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Soon, the divine fruit of destruction began to propose to Tang San again that God Realm should be expanded!

Needless to say, Tang San naturally chose to refuse directly.

Goddess of Life, and the newly-upper couple of kindness and evil, chose to reserve their opinions and remain neutral.

They always have this attitude.

After all, one of them is the wife of God of Destruction, and two are newcomers who have just advanced.

In order to be able to appease both sides, they are naturally not in trouble.

After all, the strength gathered around 2 people is too huge!

accidentally the entire God Realm has to be turbulent!

At this time, the God of Destruction was not dissuaded.

Instead, it is proposed that Rank 1 God vote.

Tang San thought about it and agreed.

Then, the gods of the 7 major elements, without considering it, chose to stand on the side of Tang San.

Rong Nianbing intends to stand up and vote for Tang San.

After all, he has a good personal relationship with Tang San.

But he had just taken a step, but was interrupted by the God of Destruction.

“People without God Position are not eligible to vote!”

It is not unreasonable for the God of Destruction to do so.

Although he is sure of winning.

But even if it was won, it would be a win.

This is not the result he wanted.

What he wants is a big victory!

Therefore, such a request is made.

In this case, the emotional god Rong Nianbing is not eligible to vote.

The new generation of emotional gods have not yet reached God Realm.

Therefore, the vote of the God of Emotions is almost impossible.

Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, although they are Rank 1 God, still have no God Position.

In this way, there will be 3 fewer supporters on the Tang San side.

On my own side, there will be 3 more supporters.

In this way, the gap is widened a lot!

“Both are first-level gods, impossible gave up their voting qualifications because they abdicated, so I think that as long as they are first-level gods, even if they have abdicated, they still have the qualification to vote!”

Tang San certainly impossible agreed to such a request.

Because of this, he will definitely lose!

“I also think that this is too much. The first-level god has abdicated and is still the first-level god!

The good and evil couple also clearly stood on the side of Tang San.

Destroying God’s face is a little ugly.

He focused his attention on Goddess of Life.

If Goddess of Life chose his proposal, he can also dismiss Tang San’s rebuttal.

After all, Tang San is no longer the owner of God Position.

He no longer has to fear him.

But in the end he was disappointed.

Goddess of Life chose to support Tang San’s proposal.

Not for her, she did it for justice.

If it is no longer a first-level god after meditation, then who else of God Realm is willing to meddle his God Position?

The God of Destruction felt his heart cut like a knife, but considering that even if it were like this, he still had the advantage.

Therefore, there is no speech.

This proposal is defaulted.

After seeing Rong Nianbing, he voted for Tang San.

Some abdicated Rank 1 God also voted for Tang San.

Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, after thinking for a while.

There was no accident with Xiao Long, and he voted for Tang San.

At the end, Tang San got ten 5 votes!

The God of Destruction counts Rank 1 God who has not voted yet.

At first glance, there are actually 7 or 1!

Suddenly overjoyed!

Looked towards Tang San’s expression has changed a lot.

A pair of provocative means self-evident.

Obviously, he thought he had won!

There is also some luck in Divine Heart of Destruction.

If Xiao Long and three of them had joined, he was really hanging today!

However, Tang San did not seem to be in a hurry, which made the destruction of Divine Heart very disdainful.

I thought Tang San was in the dead duck’s mouth that’s all hard.

Among the crowd, only Xiao Long felt that this matter was not good.

Xiao Long also thought that with the joining of three of them, the God of Destruction would occupy an absolute advantage.

But now it seems to be tied!

Others don’t know, but can he not?

Under the god of destruction, TMD has a traitor!

In this way, God of Destruction has one less vote and Tang San has one more vote!

Is it flat again?

Could it be that this is God’s will?

Xiao Long does not know if it is because in Great Thousand World, he is the sky!

Regardless of the result of the final vote, the expansion of God Realm is imperative!

7 God of Great Original Sin, except God of Destruction, 6 guys voted for the God of Destruction.

The smile on the face of God of Destruction has become more and more intense.

Ma Xiaotao and Ye Xishui also voted for the God of Destruction.

In the end, only Xiao Long and God of Destruction are left.

“Huh, don’t you ruin the dude not vote?”

Xiao Long faced God of Destruction, laughed.

“Or you first please!”

God of Destruction also laughed.

He is still wondering whether he will flop against the God of Destruction.

Of course, if Xiao Long voted for Tang San.

He didn’t need to show off and continue to cast the god of destruction.

Stay flat and maintain your undercover identity.

Therefore, he will not vote first.

“God of Destruction comes to God Realm first, it’s Senior. How dare I go over it?”

Xiao Long will not watch this guy continue to hide beside the God of Destruction.

He must be dug out.

“Yes, big brother, what are you waiting for? It’s coming to an end? What are you doing?”

7 The original sin committed another 6 people one after another.

Even the forehead of the Destroyer wrinkled a little.

He feels that God of Destruction seems to be out of order today!

God of Destruction knows he can no longer stay out of the matter.

Go to the voting column.

Then, under everyone’s surprised eyes, he voted for Tang San.

He also has no choice.

If he doesn’t do much, Tang San will definitely lose!

By looking at Xiao Long’s expression, you know that Xiao Long is going to vote for the God of Destruction.

If he also voted for the God of Destruction.

Then, the God of Destruction will get 2 more votes.

At this moment, the gods absolute silence.

Even the faces of the gods such as goodness and evil, and even Goddess of Life, are full of doubts.

They never imagined that the God of Destruction was the most fancy, and even regarded him as his own discipline, God of Destruction, which was viewed by people, would actually betray the God of Destruction at the last pass!

Not even they can think of it, let alone other gods.

In their view, the seven original sin gods are all henchman gods of destruction, and God of Destruction is the first dogleg.

Now, he was whitewashed suddenly: they are a little difficult to understand.

6 The God of Original Sin was also puzzled by this, but after the doubt, it was anger!

God of Destruction, betrayed them!

Although they are angry, they dare not speak.

Because they can all see that the expression on the top is very ugly.

Without speaking, who dares to speak first?


After a long silence, the God of Destruction finally spoke.

The betrayal of God of Destruction is a huge blow to the God of Destruction!

He wondered why this is!

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