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Xiao Long did not explain.

Pull Bai Suzhen directly into his arms.

Fiercely kissed her thin lips.

Bai Suzhen was stunned, and his head was changed to numbness.

At this time, Xiao Long let go of her and said to her

“For slaves and maidservants, that is, to follow a person 100 by 100, even if I ask you to be a servant, you can’t refuse, why? Do you have to do that now?”

Bai Suzhen narrowed his lips, and finally nodded gently.

“No regrets?”

Xiao Long asked one last time.

Of course, I also focused on Xiao Qing.

After Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing thought about it, they were nodded again.

Xiao Long 2 Not to mention, one shoulder resists one.

Directly resisted them to the bedside.

Then, lay them flat on the bed.

I pressed myself on Bai Suzhen first, and kissed passionately, while the two huge claws were over the mountains.

Bai Suzhen soon broke down, Jiao, panting again and again.

In the end, Bai Suzhen was completely captured.

The white skin, like a white jade, appeared in front of Xiao Long.

Bai Suzhen didn’t dare to look directly at Xiao Long’s eyes, lowering his head so that people could only look at her little red face.

Xiao Long shot fiercely on the buttocks of Bai Suzhen.

Bai Suzhen was immediately beaten.

She didn’t know why Xiao Long wanted to beat her, did she say that she did it wrong?

She looked at Xiao Long in tears and asked weakly: “Big Brother Xiao, what’s wrong with Zhen’er?”

“It’s nothing! Zhen’er, this is just a little fun among men and women boudoir that’s all!”

Xiao Long looked at Bai Suzhen’s innocent face, and explained to him with an impossible to bear.

“Big Brother Xiao is good …”

Bai Suzhen couldn’t think of it because of this.

But began to complain about Xiao Long.

“You dare to call me bad?”

Xiao Long smiled evilly.

Another slap on Bai Suzhen’s other hip.

This time, both sides were well-proportioned.

There is a bright red slap print.

Bai Suzhen looked at Xiao Long again with a grudge.

I don’t know why, she always feels Xiao Long’s slap, she doesn’t seem to feel the slightest pain.

Instead, it is a stimulating sense of relaxation.

“My good Zhen’er, ask the host to listen.”

Xiao Long stroked Bai Suzhen’s head and said softly.

“Ah … no, it’s such a shame …”

Bai Suzhen refused timidly.

That way she feels too shameful.

Although she is not only a young child, but her heart can still know that these two words represent and so on.

“Zhen’er, don’t you say you want to give me a slave-servant? For slave-servant, you should call the master, and you must obey my commands unconditionally, be good, hurry up.”

Xiao Long will not just accommodate Bai Suzhen in this way.

There is nothing he cannot do.

What’s more, this experience has been experienced by other women, but it’s not the first time, but he did it only after “deep communication” with Xiao Long many times, and he understood boudoir.

Now, it’s just in advance.

Having said that, in order to force Bai Suzhen to commit an offence, Xiao Long started slapping on the buttocks of Bai Suzhen again.

Bai Suzhen can’t stand it anymore.

In addition, she thinks Xiao Long’s words seem reasonable.

Finally, he whispered: “Master!”

Xiao Long can no longer hold it.

Started the real expedition.

With a cry of pain, the battle was announced.

After Bai Suzhen Yunyu, under Bai Suzhen’s begging for mercy, Xiao Long made Xiao Qing again.

One dragon 2 phoenix, wouldn’t it be happy?

On the 2nd day, Late in the morning, three people embraced each other.

Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing said that they had been honest with Xiao Long last night, but after getting up, there was still a little girl’s shyness.

It attracted Xiao Long to do morning exercises with them again. .

But considering Xiao Xun’er, Medusa, Xiao Yixian, they are still waiting for themselves, plus Bai Suzhen, Xiao Qing may not be able to bear it.

After all, yesterday was just their melon night.

The most important thing is that it is no longer morning, but noon, and the time for morning exercises has passed.

So, Xiao Long didn’t treat them like that, just verbally teased 2 sentences.

Then, after finishing it, I took them into the Kunlun mountain range again, meeting with his other women.

Xiao Xun’er, Medusa, Xiao Yixian, they are the earliest people, see this situation, of course, know everything.

But what can they do other than helplessly hook the head?

Raw rice has been cooked to mature rice!

They also had to accept Bai Suzhen, Xiao Qing 2 sisters.

After finishing, Xiao Long took them away from the World of Tale of the White Snake.

As for going to that World, I will not mention it for the time being.

Although the World background of the World is not strong, it is definitely a very sensational novel.

During the Peak period, it was popular all over the internet literature world.

Adapted into a TV series 2 years ago, Xiao Long thought it was okay.

The Protagonist is also one of the least stained.

Out of Tale of the White Snake, looking at the remaining World in the Great Desolate World.

Bai Suzhen unable to bear asked.

“Lord … Big Brother Xiao, are those shiny particles, is it all a World?”

Bai Suzhen is the first time to leave the World of Tale of the White Snake and come outside the World.

When Xiao Xun’er, Medusa and Xiao Yixian first left Dou Qi Continent, their expressions were basically the same.

All are curious about the outside world.

Of course, she at first almost said the wrong thing. After trying to understand, she quickly changed her mind.

At the same time, she looked at Xiao Long 2 strangely.

It’s all blame for the good thing that this man who made her really love and hate last night.

Among the girls, they basically know why Bai Suzhen changed his mind.

They are not unexperienced, so it seems very indifferent.

“Yes, a bright light represents a world. The brighter the particles, the more world powerhouses they belong to. The weaker the particles are, the weaker the world is. There is no Immortal Cultivator, only some gangsters. “

Xiao Long comes from Earth and knows these worlds.

It should be the martial arts World on Earth, or the dynasty battle in the historical literature, and even the technological civilization of Earth.

In short, now, they are very weak.

“Jianghu? What are Jianghu?”

The heads of the girls are dazed.

They simply did not touch these.

“Good Husband, can we take a look?”

Mu Yu took Xiao Long’s arm slightly and began to coquettishly.

She always feels that these Worlds are different from the Worlds she travels.

This made her immediately interested.

“Yes, but you have to pay attention, those Worlds are very weak: people at your level are already strong enough to destroy the world, so after entering the World, you must suppress your own strength of more than 99%, and remember Affect the order of that World, otherwise, it will be subject to terrifying disaster! “

Xiao Long asked 3 times.

Those World: should be managed by Heavenly Court, or other forces.

If the order of that World is disrupted, those who hide behind the scenes will never sit idly by.

Xiao Long didn’t think they would give themselves this half-hanging Heavenspan Cult Master disciple face.


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