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Recently, Xiao Long was spotted.

It was properly spoken by a woman.

The woman, called Ma Xiaotao, nicknamed the Flame Madness.

How was Xiao Long spotted by Ma Xiaotao?

The main reason is that Xiao Long accidentally released Ice Emperor during the final exam of the grade.

Soul Beast in captivity at Shrek Academy, even Soul Beast in 10000, was so scared that both shit and pee were put together.

That horrible, enough to reach Extreme Cold temperature of minus 100 degrees, attracted Ma Xiaotao, who was burning the evil fire all at once.

No way, mainly because Xiao Long is too boring, not as low-key as Huo Yuhao in the original book.

Ma Xiaotao pulled him out of the crowd and he was enjoying him looking up at countless Little Luoli!

This confuses Xiao Long.

He really forgot that there is such a little monster in Shrek Academy.

He didn’t want to be entangled with Ma Xiaotao and hid directly in the boys’ bedroom.

Ma Xiaotao is wild and unrestrained, even the boys’ bedroom can’t stop her.

Mu En, who was looking at the door of the bedroom, seemed to support her behavior and let her in.

Xiao Long’s bedroom is where he is alone.

Now he doesn’t like living with people.

After all, for him, there will be some constraints.

This gave Ma Xiaotao a short shot.

It cannot be said that even if a student lives with him, he cannot stop Ma Xiaotao who has reached Soul Emperor!

Although Xiao Long is not afraid of this hot chick, but this guy is followed by Elder of Shrek Academy Titled Douluo level, Xiao Long is really difficult to start!

If it were not for him to admire Ma Xiaotao, he would have eaten it thoroughly.

After all, Ma Xiaotao has said that Huo Yuhao, who is a Protagonist, is “too short, too weak” and “peanut”!

This is funny, although it was said that Third Young Master didn’t give specific details at that time.

But Xiao Long can still make up his own brain.

The scenario should be Huo Yuhao. Because it was the first time, it was just dismissed 2 times after Ma Xiaotao ’s hole.

So, he was still a virgin at that time …

“Younger Brother Xiao Long, you should follow Elder Sister! Elder Sister is really, so uncomfortable …”

Ma Xiaotao sat on the table in Xiao Long’s dormitory and asked pitifully to Xiao Long who closed his eyes and raised his mind.

No one can imagine that the hot-tempered Ma Xiaotao will actually pretend to be a lady.

This is no way, she was too miserable to be tortured by evil fire.

No, she felt in her heart that the evil fire on her body seemed to explode again.

“OKOK, come on!”

Xiao Long is also speechless.

This article said, 3 out of 2 sentences are irritating.

“Thank you Younger Brother Xiao Long, Elder Sister really loves you!”

Ma Xiaotao suddenly changed his face, forcibly pushing Xiao Long to the bed.

“Oh ~ It’s so cool ~”

As soon as he touched Xiao Long’s body, Ma Xiaotao felt a coolness deep into the bone marrow.

This is an experience she never had before.

Xiao Long was unaware of this silly girl.

But the chick said, “It’s so cool ~” It immediately aroused the reaction.

In fact, his resistance is good.

If the average person encounters such a voluptuous Ma Xiaotao, I am afraid that he will have led Ma Xiaotao to a cooler “deeper”.

But he didn’t do it.

It’s just that Ma Xiaotao’s head should be burnt out, and like the beautiful female gangsters on Earth who have a bite and a yellow paragraph, the lethality of men is still great.

“Eh, Younger Brother, do you have any Horcruxes here? It’s so hard …”

What makes Xiao Long speechless most is that, after sensing the guy, Ma Xiaotao still reached out to touch!

“My God, like popsicles, it’s so comfortable!”

To Xiao Long’s surprise, Ma Xiaotao didn’t blush, and there was no shyness that ordinary girls encountered that thing.

It’s a look of excitement!

The most terrifying thing is that this product will also move Xiao Long up and down, saying what makes this cooler.

Xiao Long is unable to vomit, this brain damage!

“Younger Brother Xiao Long, I have a request. Can you promise me?”

At this time, Ma Xiaotao opened his mouth with emotion and asked softly like water.

“Oh? What requirements?”

Xiao Long looked at her picture and had some speculation in her heart.

This chick would n’t die to ask him to “send” this thing into her body?

If you think about it, it is not impossible.

After all, Huo Yuhao, who was 2 or 3 years old, almost gave this little demoness to Fa-rectification.

And his old driver is even more powerful.

Only, the problem came.

If Ma Xiaotao really has such a requirement, is he agreeing? Or agree? Or agree?

“Younger Brother Xiao Long, can you give me this Horcrux? Rest assured, I will never take advantage of you, and will definitely compensate you!”

Seeing Xiao Long did not refuse.

Ma Xiaotao was overjoyed and smiled.

“Hmph! What a *** slut!”

Xiao Long vomited in his heart. Unexpectedly, Ma Xiaotao is such a person!

“Okay, you just take him out!”

Xiao Long answered less.

Since the chick had to come to his own door, he would not quit.

“Thank you Younger Brother Xiao Long!”

Ma Xiaotao was very grateful.

In her view, this thing is so tightly hidden by Xiao Long, for Xiao Long, it must be very precious!

However, Xiao Long still gave it to himself.

She, Ma Xiaotao, will definitely remember it!

Without saying anything, she began to take off Xiao Long’s pants.



A scream sounded in Xiao Long’s bedroom.

“Why … how is this?”

Ma Xiaotao was ashamed!

She could not have imagined that the cold thing was actually the man’s one!

No wonder she, generally speaking, the man’s one is hot.

However, Xiao Long is cold due to physical reasons.

Therefore, when at first encountered this thing, Ma Xiaotao also believed that it was the lifeblood of men.

But after thinking about that, she didn’t think so.

But I didn’t think it was really that guy!

“Why isn’t this? This has always been the case?”

Xiao Long answered less. Quietly watching Ma Xiaotao’s performance.

“No, no, Younger Brother Xiao Long, I’m very sorry, I really don’t know if this will be yours, I’m really sorry …”

Ma Xiaotao repeatedly said sorry to Xiao Long.

I thought she asked Xiao Long for this thing before, and helped Xiao Long twitch up and down, adding herself to take off the pants for Xiao Long.

Ma Xiaotao feels that he is very cheap!

A woman, no matter how you say, can’t do that for a man!

Unless, that man is her husband!

For a time, Ma Xiaotao thought about so many things!

Finally, I even thought that she would become married to Xiao Long in the future!

Then the big, cold thing pierced his body.

Shaking himself, and the evil fire within the body was also suppressed by the big guy.

Thinking of this, Ma Xiaotao felt a little weird.

Always feel that Xiao Long is too early?

He is only 14 years old now! Why is that guy much bigger than an adult?

Suddenly, Ma Xiaotao felt that he had become hot all over.

“Not good !”

Ma Xiaotao turn pale with fright!

It must be that she just thought about something and thought about things like desire and fire, which caused the evil fire within the body to erupt again!

For a while, she couldn’t hold back, and said to Xiao Long: “Younger Brother Xiao Long, can you turn around?”

Now, it is better to lower the fire first!


Xiao Long’s expression was still dull.

“The evil fire of my within the body broke out again, and I intend to hold you … to vent the fire …”

Ma Xiaotao answered very sorry.

After all, she had just done a very shameful thing, and this time came the request again.

“Sorry, I promised to help you suppress the evil fire is a very big concession, anyway, I am like this: Do you love to do it!”

Xiao Long will not agree.

If he did so, then he would be hugged to the back by Ma Xiaotao.

This gave him the feeling that it would only be done if he shook m.

After all, being embraced in the arms by a person from behind, then, generally speaking, the guy who is embraced is suffering.

Although Xiao Long has always believed that he was a strong attack, but he didn’t want to feel that way.


Ma Xiaotao still wants to say that, how can she do it again!

Just thinking about it, Xiao Long did make some sense.

“That’s all that’s all, this Younger Brother Xiao Long is also good, at worst the old lady will rely on him in the future!”

Ma Xiaotao comforted himself in his heart.

Then embraced the “ice cube” of Xiao Long.

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