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Ju’zi did not speak.

However, she sat on Xiao Long’s thigh.

Gave her answer.

Xu Tianran, kneeling under the stage, saw his empress, and actually fell into the arms of another man under his eyes.

Very angry in my heart, but helpless!

Ju’zi saw Xu Tianran’s hateful gaze, his face was very plain.

Anyway, she has no love for Xu Tianran. Why should she take into account Xu Tianran’s feelings?

Otherwise, Huo Yuhao’s essence will not be used to make a baby.

“Smart woman.”

Xiao Long smiled evilly and hugged Ju’zi tightly.

He could sense it, and Ju’zi’s stiff body suddenly froze.

However, as time went by, Ju’zi’s body also became softer.

Xiao Long understands that this shows that Ju’zi has adapted.

After being satisfied, he spoke to Xu Tianran, a bystander.

“Now you are useless, so say, go to hell!”

Anyway, this Xu Tianran is not a good bird, and the throne is unclear.

Xiao Long felt that he had to eliminate harm for the people.

Although Xiao Long said so devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence.

In fact, it was just to clear the obstacles that’s all for the sake of his son’s superiority.

Because, he plans to …

After spending a long time in the Imperial Palace of Sun & Moon Empire, Ju’zi was finally shot and became pregnant with the prince.

Being quiet in Xiao Long, and being a father, Ye Xishui actually came here.

When I saw Ye Xishui, Xiao Long discovered that this guy had become a god!

Become Rakshasa God! Rank 1 God!

Xiao Long couldn’t think of it, Bibi Dong actually passed the God Position to Ye Xishui.

However, after hearing the reason, I suddenly realized.

Ye Xishui has reached Extreme Douluo in addition to Culture Base, and the evil power within the body matches the Darkness Strength of Rakshasa God.

There is also her similar fate experience with Bibi Dong, which gives Bibi Dong a sense of sympathy for the same disease, and then completely determined to give God Position Zen to Ye Xishui.

Ye Xishui is not far away from the gods, and they are even better than Du Busi.

Ye Xishui came here to let Xiao Long go to find a Divine Spark.

As to whom, she did not say. However, Xiao Long can guess.

However, even so, Xiao Long will not help.

Divine Spark has been absorbed by Xiao Long.

Therefore, Divine Spark Xiao Long, the god of wood, was impossible for her.

Among Doulou Continent, there is no Divine Spark anymore.

He is certainly impossible to create a Divine Spark for Ye Xishui.

Ye Xishui was finally lost.

A year later, everything fell into the curtain.

After Ma Xiaotao became a god, Xiao Long began to prepare to go to God Realm.

He is a first-class god and can take 3 people.

And he chose Ju’zi and Zhou Yi.

There is also a place for Zhou Yi’s big brother.

And Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue are Rank 1 God, all have 3 positions.

However, they have no one to bring.

These 6 positions will be vacant.

Ma Xiaotao and Ye Xishui also have 3 positions respectively.

In other words, at this time, Xiao Long can take a total of 5 people.

Ye Xishui took Long Xiaoyao, Yan Shaozhe, and Mu En.

Of course, the reason is that she has not spoken to Long Xiaoyao and Mu En until now.

However, Long Xiaoyao has already made it clear that after Yan Shaozhe’s identity was found out by him, he chose to believe Xiao Long.

However, he will not take the initiative to speak out.

And Ma Xiaotao, Qian Renxue of Bibi Dong and their 9 positions.

He chose Xuan Zi, Yan Shaozhe’s old friend and the others.

When ready, Xiao Long took them directly and left Doulou Continent.

Of course, Tang San’s daughter Tang Wutong is also in the team.

During Ma Xiaotao’s breakthrough Spiritual God, Xiao Long of course harassed Tang Wutong.

Tang Wutong has improved his senses a lot.

But under sotood Xiao Long and 2 women after soaring.

Immediately, he changed his face, as if he did not know Xiao Long, making Xiao Long speechless.

Don’t worry about it, everything depends on it!

Di Tian watched them leave, how pitiful it was.

It seems that he is hopeless.

However, after a while, God Realm expanded and the God Position of the Divine Beast family was no longer imprisoned.

Di Tian and other kings of Doulou Continent have also become the first true Divine Beast.

Leaving the planet Doulou Continent.

Xiao Long is expressionless.

Because of this situation, he really saw much more.

But other people are different.

They can be said to have lived in Doulou Continent’s a frog in well. After seeing the vast starry sky, they were all very surprised.

“I ’ll tell you first that God Realm is currently divided into 2 camps, one is Tang San ’s camp, and the other is God ’s Destruction God ’s camp. Tang San ’s camp is relatively conservative. Advocating expansion, the God of Destruction wants to expand God Realm, so that more people can become gods, but Tang San chose to be conservative. At least, it is now. Have you decided which camp you are in? “

Before entering God Realm, Xiao Long asked these people.

Of course, he was mainly speaking to Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue and Ye Xishui.

Ma Xiaotao, it goes without saying that it is behind his ass.

“You, should be on the side of Tang San?”

Bibi Dong looked at Xiao Long, opened the mouth and said.

I don’t know why, she is a little bit biased towards Tang San.

However, it is not easy to speak.

So I plan to listen to Xiao Long.

After all, Xiao Long is the leader of this pair.

She has enough reasons for Xiao Long to decide.

Anyway, Xiao Long inherited the God of Sea God Position from Tang San and should be biased towards Tang San.

Just happened to conform to her original intention.

Qian Renxue thinks the same way.

However, Xiao Long’s answer disappointed Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue.

“No, I’m on the side of the God of Destruction!”

Xiao Long shook the head.

Tang San gave him God Position and Xiao Long was really grateful.

However, he still had to stand on the side of the god of destruction.

Because he knows what the catastrophe was in Tang San’s heart.

He can tell Tang San in advance and be prepared in advance.

If Tang San believes and supports God of Destruction to expand God Realm, then they are all happy.

If Tang San still didn’t believe it, he had no choice but to stand on his opposite side.

“Why? Tang San passed you God Position! Why are you on the side of the Destroyer?”

Bibi Dong was surprised.

She didn’t think that Xiao Long was actually on the side of Tang San.

This made her a little panicked.

This is not what she wants!

Xiao Long did not explain because he was too lazy to explain.

And Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue also chose silence.

Because they all want to stand on Tang San’s side.

However, they were originally enemies.

Going to Tang San at this time should be targeted by the people brought by Tang San!

After all, their old rivals Shrek 7 are strange, but they are all gods.

Being targeted, being gossiped behind, being isolated, they can’t accept it.

Ye Xishui clearly stated that he was on the Xiao Long side, that is, following the God of Destruction.

After all, her husband, grandson, and Big Brother Lao are still waiting for God Position.

If they were on the side of Tang San, would n’t they never become gods?

Ye Xishui cannot accept this.

The approach of the God of Destruction is obviously in her interest.

So, she was standing on the side of the God of Destruction.

Tang Wutong heard that Xiao Long was still on the side of the God of Destruction.

Suddenly angry at heart!

In his view, Xiao Long is really bad! She hates being dead!

I took my father’s things but didn’t stand with my father to deal with the evil uncle, which is a bastard! And which one has no conscience!

She swears secretly in her heart that after God Realm, she must her own father to take care of him!

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