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Hearing Bi Xiao’s proposal, Xiao Long not only praised a guy in his heart.

This chick looks silly, but his heart is not silly!

Actually know that playing this hand.

If Xiao Long didn’t know the powerful relationship, she was really deceived by her.

After all, after the powerful people in the novel suppress the Culture Base, they are still much more powerful than their peers.

At this point, Bi Xiao must take advantage.

However, Xiao Long is not afraid.

He wants to see how this Bi Xiao can treat himself at the same level!

So, I promised!

Seeing Xiao Long agree to his suggestion, Bi Xiao secretly mocked his teacher as a vegetable chicken who knew nothing.

This is also good, without Zhu Xian Sword, she can clean up Xiao Long again.

What if Zhu Xian Sword is gone? Does Xiao Long have no other magic weapon?

You True Immortal, right? Watch Lao Tzu Samadhi True Fire not burn you!

As Xiao Long’s strength improves, Samadhi True Fire will naturally improve.

After all, in the realm, there are still a lot of people who know Samadhi True Fire.

Their Samadhi True Fire’s formidable power is different, just because of their different strengths. Even Jiang Ziya, a chicken, would burn the pipa essence to death.

However, in spite of this, the fairy who owns Samadhi True Fire can only use Samadhi True Fire to burn his first rank.

Within the same level, formidable power is not very large.

It’s just that Xiao Long has Flame Mantra blessings, plus his Samadhi True Fire, but it absorbs many kinds of powerful flames before, which is different from the ordinary Samadhi True Fire. His current Samadhi True Fire is enough to threaten Fairy of True Immortal Realm.

Bi Xiao was given a jump by Xiao Long’s Samadhi True Fire.

After all, she took Xiao Long’s Samadhi True Fire in her eyes at first not at all.

However, after contact, I discovered that this Samadhi True Fire is extraordinary.

Now, she can understand.

My cheap Master Uncle dared to put up a duel with himself, and it really has some strength.

But Xiao Long wanted to clean her up with Samadhi True Fire, how could this be possible!

Xiao Long did not expect to be able to treat Bi Xiao with Samadhi True Fire.

So, he took out another baby.

That is Jade Ruyi from the snake spirit.

Spiritual Treasure of Top Level the day after tomorrow.

“Hehehe, wish you the best, blow me as you wish …”

Xiao Long took out Jade Ruyi and shouted a mantra for it.

In order to deal with Bi Xiao, Xiao Long was of course impossible, and took Jade Ruyi back from Huang Rong.

Now Jade Ruyi has cracked the seal by Xiao Long, and it can completely burst out the true formidable power.

As a result, a strong wind began to blow continuously.

This style is different, it is added with special effects.

Just like Sun Wukong took a fake palm-leaf fan to fan Mountain of Flames, but the flame is getting bigger and bigger.

The Xiaomad ’s Samadhi True Fire became more and more prosperous under the blessing of this good wind, and Bi Xiao finally dodged in a hurry.

“Okay, Master Uncle, you won. Hurry up and collect Samadhi True Fire for me. My clothes are almost burnt out!”

Bi Xiao this time can be regarded as a service, and he confessed to Xiao Long.

Xiao Long was in a good mood after hearing the first few sentences.

He thought to himself that Bi Xiao also has this Heavens!

When he was about to accept Samadhi True Fire, Bi Xiao actually added another sentence.

what? Your clothes are almost burnt out?

Why didn’t you say that early?

This fire is absolutely impossible to recover.

So, even if Xiao Long heard Bi Xiao’s words clearly, but shouted pretendingly: “What do you say, the wind is too strong, the fire is too strong, I can’t hear you, speak louder!”

Xiao Long also speaks very slowly, saying that the last 20 words have said almost one minute.

At first, Bi Xiao really thought that Xiao Long could not hear.

However, after seeing Xiao Long deliberately delaying time.

I understood it all at once!

Feelings, this product is also happy to have his clothes burned, it is best to be naked?

“Hmph! Don’t think I don’t know what you are doing, hurry up, otherwise, don’t blame me for telling me 2 Elder Sisters about today! When the time comes is not as simple as before!”

Now that he has promised to seal the Culture Base, Bi Xiao will naturally not go back on one’s word.

Therefore, I chose to threaten Xiao Long fiercely instead of cut open seal and show my true strength to extinguish this Samadhi True Fire.

As soon as Xiao Long heard it, he laughed.

This Bi Xiao is so clever, it was all seen by her.

It’s really embarrassing to make Xiao Long.

How do you say that? Don’t you understand it if you see it?

If Bi Xiao knew Xiao Long’s thoughts, he would probably scold him to death.

If you see it, do n’t say it, then do n’t you want the old lady to show you the light?

Samadhi True Fire was sucked back by Xiao Long.

However, the anger of Bi Xiao, Xiao Long can never be extinguished.

He wanted to spit out the water in his stomach to see if he could extinguish Bi Xiao’s anger.

But Xiao Long still stifled his own idea of ​​death.

The policy of Huairou only started with Bi Xiao.

“Cough cough cough, Martial Nephew! I just didn’t hear it, you have a large number of adults, so let’s go through this matter!”

Xiao Long facing Bi Xiao, lightly saying.

After all, if Bi Xiao really told her 2 Elder Sisters about this.

Not to mention that Xiao Long is holding a defective Zhu Xian Sword, even if he is holding the authentic Zhu Xian Sword in the hands of Heavenspan Cult Master, it is only the packed.

Therefore, Bi Xiao cannot be offended now.

At least, when Heavenspan Cult Master did n’t return Xiao Long ’s small bottle gourd to Xiao Long, it was not easy to face up with Three Xiao Fairies.

In this regard, Bi Xiao responded to him with a sneer.

Now she can understand the nature of her Master Uncle.

If he is really a womanizer, no wonder there are not so many wives …

“Aiya, good Martial Nephew, don’t make me look like you! If you are seen by others, you might think I bullied you! So, you say, how can you forgive Master Uncle this time? “

Xiao Long knows that he can’t wait for the little ancestor in front of him without blood.

Not to mention, Bi Xiao has helped a lot to himself. If it were n’t for Bi Xiao ’s words, Xiao Long should still be struggling in the Netherworld Gu Domain, facing threats all the time.

If it were her, Xiao Long didn’t mind bleeding.

Of course, the premise is not related to Zhu Xian Sword and Jade Ruyi.

These 2 can now be regarded as the lifeblood of Xiao Long.

Oh, and the scale of the candle dragon, which is also the Top Level Spiritual Treasure the day after tomorrow, and Xiao Long can’t bear it.

Bi Xiao can choose any remaining waste products.

This is Xiao Long’s “general” …

Bi Xiao listened to Xiao Long’s words and smiled.

She has been waiting for such a sentence!

After Xiao Long saw it, he knew it all.

Feeling this Bi Xiao, should be the black-belly one of the 3 sisters!

This play the pig to eat the tiger eats, but it’s really a bull’s push … He ate all of it.

“Master Uncle, your wishful curiosity, can you …”

At this time, Bi Xiao began to tweak.

Pointing to Xiao Long right hand holding Jade Ruyi, making the shyness that only a lady has, facing Xiao Long, said with emotion.

This made Xiao Long goose bumps grow up.

This is really too terrifying!

However, Xiao Long refused mercilessly!

Jokes, it is said that Jade Ruyi is the lifeblood of Xiao Long, how could Xiao Long give his lifeblood to Bi Xiao?

Hey, this sentence is not right. If Bi Xiao is willing, Xiao Long doesn’t mind …

pei pei pei, don’t say this.

The main reason is that Xiao Long has given this Jade Ruyi to Huang Rong.

Now if I give Bi Xiao, it feels very bad for Xiao Long.

He didn’t want to treat Huang Rong badly because of this, and the reality is that Huang Rong is not as good as Bi Xiao.

So, he refused.

“Hmph! It’s stingy! I just borrowed to see that’s all, which is not allowed! Who is rare is your broken one!”

Bi Xiao lost his energy all at once, and lost the previous lady.

With a bit of grudge, a small emotion in my heart suddenly broke out.

This is then Xiao Long is embarrassed.

Feelings are borrowed … It seems that he is the gentleman’s belly with the heart of a villain.

When you think about it, Section Cult’s people can’t do anything with shameless in the gods.

It’s all value emotion, value friendship.

Unlike an explanation, there is no bottom line, a group fight if you do n’t win …

Thinking of this, Xiao Long turned his head away, made a very reluctant look, and sent Jade Ruyi to Bi Xiao’s eyes.

Bi Xiao’s expression changed suddenly, and he became full of smiles.

Quickly hold Jade Ruyi in his hand.

Say something to Xiao Long: “Thank you Master Uncle, goodbye Master Uncle!”

Then, it disappeared in front of Xiao Long.

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