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“Oh, this has taught you how long, your technology is so good, I have to say, Xiaoquer, your innate talent in this respect is really good!”

Xiao Long sighed while enjoying Fuqu’s oral work.

It seems that I am still a great teacher!

He only handed over Fuqu three times, but what Fuqu showed was not exactly what a newcomer should be.

This sentence is the most hurtful self-esteem that Fuqu heard.

She really wanted to stand up and refute Xiao Long.

However, her head was pressed tightly by Xiao Long, and there was no possibility of resistance.

There was also a big thing in his mouth that filled her.

Her speech became a problem.

So, there is no way to do this.

Before long, she divine light flashed.

There seems to be a weapon in his mouth!

When he thought of this, Fuqu hated it and planned to make Xiao Long pay the price!

However, Xiao Long seems to have understood what she thought.

Another empty hand held Fuqu’s chin and threatened.

“If you really have the courage to do that, I do n’t mind slamming your head apart, and then taking you away thoroughly, so that the entire Heaven Fortified City people can appreciate the Goddess of Heaven Fortified City. Jade Body! “

Xiao Long is also an old driver.

Seeing the changes in Fuqu’s eyes, he knew what Fuqu was planning to do.

So, speak first.

Fuqu was frightened by Xiao Long’s words, and waited for Xiao Long obediently and honestly.

To dare to act blindly without thinking ………

In the next period of time, Xiao Long can be said to be a good tune for this flower of Heaven Fortified City.

In the end, Fuqu was absolutely obedient to Xiao Long. Xiao Long asked her to do what she would do.

Xiao Long also went to meet the Sect Master Daoist in Heaven Fortified City.

He was enslaved.

If you want to tyrannize in Heaven Fortified City, you still need his support.

Ziyin Daoist does not come forward, he is the boss.

Then, Xiao Long was promoted to be the Sect Master of Heaven Fortified City, and he will become the Sect Master in the future.

For a time, Xiao Long was like the sun at high noon in Heaven Fortified City.

Fuqu sticks to him all day long, and the people in Heaven Fortified City also understand.

After all, BMW is equipped with a saddle and beautiful women with heroes!

It’s just, I don’t know why, the clothing of their Senior Apprentice Sister has changed dramatically.

No longer the uniform clothing of Heaven Fortified City, but some strange clothes.

Although everyone in Heaven Fortified City thinks that such clothes are really weird.

However, no one objected.

Because of this, they can better understand what their Goddess jade looks like.

After all, the skirt is really short and can only cover the most important parts of women …

For clothes, sometimes there are only 2 ribbons (some women’s dresses should not be too rare in summer, don’t think too much) and hang on the shoulders, and the white jade arm is undoubtedly revealed.

Not long after such a day, the men in the entire Heaven Fortified City felt listless.

It seems that nutrition can’t keep up.

It should be the Senior Apprentice Sister facing their Fuqu after returning home every night …

What they do n’t know is that their Senior Apprentice Sister, every day, sometimes during the day and sometimes at night, will get someone ’s blessing …


Ling Yue this time retreat has lasted for half a year.

In the past six months, his Cultivation Base went from Transform God Boundary breakthrough to a fit.

The fit environment is the strength of Heaven Fortified City Inner Sect Elder.

Ling Yue can achieve this Realm in just 20 years, and innate talent is not that powerful.

Ling Yue went to Fuqu as soon as she left the border.

After all, before he closed, he made Fuqu angry.

Since then, Fuqu has never come to him again.

This made him feel slightly overwhelmed.

He took advantage of Fuqu’s love for him and did some overbearing things.

To be honest, Ling Yue has always regarded Fuqu as his own property.

How to say, Fuqu is also the number one beauty of Heaven Fortified City.

He Ling Yue is also a man.

He went to Fuqu’s other courtyard.

No trace of Fuqu was found.

After asking about it again, I finally saw Fuqu in the lakeside pavilion in mountainside.

However, after seeing Fuqu.

Ling Yue was blinded.

He saw Fuqu.

However, he also saw a person.

a man.

At this moment, he was regarded as his woman’s Fuqu, actually leaning on a man’s legs.

The grapes are still peeling.

Then, feed the man himself!

This is a treatment he couldn’t get before!

How could Ling Yue not feel resentful!

He rushed angrily.

He asked Fuqu: “Junior Sister, what’s going on?”

After seeing Ling Yue, Fuqu flashed a strange color in his eyes.

However, this strange color was quickly suppressed.

Now she doesn’t feel Ling Yue at all.

The reason why there have been some changes just because I missed that’s all after seeing my old lover.

“Oh, it turned out to be Ling Yue First Senior Brother, what’s wrong with me? Of course I am … Um …”

Fuqu wanted to explain everything to Ling Yue.

However, Xiao Long stretched up a lazy waist at this time.

Fuqu trembles as a whole.

It’s … too comfortable ………

Here’s the thing.

Fuqu wears a Qiqi short skirt and sits on Xiao Long’s legs.

As for Xiao Long, this is wearing pants similar to jeans.

It ’s not jeans, it ’s just that, like jeans, he also has a special zipper for excretion.

Now, that zipper is open.

But the clothes that should be in the short skirt of Fuqu are nothing at all.

On the contrary, it broke into an unusually ugly and dirty thing, but it was loved by all men, and overwhelming majority women loved.

It’s just that the thing was just covered by Fuqu’s skirt, and outsiders couldn’t see that’s all.

And Xiao Long stretched the ugly and dirty guy into Fuqu’s body and stirred it completely.

It was originally quiet and it suddenly broke out, and it was strange that Fuqu was not surprised.

Fuqu also understood Xiao Long’s suggestion.

Xiao Long wanted her to humiliate Ling Yue well.

How could Fuqu not be with him?

“Junior Sister, what are you of course …”

Ling Yue saw Fuqu suddenly interrupted, and quickly asked.

He simply does not understand now that the woman he regards as his future wife is being violated by men.

And he didn’t notice it at all.

“Ling Yue First Senior Brother, it’s all blaming you, you have ignored me for so long, father, father assigned Quer Xu to Xiao Long Senior Brother! Wu wu wu, Qu wanted to be with First Senior Brother …”

Fuqu suddenly turned into a sad face, complaining to Ling Yue.

Ling Yue couldn’t sit still.

Opened to Fuqu comforted: “Junior Sister, don’t worry, I’ll tell Sect Master Daoist, let him equip you with me, Senior Brother, I will definitely not let you suffer!

Although it is said that Di Fuqu is now a little cheaper by other men, Ling Yue is also quite upset.

However, in Ling Yue’s view, Fuqu is still innocent.

So, at this point, he is still acceptable.

“First Senior Brother, you are so good, but, but, no way!”

If before, Fuqu heard Ling Yue, he would definitely think he was dreaming.

That is really sweet and untrue.

But now, after hearing Ling Yue’s confession, Fuqu has only one kind of gratification in her heart.

She just blamed Ling Yue for being too slow.

How do you say it in one sentence? Strike first to be strong, and then suffer!

That’s the truth!

If there is someone you like but do not pay for it, you are waiting for your beloved person under the crotch of another man …

“Why not? Junior Sister, you tell me, why not?”

Ling Yue was puzzled.

What nonsense does Fuqu say? He is the first apprentice of Heaven Fortified City.

He has spoken, what else can Fuqu’s father say?

I am afraid that I will wake up with laughter when I sleep!

“Let me tell you why!”

At this time, Xiao Long stood up.

Of course, both hands stood up with the “gun mount” twisted together.

Seeing this scene, Ling Yue immediately understood everything!

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