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“You, what are you talking about?”

Chang’e thought he had heard it wrong.

What does this guy say? Want to talk to him by himself? Chang’e naturally knows what it means to talk about candles at night.

Are you kidding me? What is his identity! Eligible to talk to her by candlelight night?

“I said, Chang’e Fairy is really beautiful. I was deeply puzzled by you. I hope Fairy will have a chance to kiss Fang Ze. I don’t know if Fairy agrees to this request?”

Xiao Long said his words once.

“Oh, do you think it’s possible?”

Chang’e laughed coldly.

In her view, Xiao Long is typically toad eating swan meat!

How could she agree!

“I think, maybe …”

Xiao Long once again took Hou Yi’s Immortal Medicine from Queen Mother of the West and pretended to swallow it.

“Since Fairy doesn’t agree, then I can’t help it. I hope Fairy’s husband can find another pair of Immortal Medicine for Fairy and give it to Fairy!”

Xiao Long sighed, and then passed Immortal Medicine to his mouth.

“and many more!”

Chang’e thought about it, and finally, Xiao Long stopped talking.

After all, Xiao Long’s words make sense.

It would be nice if Hou Yi could find another pair of Immortal Medicine for her.

But if you can’t find it?

Doesn’t she want to be born, aging, sickness and death like a mortal woman?

She didn’t want to see her grow old.

In the end, he clenched the teeth and promised Xiao Long’s conditions.

It seemed to her that her husband loved her so much, even if it was understood, she would forgive her.

Moreover, she did not intend to tell her husband Hou Yi about this matter.

“That’s really great!”

Xiao Long not at all was surprised by Chang’e’s decision.

Because this is what he expected.

When I thought of myself, I would put Fairy Goddess in people’s mouth under the hips and enjoy it. Xiao Long’s heart began to be excited.

I wish I could rectify Chang’e right now.

“Hmph, you have to promise me that you can’t tell anyone about this matter, no one can say it, and, only once, after this time, you must give me Immortal Medicine!”

Chang’e made his own request to Xiao Long.

“You can rest assured, I will do it!”

Xiao Long patted the chest to ensure.

“I have no habit of swearing!”

Then he first spoke before Chang’e and said this.

Suddenly, Chang’e’s words were blocked.

Because she really just wanted Xiao Long to swear.

But since Xiao Long has said so, then it is impossible to swear.

She had no choice but to give up!

“This is a drug, and you give it to your husband at night. In that way, he has the chance to sleep like a dead pig. Late in the morning will not wake up tomorrow. Take it!”

Seeing Chang’e also admitted, Xiao Long also gave Chang’e a packaged medicine.

As for what this medicine is made of and what medicine efficacy is, I won’t say much.

Chang’e thought about it, and finally reached out to give the medicine.

After Chang’e took the drug, Xiao Long left with satisfaction. It seems that Chang’e, a rare stunner in the world, can’t escape his magic claw.

He really looks forward to the night soon!

In the evening, Hou Yi returned as usual, carrying some prey.

After returning, he asked Chang’e about Immortal Medicine to see if he would take it today.

After all, Immortal Medicine is not good to use and leave, it is safer to eat early.

Chang’e’s face suddenly turned white.

She took out Immortal Medicine now!

So, I quickly found an excuse to refrain from taking Immortal Medicine together for a few days to become immortals.

Hou Yi has always followed Chang’e 100 by 100, and seeing Chang’e has a plan, I don’t say much.

This makes Chang’e sighed in relief.

If Hou Yi continues to ask questions.

She is really hard to explain.

Thinking of this, she eventually took out the medicine Xiao Long gave her.

If it was before, she still hesitated.

So now, she didn’t hesitate at all.

Because if she goes on like this, she will definitely help.

When the time comes, Hou Yi will be angry.

No one knows what angry Hou Yi will do.

Therefore, Chang’e must plan early.

How did she become a fairy, then everything is not a thing!

Soon, Chang’e took the medicine in Hou Yi’s meal.

Hou Yi after eating the medicine. Quickly passed out.

Chang’e shot Hou Yi a few times, then shouted into his ears.

Hou Yi showed no movement.

Chang’e knew Hou Yi was comatose.

I was going to help Hou Yi to lie down on the bed.

However, he was afraid that when he helped Hou Yi, he moved too much and Hou Yi woke up.

In that case, it’s not easy.

In the end, still doing nothing, crept away from home and buckled the door.

When she just went out and turned and locked the door, a pair of big hands stopped her graceful supple waist.

Scared Chang’e shivered.

Xiao Long quickly exhaled into Chang’e’s earlobe, opened the mouth and said.

“Don’t be afraid, Little Darling, it’s me!”

After understanding that the person holding her behind was Xiao Long, Chang’e suddenly felt relaxed after somehow. This makes her feel unfathomable mystery.

And Xiao Long likes Chang’e more and more.

Before she could ask Immortal Medicine, Xiao Long had already started to act.

On her neck, a series of Chang’e’s sensitive areas on her face began to kiss gently.

Both hands also started to swim around the Chang’e lovable body 4 places.

The scorching breath and the palms that blamed at 4 places made Chang’e hot.

“Don’t be here …”

Chang’e knew that one by one weak woman, without Culture Base, was impossible to Xiao Xiao.

So, for Immortal Medicine, she does not intend to refuse.

But keeping her out of here made her too embarrassed.

Chang’e’s performance made Xiao Long not only sigh.

Really stepping on a ***: swing: woman.

Such a woman, how can Xiao Long treat her as his wife?

Ha ha, it’s better to find some time and it’s best to be a maid!

Thinking of this, Xiao Long dragged Chang’e’s hips with both hands and reported her in.

When Chang’e saw Xiao Long, he wanted to bring himself into the room, and was sighed.

In her view, this Xiao Long has returned tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex.

However, this idea made her quickly dismissed.

“No: it can’t be here …”

Xiao Long actually took her to the table where she usually ate with Hou Yi.

Hou Yi is now lying on it.

In other words, Hou Yi is now only half a meter away from her!

How does this make her!

“Why not, anyway, this guy sleeps like a pig, no matter how loud you call, she won’t wake up!”

Xiao Long laughed, how could Xiao Long not comprehend such an exciting thing?

To be honest, Xiao Long has never played with God Realm and Goddess of Kindness after playing such a hand.

Now, that feeling really makes him think badly!

“No, it’s really not. Change the place. I’ll leave it to you …”

Xiao Long’s words calmed Chang’e’s heart a little.

But in the end, he didn’t agree.

“Why? Don’t want Immortal Medicine?”

Xiao Long also stopped his hands exploring on Chang’e Shuangfeng and the leg ditch, and said coldly.

This sentence can be considered to cut Chang’e’s lifeline.

Chang’e stopped struggling at once.

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