Devil Race is not Devil Race Royal Family, it is not an opponent of Blood Spirit Race.

Therefore, you can only choose one of the old rivals among the Lower Bounds!

Futu Xuan, Mohe Tian, ​​Heavenly Emperor, they all chose a Demon Emperor.

The battle between the two sides is on the verge!

A few 100 Heavenly Sovereign level scuffles, imagine that they feel terrifying!

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