However, the Rain God was someone who had seen the world, and on the surface, he looked very normal and natural. He took a step forward and said, "Today, there has been a sudden rain and it was not reported in advance in the Heaven Realm,《 Rain Records》. The immortal official on duty went to look for me, and I have come here to check the situation."

When Xing Yin heard this, he immediately told Shi Xuan to stop the rain. He looked a little embarrassed as he said, "This is because I have caused trouble for the Rain God."

Shi Xuan was a Neither Monarch of the underworld, so no one could stop him even if they wanted to. Once he entered the Heaven Realm, the Gods would stay away from him, as if he could crush anyone with a flip of his hand.

But there was only Xing Yin, a thousand or eight hundred years old. There was only Xing Yin smiling at him day in and day out, talking while bringing him up to the sky and making a ruckus underground.

Shi Xuan was also the person who treated Xing Yin the best in the past few hundred years. She was too busy, but her love for Xing Yin could not last a moment, nor could she use her status as someone of the same age to protect her loneliness.

But Shi Xuan was different. Shi Xuan quietly accompanied Xing Yin by his side.

Shi Xuan told himself that it was just to repay the debt, that's all.

would frequently tease him, "You, as a Neither Monarch of underworld, are really incompetent. You often come out to play with me, and I can tell that you're the same as me, a person who can't sit still and likes to play."

Shi Xuan rolled his eyes and ignored Xing Yin.

"I saw in the book that the folk opera was very nice to listen to. It had a lingering effect for three days and I intend to listen to it in a few days."

Shi Xuan did not bother with her, it seemed that he did not plan to accompany her to the mortal world to listen to opera.

Xing Yin naturally did not care if Shi Xuan accompanied her to the mortal realm to listen to dramas or not. Within a few days, Xing Yin had already closed the door to the Marriage Hall.

Xing Yin happily went to a play garden in the mortal realm. It was really lively, he didn't know where he got the money from, but after buying the tickets, he even bought a plate of peanuts and a plate of melon seeds, and happily crossed his legs. He was chewing on the melon seeds with squinted eyes.

After singing on stage for a long time, Xing Yin did not understand the cultures of the mortal world, so she did not understand any of the operas, so it did not matter if she did not understand or not. When others cheered, she also applauded loudly with all her might, bored to death.

Not long after, Xing Yin saw someone who looked familiar sitting not far from her. On closer look, it was the Neither Monarch of underworld — — Shi Xuan!

When Xing Yin looked at Shi Xuan, Shi Xuan anxiously pulled at the sleeves of a small maid who was pouring tea beside him. Shi Xuan was originally beautiful to begin with, but her sudden action caused the little maid's face to redden in embarrassment and she was extremely embarrassed. When Shi Xuan reacted to it, she immediately flung the little maid off in disdain.

I was just discovered by Xing Yin, and I was in a rush to find something to hide …

Shi Xuan saw that he could not hide it anymore, and adjusted his appearance, extending his hand a little dryly. He wanted to greet Xing Yin, but Xing Yin immediately smiled and scurried to his side, grabbing his arm, and said to Shi Xuan a little, "Boy, you did well. I told you to come to the mortal world to listen to me, but you ran over yourself." Xing Yin raised his head again, and surreptitiously sized up the servant standing beside Shi Xuan who was pouring water. The servant was young and tender, and her facial features and body did not seem to grow. Dry.

Xing Yin pulled Shi Xuan again, and said with a low voice. "I didn't expect that your underworld's taste was really unique. Xing Yin sneaked a few more glances at the girl, but she seemed to blush all over as if Xing Yin was telling the truth.

"Is this your lover?" Xing Yin smiled mysteriously.

Shi Xuan was speechless for a while, he did not know how to explain his sudden appearance in the theater. He did not know how to explain why he suddenly appeared, but because Xing Yin had discovered him, he panicked and pulled on the sleeves of the servant girl beside him. He did not know how to explain, but he did not know what to say.

"Alright, alright. I don't even know you about our relationship. You don't need to explain yourself. I understand everything, so sister, you know it very well." Xing Yin smiled mischievously as he patted Shi Xuan's shoulders, as if they were two big sisters who knew each other well, and thought for Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan had the nagging feeling that he would vomit blood and die here … Was Xing Yin a log? What descendant of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Woman, it should be a wood spirit who had mixed into the Nine Heavens …

Shi Xuan, look at that singing. If I were a mortal, I would definitely marry a singer.

You said a few days ago that you were going to marry a drawing book.

Then I'll marry someone who can sing and write books!

In the blink of an eye, a thousand years had passed. Xing Yin's Marriage Hall did indeed have a voice filled with color, although she was often anxious that Old Immortal Lord would not return even after swimming for so long under the moon.

She and Shi Xuan had also established a deep revolutionary friendship in these thousand years, Xing Yin felt that Shi Xuan was really a good friend, letting it rain as it rains and accompanying her to the mortal world to help the mediums … He couldn't say, but he would eventually bump into her.

Although Shi Xuan was a little stingy, and she thought highly of Shi Xuan's warm jade pillow, Shi Xuan refused to give it to her no matter what. He even said that there were plenty of treasures behind the mountain, and that Shi Xuan must be lying.

Although Shi Xuan always liked to sing a different tune with her, in general, it was better to say that she followed Xing Yin. Only that one time when Xing Yin went to the underworld Palace, asking to escape into the cycle of reincarnation, tasting love and experiencing the trials of life, Shi Xuan became furious and refused to speak of anything.

The gods of Heaven are always laughing at me for not having experienced love, and for doing this work as a security agent is also a theoretical work. As my best friend, are you not going to open this back door for me?" I am only taking a spot in your Underworld's reincarnation, how can I be so petty?

Xing Yin tried his best to persuade her, but she only got stronger and stronger.

Xing Yin was not someone to be trifled with. No matter what, she was a descendant of the Nine Heavens Divine Maiden and War God, she took out her magic tool and chased after Shi Xuan to give him a good beating. She vaguely remembered that her mother had taught her a good beating.

The underworld s were immediately turned upside down by Xing Yin. Some of the new disciples did not understand the situation and thought that some kind of demon clan had attacked the underworld, while the older ones did not come out to watch the show, with their doors closed tightly. It was just that they had their suspicions, and the Master of the Division for Life and Death came over to expel the crowd of bystanders, "Quickly go back and wait, I think the Nine Heavens Sect's Godly Monarch that is in charge of the Marriage Hall must have come over.

"It was rumored that our Neither Monarch was the descendant of a devil outside. It was very unfathomable, why would we be afraid of her, a little deity?"

"A matter that one is willing to take on, it shouldn't be a matter of yours. Since you're so gossipy, quickly go back." The Lord of the Division for Life and Death was rather impatient as he began to chase people away.

The head of the Life and Death Division knocked on the door and called out to a few old ghost officials. "Let's go repair the hall together later. No one should even think of slacking off." After he finished explaining, he looked at the direction of the main hall and sighed, "Sigh, we've been quarreling for a thousand years, yet we still haven't been able to find any results. You even say that he's a wood spirit, I think you're also a stone spirit."

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