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Although Xiao Long really wanted to continue the waves outside.

However, in the end, it still felt better to go to Section Cult.

After all, after spending so long outside, Xiao Long also caused a lot of trouble.

You need to find someone to wipe your buttocks. It’s an honor that Section Cult was chosen by Xiao Long.

After reaching True Immortal, Xiao Long split an Avatar and went to Gu Domain.

Let him get rid of the Ximen Xi and understand a cause and effect.

After all, for people who cultivate, cause and effect are very important.

As for the prospective Emperor Tianming who gave himself something, Xiao Long plans to repay his cause and effect in the future. After all, he has nothing good to return to him now.

Dealing with small characters like Ximen Xi, Xiao Long was too lazy to start.

After all this, Xiao Long crushed the jade slip Bi Xiao gave himself.

Soon after, Bi Xiao came.

She looked at Xiao Long, her face showing a different color.

She could not have imagined that Xiao Long arrived at True Immortal Realm so quickly.

After all, for the fairy, it is really difficult to have a breakthrough.

It is 1000 800 years to close any one.

But Xiao Long has broken through several small realms in just how many years, which is really eye-opening.

Now, Bi Xiao also understands why Heavenspan Cult Master will accept Xiao Long as a disciple.

“Huh, what’s wrong Martial Nephew, Master Uncle? Is there a flower on my face?”

Xiao Long’s expression was wrong when she looked at Bi Xiao. She had intended to tease her for 2 times.

But considering that Bi Xiao is now a Golden Immortal gangster, and still has control over whether he can reach Emerald Jade Floating Palace, he said that instead of teasing her, she made fun of her.

“Oh, nothing, Master Uncle, let’s go …”

Xiao Long said this, Bi Xiao also came back to his senses.

Knowing that it was her rudeness, she quickly changed the subject.

Turned around to prevent Xiao Long from seeing a blush on his face.

After all, this is the first time she has looked at the opposite sex so carefully.

The most important thing is that the person is still his elder, and he was caught on the spot!

This makes Bi Xiao really ashamed and unable to show one’s face!

If it were n’t for Sect Lord, she would have run away!


At this point, Xiao Long is not easy to say anything.

Everyone once again entered the space space of Bi Xiao.

Then, under the leadership of Bi Xiao: into the real world.

After entering the Fengshen World, Xiao Long always felt that this World had a unique flavor outside the Fengshen World.

But what exactly is this, Xiao Long is not clear.

It’s the kind of feeling that can only be meant and unspeakable.

Xiao Long didn’t think about anything.

After all, his needs are simple, and he has strong power. Then take your beloved beauty and spend a lifetime that’s all.

Bi Xiao took Xiao Long into the 10000 Xian Islands.

The Emerald Jade Floating Palace is located here, and those islands are where the Cultivation of Section Cult is.

10000 cents islands, definitely not worthy of fame! There are indeed 10000 cents living here.

“Master Uncle, which island is yours, you can have many first … After you arrange all your ladies in it, go to meet Sect Lord.”

Xiao Long pointed to an island in the 10000 cents archipelago that was very large and not far from Section Cult rudder Emerald Jade Floating Palace, facing Xiao Long opened the mouth and said.

She was at first intended to say that many aunts were here, but she couldn’t open the mouth in the end, so she said she quickly changed her mouth.

After seeing the island, Xiao Long found that there are really few of the 10000 Xian Islands that can compare with him.

I also think that this time Section Cult is right!

After all, the size of the site is enough to show that Heavenspan Cult Master still values ​​its own discipline.

I was relieved at once.

Then, according to Bi Xiao.

The women of Medusa, Xiao Yixian, and Xiao Xun’er are placed in the island.

I followed Bi Xiao to meet Heavenspan Cult Master.

Enter the Emerald Jade Floating Palace.

Heavenspan Cult Master is sitting directly above Emerald Jade Floating Palace.

Underneath is also a lotus platform, and it is also Black Lotus.

A villain.

This makes Xiao Long speechless.

Why is the Heavenspan Cult Master sent to the villain by Primeval Lord of Heaven?

No way, it’s too much!

This look, no one believes that he is decent!

After all, look at the design of the family Primeval Lord of Heaven, with white hair and white robe, just like a world expert!

In contrast, your Heavenspan Cult Master is dark and swarthy all over, not blacking you Heavenspan Cult Master, who is black?

Only, now how to say Heavenspan Cult Master is also his own backer, Master.

If you are a disciple, go to hack him, it is really unreasonable.

“Bi Xiao, you are doing very well, let’s go down first!”

Heavenspan Cult Master looked at Xiao Long, expressionless, waved his hand, and sent Bi Xiao away.

Heavenspan Cult Master has spoken, and of course Bi Xiao has no guts to stay here.

Leave with Heavenspan Cult Master.

After Bi Xiao left.

Among the huge Emerald Jade Floating Palace, there are only 2 people left: Xiao Long and Heavenspan Cult Master.

This makes Xiao Long really Alexander!

However, Heavenspan Cult Master did not speak, and Xiao Long had to continue to act dumb.

“You should be wondering why I will accept you as Direct Disciple?”

After a long time, Heavenspan Cult Master spoke first and asked Xiao Long.

Although Xiao Long speculated in his heart, this might have something to do with Fengshen.

However, he was simply saying this directly, which caused Heavenspan Cult Master to doubt it.

So I pretended to be very puzzled and asked Heavenspan Cult Master why.

Heavenspan Cult Master does n’t have a shelf, and explained everything to Xiao Long.

It turned out, I don’t know why, Heavenspan Cult Master always feels that a catastrophe is coming.

Especially their Section Cult, Section Cult after his deduction will actually become a piece of history!

This makes Heavenspan Cult Master turn pale with fright!

I continued to deduce it in a hurry, but in the end, only 3 words were introduced-Investiture of the Gods!

For the rest, Heavenspan Cult Master can’t deduce anything.

This makes Heavenspan Cult Master very puzzled.

As one of the giants of the endless Chaos World, Heavenspan Cult Master felt for the first time that his strength seemed not so powerful.

Since the deduction does not come from Investiture of the Gods.

Then, Heavenspan Cult Master changed direction.

Deduce to see if there is any solution.

As soon as it was deduced, the phrase “Heaven and Earth benevolence treats 10000 objects as ruminant dogs, and Saint benevolence treats 100 surnames as ruminant dogs”.

Then, it’s gone.

This made Heavenspan Cult Master speechless for a while.

In the end, he disassembled these two sentences and let Section Cult many disciplines leave the Fengshen World within the realm with the previous sentence and went to the outside world.

See if anyone can get it right.

As a result, Xiao Long was encountered.

Xiao Long was the first to come out, and I do n’t know if it was the last one.

However, Heavenspan Cult Master only needs one.

So Xiao Long became a lucky man.

This makes Xiao Long really sigh.

Transmigrator really has benefits!

If he was born out of nowhere, this chance might even count on Xiao Yan?

However, since Xiao Long is counted, of course, Xiao Long should be cherished.

Of course, Xiao Long is also thankful for Heavenspan Cult Master.

Fortunately, Heavenspan Cult Master chose himself.

If Xiao Yan is selected, the ghost knows where the Protagonist with a sense of justice will stand?

If you help Primeval Lord of Heaven, Heavenspan Cult Master might be more tragic? After all, in addition to being designed everywhere by Heavenspan Cult Master, there is an extra Protagonist who acts as a traitor …

Fortunately, Heavenspan Cult Master met Xiao Long.

Xiao Long is not someone obsessed with “justice”.

As long as the Heavenspan Cult Master does not do anything that is sorry for Xiao Long, Xiao Long will certainly not fail his cultivation of himself.

Will do his best to save the disaster of Section Cult among the Gods.

At the same time, Xiao Long was also thankful that he didn’t have much mouth to talk about the gods.

Otherwise, it is difficult to explain.

Heavenspan Cult Master is very generous to Xiao Long. After all, Xiao Long is his Direct Disciple.

Of course he would not make his worth too low.

At one order, let Xiao Long go to the Emerald Jade Floating Palace, choose the Immortal Grade arbitrarily, and equip yourself.

(Immortal Grade is equal to the acquired magic weapon, the corresponding grade is also the same)

This makes Xiao Long shine!

The magic weapon in Section Cult, but among the gods, the richest and best among many sects!

Welcome to join Feixuege, group chat number: 121381488 everyone drives together! PS: There are female drivers driving in the group …

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