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“The hero doesn’t ask for the source. If it’s a person’s achievement and it is determined by birth, then what is the significance of our Shrek Academy establishment?”

Xiao Long looked at Dai Yingheng and answered lightly.

It was he who calmly replied that everyone in the room gave him a high glance.

The hero does not ask the source, this sentence is really too brilliant!

The significance of Academy is to train talents!

Regardless of birth, no difference!

“If according to Dai Senior’s ideas, then, it should be that the more expensive the birth, the higher the achievement, so let’s let the Younger Brother of Senior come to fight Yu Hao to see who is more powerful. How about this proposal?”

Immediately after that, Xiao Long sprinkled salt on Dai Yingheng’s wound again.

Hit a person when he’s down, has always been his style.

This made Dai Yingheng’s angry Buddha ascend to heaven, and the 2 Buddhas were out of their wits, hoping to kill Xiao Long on the spot.

It is very unrealistic to let his unsuccessful Younger Brother fight Huo Yuhao.

Because in Academy, that guy was picked up by Huo Yuhao.

Let him go to duel with Huo Yuhao at this time, it is simply invitation humiliation to oneself!

“If you can’t decide your achievements at birth, then please wear Senior and take care of your own mouth. No one has told Dai Senior that your mouth is stinky?”

Xiao Long doesn’t care what Dai Yingheng thinks.

He only used Dai Yingheng’s curse words he wanted.

See if you can come and scold the dead and make a record.

“You are right. It is true that birth cannot determine everything. However, noble births have some privileges. I want to remind Xiao Junior Brother that this world is never short of genius, but the people who really ask Peak, just So a few! “

Dai Yingheng faced Xiao Long with a fiercely reminder.

Today, Xiao Long made him lose face.

This makes him already have a killing intent to Xiao Long.

“Dai Yingheng, what are you talking about!”

Xiao Long hasn’t answered yet. Teacher Wang Yan on the side spoke angrily!

He couldn’t think of it, Dai Yingheng actually said something like this!

He had always been quite optimistic about Dai Yingheng before, but he didn’t expect that today he can really see his true face!

Sure enough, those who will act again will eventually show their feet!

The anger of Wang Yan awakened Dai Yingheng!

Immediately afterwards, he was dripping with sweat!

He couldn’t think of anything, he would say something like this!

You know, Shrek Academy is strictly forbidden, it is forbidden for students to fight each other!

If these words are passed into the ears of Academy seniors, they will not receive such good treatment in Shrek Academy in the future!

It may even make him “graduate” in advance!

“Teacher, I just care about Xiao Long Junior Brother, absolutely nothing else.”

Dai Yingheng knows that he must wash himself at this time and quickly explain to Wang Yan.

Wang Yan did not continue to investigate. After all, there are outsiders present today. If they continue to make trouble like this, they will lose the face of their Shrek Academy.

So, after coldly snorted for a while, I won’t say much.

Dai Yingheng sighed in relief.

However, his looked towards Xiao Long’s eyes became more sinister.

If it weren’t for Xiao Long, would he be like this today?

He swears that must Xiao Long will look good in the future!

However, Xiao Long did not care about this.

After all, Dai Yingheng is no different from the ants in Xiao Long’s eyes.

And Xiao Long 3 words and 2 words made Dai Yingheng so ugly, and even nearly punished by Teacher, which made Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong and the others all admire.

After all, they don’t have this ability anyway.

In the end, Snow Emperor was bought by the people of Bright Virtue Hall for 200 million 20,000,000 gold soul coins.

This made Princess Jiujiu really laugh.

After all, this is a 100000000 million gold soul coin at a high level compared to their previous estimates!

How can they not be excited if they pick up a 100000000 gold soul coin in this way?

And Xiao Hongchen is not so happy.

He thought that 150 million gold soul coins could buy Soul Beast embryos.

But I didn’t expect to use 70,000,000 gold soul coins in the end!

70,000,000 Golden Soul Coins, for their Sun & Moon Empire, is not a small amount!

“Damn it! Ma, check who is in the box! How dare we challenge Bright Virtue Hall!”

Spending so much gold soul coins, Xiao Hongchen’s face is also very unsightly.

Let a Titled Douluo by your side come to check it out.

This Titled Douluo is called Ma Rulong and is the Elder of Top Level Soul Maser Academy of Sun & Moon Empire.

It stands to reason that Xiao Hongchen is not qualified to control him.

It’s just that the person on the other side was a bit too much, so he didn’t refuse.

At the same time, 2 people also stared at Bright Virtue Hall.

However, in the end, this plan was abandoned.

“It was still bought by the people at Bright Virtue Hall!”

Some loss appeared on Ma Xiaotao’s face.

She also disliked Sun & Moon Empire very much in her heart.

Now, Sun & Moon Empire has obtained a 100,000 years Soul Beast embryo. Obviously, it will create an extremely powerful Titled Douluo.

This is not what she wants to see.

“Oh, that’s not necessarily, they might just have a life to buy, not a flower!”

Xiao Long was aside and laughed deeply.

In fact, he originally wanted to get rid of maybe three words.

After all, in his view, the entire group of Bright Virtue Hall is no different from the dead.

But he immediately thought that he would say that, which might cause others to doubt.

So I added some probability, and maybe added 3 words.

Ma Xiaotao wanted to refute him.

After all, Bright Virtue Hall is not all who can make ideas.

Among the Star Luo City, the Star Luo Empire was impossible.

If they do this, they will lose credibility.

The idea of ​​hitting your own guests, don’t get confused on Doulou Continent in the future.

Although Shrek Academy has that ability, they are also impossible.

The remaining Sky Soul Empire, Dou Ling Empire does not have that ability.

The rest is only hidden sect.

However, Ma Xiaotao does not believe that any hidden sect can be compared with the state.

Now that they are hidden, it means that they are trying to avoid the country.

So, she always felt that hidden sect should not be comparable to that of the country.

But, I don’t know why, she just didn’t dare to sing back against Xiao Long.

None of the people present took seriously the words of Xiao Long.

Treat him purely as a joke.

After the auction ended, Xiao Long quietly left the team.

At this time, it is time to do the right thing!

However, I did not expect that Ma Xiaotao’s goods actually followed!

“What are you doing?”

Xiao Long is really speechless to this guy.

His relationship with her is not so deep!

“I feel you are strange today.”

Ma Xiaotao gave Xiao Long a meaningful look.

This makes Xiao Long speechless.

“What’s wrong with me being strange? Can you control it?”

“Of course it can be managed, but I am your Senior Sister!”

Ma Xiaotao replied straightforwardly.

Xiao Long can only smile.

“I’m going to the toilet, are you going to follow me?”

Ma Xiaotao did not immediately answer, after thinking about it, he said: “I want to protect you!”

Obviously, she was going to follow.

This is beyond Xiao Long’s expectations.

“I’m a man, it’s not appropriate for you to follow me as a woman …”

“What’s wrong? It’s not that I haven’t seen it. For whom do you want to see your little peanut?”

Ma Xiaotao said disappointedly.

This offends Xiao Long.

Female gangsters like Ma Xiaotao can’t play gangsters with her.

Xiao Long is not discouraged either.

But this guy dared to laugh at himself!

This is absolutely unbearable!

“You, can you repeat what you just said …”

Xiao Long slowly walked towards Ma Xiaotao, smiling, speaking softly.

“What did you say……”

I don’t know why, after seeing Xiao Long’s expression, Ma Xiaotao was actually a little counseled.

She backed off again and again, but was finally forced into the corner by Xiao Long.

“What do you think I want you to say? Of course, if you think your brain is burnt out, you can refuse to answer!”

Xiao Long stared at her deeply, her face serious.

“I, I, I tell you, I am Soul Saint, don’t force me …”

Ma Xiaotao didn’t know that she dignified a Soul Saint powerhouse, but why would she be afraid of a little Soul Venerable.

She didn’t know why? Could it be that Xiao Long has an imposing manner on her body that makes her unable to resist …

“Oh? I forced you, what can you do?”

Xiao Long looked at her very interestingly, waiting for her answer.

“Me, me, me, wu wu wu, you bully me …”

Ma Xiaotao actually squatted directly on the ground, crying wow.

When did she Ma Xiaotao be bullied like this!

At school, she is the first Heavens Pride among peers!

And her teacher even regarded her as a treasure, and she was afraid of turning it in her mouth, and she was afraid of falling in her palm.

She didn’t know why, she always felt that after meeting Xiao Long, she seemed to have been bullied to death by this guy who was younger and weaker than her.

This makes her really, very uncomfortable!

“I am also convinced, go back obediently, otherwise, hehehe!”

Xiao Long is also speechless. He thought Ma Xiaotao was a strong person.

But now it seems that it is still a strong appearance, but the heart is a glass heart!

Fiercely threatened him, and then left here.

He didn’t believe what would happen to a Soul Saint in Star Luo City.

“You wait for me, great aunt. I just want to see what you are going to do today!”

As a result, after Xiao Long finished speaking, he did not take 2 steps and was caught up by Ma Xiaotao.

It’s also blamed that Doulou Continent was too miserable for the martial artist, otherwise, Ma Xiaotao couldn’t catch up with Xiao Long!

“You are not afraid, I took you to a grove and gave you to xxoo?”

Xiao Long also had no choice for Ma Xiaotao.

This guy, like a piece of chewing gum, is it hard to get rid of it when you step on it?

“I’m afraid you have thieves and no guts!”

Ma Xiaotao’s nickname of the fierce flame fiend is not ridiculous.

She simply did not believe that Xiao Long would do this.

Because, if that’s the case, Xiao Long used some means when she was in the dormitory, maybe she was eaten by Xiao Long probably.

But at that time Xiao Long not at all did that and showed no interest in her.

Therefore, Ma Xiaotao firmly believes that Xiao Long is not such a person!

“Hey! Since you are going to follow! Then it’s up to you! It’s just that I have a word first, and if you are in danger, don’t blame me for not protecting you!”

Xiao Long didn’t want to continue talking nonsense with her.

After all, if such a delay continues, maybe those people have already run away.

“Hmph! Who protects who is not necessarily!”

Ma Xiaotao was notoriously snorted and immediately followed along.

Cough cough cough, although there are only 4 more today, but there are 2 chapters with 3000 words, this chapter plus 3 Snow Emperor of the king, 4 chapters add up to more than 10000 words.

In the future, I will make more changes for each chapter, so that the number of chapters will be less. In this case, it is better.

Another point, I have always had the highest battle strength of the 2nd dimension, that is, the fastest update speed, never been overtaken, invincible is really lonely!

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