Under the moon, Immortal Lord also had a headache. After living for eighteen thousand years, he was already a carefree old deity, never caring about the struggles of the three realms, and only cared about his own lands. He just had to pull the red rope, drink some tea, and how could he be so unlucky to be watched by this mischievous and mischievous person.

This episode's most beloved female Godly Monarch especially likes to come to the Marriage Hall to play with the Under Moon Immortal Lord. Last time, this female Godly Monarch felt that the Red String of Fate from the Undermoon Immortal Lord was not strong enough and untied it one by one.

"I forgot that I'm really not good at knotting and taking care of these ropes. I'm really sorry, I suddenly remembered that I still have to go to the Ninth Heaven to drink Morning Dew with the Heavenly Monarch. I'll be leaving first, Old Immortal Lord Under the Moon." When the Godly Monarch finished speaking, her figure had completely disappeared.

"Xing Yin, you little brat!" Who doesn't know that Immortal Lord Under the Moon never get angry, but this time he got angry.

Under the moon, even Immortal Lord couldn't understand why Xing Yin, the little girl, would get into trouble with a red string like her every day. Within a few days, Xing Yin once again went to the Marriage Hall to cause trouble, burned down quite a few red strings, and even burned down the Gui tree in the Marriage Hall that was the same age as the heaven and earth … several small branches...

Under the moon, Immortal Lord spat out a mouthful of blood and said, "I can't take it anymore, it's about time to change the life of this old deity."

After Xing Yin heard it, he immediately distanced himself, "Old Immortal Lord Yue, you wouldn't really be angered to death by me right."

Undermoon Immortal Lord did not expect that just one joke from herself could make Xing Yin feel so sad. She laughed and said to Xing Yin, "I, this old deity have lived for tens of thousands of years, how can I die so easily. I have to pass through this marriage manor."

Xing Yin immediately turned his tears into a smile, and from then on, he became much more obedient to the Under Moon Immortal Lord.

Her mother remembered her as a ninth heaven female profound practitioner, and her father was a warlord of Luo Zhui Mountain. But now, she lived in the Heaven Realm alone, and even though the Heavenly Monarch was protecting her, no one was willing to take care of her.

Under the moonlight, Immortal Lord calculated his own impending doom. After all, he was a deity who had lived for tens of thousands of years without any attainments in cultivation. To be able to survive until now was already not easy.

He advised the Heavenly Monarch to give Xing Yin a position of god. If he had something to do, he wouldn't cause trouble anymore, and he didn't want the Heavenly Monarch to tell Xing Yin about the location of the Ascension Realm in advance. Let him say that the Heavenly Monarch had gone on a trip to immortality, and that the Heavenly Monarch would take over his position and control the House of Marriage.

Of course, the Heavenly Monarch had no objections.

Under the moon, Immortal Lord went to find Xing Yin the little girl again, and told her that she was going to have an immortal swim. Before she left, she decided to entrust her marriage palace to to manage.

How could Xing Yin be willing to accept it? "I feel a headache looking at your bunch of red strings that are everywhere, I can't accept this crappy job."

"Don't underestimate this Marriage Hall. The Godly Monarch of the Marriage Hall is the deity with the greatest authority in the Heaven Realm."

Xing Yin rolled his eyes speechlessly, "Old Immortal Lord Under the Moon, do you think I'm a three-year-old kid? The deity with the most authority in Heaven Realm is the Heavenly Monarch."

"Isn't the marriage fate of the Heavenly Monarch still in my hands? Marriage is related to the life of a deity. It's very mysterious.

Xing Yin was moved by her words and deeply felt that this Marriage Hall was a place with a lot of authority.

"Alright, from today onwards, I will be the manager of this Marriage Hall." Xing Yin happily accepted the assignment.

The various immortals in the Heaven Realm didn't know that the Undermoon Immortal Lord was about to transform, so they quickly made their way to the Marriage Hall to chat with the Undermoon Immortal Lord.

There were a few fine young deities in the Marriage Hall today. The Under Moon Immortal Lord was always amiable and never looked at the level of the other party. Because of this, some young deities liked to come to the Under Moon Palace to join in on the fun.

The little deity officials were talking about the friendship between the Houtian realm and underworld, and that the banquet would be held at the Jade Lake Restaurant in the Ninth Heaven.

Under the moon, Immortal Lord didn't have much interest. Counting the two days which had passed since his death, he probably wouldn't even be able to wait for the chance to link up with underworld before turning into an immortal.

Under the moonlight, Immortal Lord went under the osmanthus tree and dozed off, ignoring the group of Immortal officials who were gossiping.

At this time, Xing Yin also quickly entered the Marriage Hall. Seeing that the Immortal Lord was napping under the laurel tree, he took out a stool and went to listen to the gossip of the young deity officials.

It was said that a few days later, underworld would be held by the side of the Nine Heavenly Dragon Lake, so Xing Yin was not very interested in it. He originally wanted to turn around and find trouble with someone else, but an immortal official said something interesting, so Xing Yin sat back down.

The underworld was too peaceful, and it had only been a few hundred years. The Great War of Gods and Demons that had broken out in the Immortal Realm a few hundred years ago, was instigated by the Neither Monarch s of the underworld.

It was rumored that underworld was a dark place, which faced the unceasing flow of the River of Forgetfulness and the Resurrection Lily which could never see the sun.

The Neither Monarch of the underworld was also an immortal with monstrous Fa Li. After having a son, he would get more and more powerful every day, so how could he bear to have the child live in darkness like him day after day?

The Neither Monarch got a book on the Demon race from who knows where. It recorded a forbidden technique that could instantly increase the power of the Neither Monarch by more than a hundred times. It was just that this technique was very sinister and somewhat cruel.

A loving couple needs to devour the loved one.

Neither Monarch was someone who did great things, he really did practice this evil art and ate his own wife.

However, everything has its own destiny.

According to the news from the underworld, the evil arts forbade the blood of the third person, the most beloved of couples.

The old Neither Monarch died in the hands of the current Neither Monarch.

Heaven Realm had always liked this sort of ethical gossip, and these little things that happened here really suited this little deity official's appetite. At this moment, the little deity officials were already discussing about the past Neither Monarch who, in order for their son to be able to see the three thousand of the Floating World, took control of the three realms, and even sacrificed his wife, but their son did not seem to appreciate their kindness.

This underworld is really not a peaceful place, the previous and current Neither Monarch are all ruthless people.

The discussion between the little deity officials became increasingly heated, and some of the little deity officials even insisted that the current Neither Monarch might already be anxious to sit on the seat of the Neither Monarch.

He was the youngest ruler of the Three Realms.

Xing Yin also felt that these young deity officials were bored, this Neither Monarch was just a pitiful person. After all, his mother died, and his father died, follow … He himself was the same …

"What a pitiful deity. The happy days are suddenly gone. From then on, he was left alone in the main hall, sitting on such a high seat. I can't laugh or cry." Xing Yin felt a bit of heartache for this Neither Monarch, as he thought that this Neither Monarch was exactly the same as her.

When Xing Yin said this, Immortal Lord Yue had heard it. Under the moon, Immortal Lord did not have much time left, to the point where he could not even move his eyes anymore. Under the moon, Immortal Lord felt really uncomfortable hearing Xing Yin's words, but he could not open his eyes to say anything to Xing Yin.

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