"So, the Prince Zhang really gave you an indigo brocade that was made into a man's robe just because she couldn't understand your feelings?" Seeing that Nangong Waner did not answer, Liu Ru asked again.

"Why don't I go home now and get it for you? Quickly find a tailor to measure Lord Liu's size. " Nangong Waner said as he looked at Liu Zhi sincerely.

"What's going on? Based on my experience of watching several scenes with you, the Prince Zhang definitely has feelings for you. Furthermore, their feelings are deep, and are definitely not something that Qin Ruxue and Su Xiangxiang can compare to." Liu Ru also analyzed to Nangong Waner very seriously.

"Sigh, maybe I hurt him. My sect has already closed its doors to me, so recently, I have been planning to not let this go on and on and to rescue Chu Xiuhan." Nangong Waner on the other hand, was feeling a bit sad, sighing as he spoke.

"What are you going to do about it? What do you mean by "one doesn't work and two doesn't work"? " Liu Ru asked Nangong Waner curiously.

"That's right …" Nangong Waner thought that this kind of shocking thought was even more difficult to accept than having a man to care for.

"Hehe, it's nothing. I will naturally tell you once this matter is completed." Nangong Waner said while grinning.

Nangong Waner saw that Liu Ru was slightly unhappy and quickly changed the topic, "Then has Aunt been forcing you to see someone recently? Previously, I heard you say that you are interested in Wen Guang, did Uncle and Aunt ever go to Prince Zhan's Mansion to look for him? "

I heard that Wen Guang has been living in the Prince Zhan's Mansion all this time. My father and mother naturally did not get the chance to meet him. However, I heard that you've been trying to deliver the post for the past few days. If you didn't say so, I would have forgotten. As for that Wen Guang, I have only heard of him before, but have never met him before. He might be fat, but his ears and ears are not worth mentioning. " Liu Zhi didn't really care about it.

After Nangong Waner heard Liu Zhi's words, he naturally did not worry anymore.

"Oh right, how long has it been since you last saw Qing Feng?" Liu Ru suddenly thought of something and asked Nangong Waner.

"What's wrong? Before I went to the country, I went to deliver things to him, but I didn't see him. I heard from the people of the theater that he was in poor health and had gone to the countryside to recuperate. " Nangong Waner said.

"En, so you know it as well, I also did not hear it by accident. Qing Feng's face was originally a bit bad, but it turns out that his body is really weak. I heard that his body is actually very weak, and he vomited blood every night, and a while ago he was very weak. He really had no choice but to move to the quiet and elegant countryside to recuperate."

Nangong Waner suddenly felt uncomfortable after hearing what Liu Ruo said. Although she and Qing Feng had not known each other for long, the two of them felt like they had known each other for a very long time, and that they had a very close relationship.

"You also know, although Qingfeng has been moving around with us, he has only ever spoken to you seriously. When it comes to Xiao Ze and I, he has never been the manager for a moment." Liu Ruyan had many strange things when she thought of Qing Feng.

"Not really, the four of us have always played very well together, haven't we?" Nangong Waner thought that Qing Feng was indeed a little strange, but he was still reluctant to admit it.

"You are just a rough line after all. When have you ever seen Qing Feng bring anything to Xiao Ze and I? When have I ever seen Qingfeng speak to us in a serious manner? When we eat together, Qing Feng will always sit next to you, and we are not allowed to sit next to him. " The more Liu Ru analyzed, the more she felt that Qing Feng was suspicious, so she continued, "I even asked around and found out that Qing Feng didn't even sing in the theater. How long has it been since he last drew that book?"

"In short, this mysterious person, once you left, only he and I were left. I originally wanted to help him out out with good intentions, and the way he looked at me was even more bone-piercing than the cold winter wind."

"However, there is one thing that I can confirm." Liu Ruo pulled Nangong Waner along again to try to keep him in suspense.

"Sure of what?" Nangong Waner was confused by Liu Zhe's words, and asked him in a daze.

"Make sure he's special to you, make sure he likes you!" Liu Ru sat by the window, smiling at Nangong Waner as she spoke.

While she was speaking, snow seemed to be falling outside the window again. However, the sun was still somewhat strong and the sky was not dark. The sun was snowing at the right time, causing every snowflake to shine brightly.

Liu Ru suddenly said that Qing Feng liked Nangong Waner, which made Nangong Waner's heart tremble. Strictly speaking, if she were to say that Qing Feng was acquainted with her, it would be impossible to say that she understood Qing Feng. Her understanding of Qing Feng was only of the young class master of the theater, the author of the painting books.

What they knew was just a feeling, a feeling of familiarity.

Unknowingly, Nangong Waner was a little worried about Qing Feng's body. She did not know if she had read too many books, but when she thought about Qing Feng, she felt a little heartache. It was just that, she did not know what it was that she was heartbroken about.

This feeling was very strange …

"Wan Er, you … Is that sad expression for Qing Feng? " Liu Zhe asked as he blinked his eyes at Nangong Waner.

"Yeah, I keep feeling like I've known him for a long time. When I heard that his health wasn't good, I was naturally a bit worried."

"Aiyo, I didn't know that Nangong Waner was so sentimental, then are you going to choose Prince Zhang or Young Noble Qingfeng?" Liu Ru quietly brought her face over, and looked at Nangong Waner with wide eyes.

Nangong Waner did not feel embarrassed at all from Liu Zhi's words, he was still as magnanimous as usual, "What nonsense are you spouting, Qing Feng and I are just friends, there's no need to be concerned about us."

"Oh? Since you and Qingfeng are friends, then what about your relationship with Prince Zhang? " Liu Ru covered her mouth and snickered.

Nangong Waner started to feel a little embarrassed this time.

Liu Ru looked at Nangong Waner's red cheeks and ears and couldn't help but tease him, "Aiyee, who is this? Two large peach blossoms bloomed on his face … I don't know who, but they once said that their unrequited love for Xiao Ze was useless. "

Hearing Liu Ruo's teasing, Nangong Waner did not hold back and tidied up his girl's shyness, "If you like it, you like it. I admit it, what can you do to me?"

"Truly, a person who dares to love and hate others. Fine, if you have anything you need help with in the future, you can just mention it to me. I will definitely help you with anything."

"Speaking of which, have you and Xiao Ze not seen each other for a few days?"

In the end, Nangong Waner was still loyal, and currently, he was no longer worried about how he would chase after Chu Xiuhan, so he started to worry about Liu Qi.

"If you don't give me an idea, my father will marry me to Wen Guang, who is in Prince Zhan's Mansion."

Nangong Waner lowered his head and whispered to Liu Ru, who had opened her eyes wide in disbelief. She seemed to be considering something, but in the end, she covered her mouth and laughed for a good while.

"Fine, I'll listen to you. It's just that this thought is a bit too bold. You mustn't let my parents know, or they'll definitely beat me to death." "Maybe he'll shave my hair and go be a nun." Liu Ru snuck beside Nangong Waner's ear, and after looking around to see if there was anyone else, she cautiously asked.

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