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After Xiao Xi arrived in Xiqi, he displayed invisible Magical Powers and slowly approached the altar, intending to steal the nail head 7 arrows from the top secret, so that Xiqi ’s people would be confused and lost.

I do n’t know why, Yang Jian, who is waiting here, suddenly feels something is wrong, but I ca n’t tell what is wrong.

I looked at the nail head 7 arrow book and found that it was well placed on the desk, so I was relieved.

But just after he turned his head, suddenly the complexion greatly changed!

“Opening Heaven Eye!”

Yang Jian opened his Heavenly Eye to the altar, and then a ray of light emerged from Yang Jian’s third eye.

At this time, Xiao Long had already put away the nail head 7 arrow book.

Then, Yang Jian’s eyes attack on Xiao Long.

Xiao Long was only a few steps back because of the thrust, not at all hurt.

“Explanation of the Discipline Number One Person for 3 generations, the name really is not in vain!”

Xiao Long pats praised the spot hit by Yang Jian.

Unexpectedly, Yang Jian discovered it so quickly, you know, he hasn’t stolen it yet!

“Hmph! Little thief, put down the nail head 7 arrow book, spare you not to die!”

Yang Jian took the silver-tipped halberd, and said evil fiercely to Xiao Long.

He has his own pride and is absolutely impossible to let the nail head 7 arrow book be stolen and bring some bad influence to himself.

“But what if I don’t want to let go?”

Xiao Long counseled his shoulders, it seemed very indifferent.

He has already got what he has in hand, how can it be changed back, this simply does not meet his guidelines for life.

Moreover, why should he listen to Yang Jian?

You say let me go? Am I not so faceless?

“Then die!”

Since the other party does not know the current affairs, Yang Jian is not polite, waving the silver-pointed halberd, and rushed to the altar, intending to kill Xiao Long like the one who came to steal the nail head 7 arrow book!

“Hmph! Today I need you to know that there is always someone who is better than us!”

For Yang Jian’s attack, Xiao Long coldly smiled, took out the golden jiao shears.

Yang Jian instinctively feels dangerous.

Quickly backed away, with his silver-tipped halberd, he resisted the attack of the golden dragon shears formed by the Ssangyong.

From time to time, Heavenly Eye is used to assist the attack, which is not dangerous for a while.

“Wang wang wang ~!”

At this time, there was a barking of dogs.

Then, a big black dog pounced on Xiao Long.

“Lying trough! Forgot your old dog!”

Xiao Long thought of the Howling Celestial Dog raised by Er Lang God Yang Jian.

Where dare to verbose, quickly took out a long spear, hit the dead dog.

After all, although the strength of this old dog is not very good, but the teeth are absolutely first-class, if accidentally being bitten, the meat is light, and it is the most tragic to get rabies!

Xiao Long really didn’t hit him in a short time. This cargo is very agile.

“OKOK, I still can’t eat roasted dog meat today?”

Xiao Long didn’t want to talk to this dead dog.

Samadhi True Fire started burning around him!

Howling Celestial Dog was terrified to see this Samadhi True Fire.

He didn’t want to be roasted, so he just slipped away.

Not even his own master.

“He he he, Yang Jian, look at the dog you have raised, it’s really unfamiliar! When it’s dangerous, I abandon your master, and in my opinion, it might as well roast him and eat It ’s better! “

Xiao Long picked up Jin Jiao Scissors again, increasing the attack on Yang Jian.

At the same time, it also disintegrated Yang Jian’s defense to see if he could expose his weak spot.

But how could the Er Lang True Monarch later expose the weak spot casually?

This makes Xiao Long very distressed!

“Heaven Overturning Seal!”

At this time, a coldly snorted came.

“Not good !”

Xiao Long suddenly complexion greatly changed!

It seems that he is still really floating, actually thinking only about how to deal with Yang Jian!

Nail Head 7 What an important thing is Jianshu, how could Yang Jian be alone!

The person who came was no one else, but Guangchengzi holding the Spiritual Treasure Heaven Overturning Seal!

Guang Chengzi, although said to be a tragedy baby who was later beaten by his own discipline, but in the case of the Heaven Overturning Seal, it is definitely a great enemy!

Xiao Long was caught off guard and was heavily hit by this Heaven Overturning Seal.

Xiao Long ’s Fleshy body did not suffer much damage. After all, in addition to the armor made of Kunlun Mirror fragments, there are 3 baby golden body Magical Powers blessings.

Mainly, Xiao Long felt his head was blinded and groggy.

This Heaven Overturning Seal is indeed a congenital Spirit Treasure, a treasure in the Late Stage, great divine prestige!

Where Xiao Long dares to stay, just run!


This was a good chance to kill Xiao Long, the enemy, and they had to chase down in order to recapture the 7-headed Arrow Book!

Therefore, Guang Chengzi and Yang Jian followed along without the slightest hesitation.

Xiao Long can also expect that Yang Jian and Guang Chengzi will not give up and run away.

And he fled to the merchant army camp, undoubtedly to destroy himself!

Not to mention whether he can escape, even if he escapes.

What can I do? Where the situation is more endangered!

At this time, Xiao Long only thought of a single thought, that is the safest in the most dangerous place!

So, at first, he made the appearance of going to the Shangying camp, but he actually fled to the opposite place.

And that place is Ji Chang’s mansion!

Ji Chang has always been in Xiqi, let his son Ji Fa lead them.

And now, the educators basically ran ahead to confront Section Cult.

The people who stayed in Hou were basically some soy sauce bottles.

How could Xiao Long be afraid of them?

This Houfu thief is big. After all, this guy Ji Chang has more than 100 sons …

There are dozens of wives how to say.

I don’t know how many places to occupy, and Ji Chang’s green hat doesn’t know how many.

Xiao Long couldn’t take care of this, and chose a relatively luxurious place, then hid.

The place is luxurious, so the identity of the people must be unusual.

Even if Guang Chengzi and Yang Jian could catch up here, even if they found themselves, Xiao Long had enough capital to negotiate with them!

It may be that Xiao Long’s Yanfu is really not shallow.

Here, it seems to be a woman’s house.

Well, I do n’t know if it ’s a woman ’s house. The main problem is that there is only one woman living in it!

Moreover, TMD is still bathing!

The most important thing is that the woman is also pretty!

“My obedient, you must have sent you to compensate me!”

Xiao Long smiled lustfully on his face.

It must be God’s will! He was just beaten by the people of Xiqi, and now, he can immediately find someone from Xiqi to lash back!

2 Without saying anything, Xiao Long cast 72 Changes and turned into a small mosquito. Weng flew in buzzingly.

I have to say, 72 Changes, stealth Magical Powers, these are the most favorite flowers thieves Divine Ability!

This seems to be the first time Xiao Long used such evil Divine Ability to commit crimes. I have to say that my heart is still very exciting!

I do n’t know what the identity of this woman is. Is it because Ji Chang likes it very much?

Xiao Long doesn’t think this person is Ji Chang’s wife. After all, Ji Chang’s wife gave birth to a dozen sons including Ji Fa.

If there is such a face, then it is strange!

But this is nothing, as long as it is cool!

Xiao Long doesn’t know who this green hat will buckle on today!


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