Nangong Wan'er knew that King Yan must be making fun of her telling Liu Hong to stop the meal, so she was at a loss for words, "I … "I just feel that it's a waste. Wasting is a shameful action, who wants to rule over you?" Nangong Wan'er seemed to have thought of something and said blushing, "Besides, I am not yours.

Prince Zhan looked at Nangong Waner's cute little girl posture and liked her very much. She lowered her head and gently kissed Nangong Waner's forehead.

Nangong Waner's face became even redder, "You, you, can you restrain yourself a bit? Let's do it in public."

"Alright, hurry up and eat. The food is getting cold." With that, Prince Zhan let go of Nangong Waner gently, and personally picked up a bowl and chopsticks, and started to serve the dishes to Nangong Waner.

Liu Hong stood respectfully at the side the entire time. She knew, the Prince did not like to pretend to be someone else's servant when it came to serving the young miss.

It was unknown if it was because Nangong Waner was extremely hungry or if it had been a long time since he had eaten such a sumptuous meal, because while the Prince Zhan ate, he ate and ate, and he ate a lot of the food. Even Nangong Waner was somewhat amazed, when did his appetite become so huge?

Having just finished eating, Nangong Waner felt a little satisfied. He looked outside the window, and saw that it was already very dark. It was really late, so Nangong Waner was in a hurry to return to the Assistant Minister’s Residence.

"Chu Xiuhan."


"It's a bit late, if I'm late, my dad would know. Call the carriage from the manor and take me back." He did not know why, but after interacting with Chu Xiuhan for a day, thinking of their parting, Nangong Waner felt a lot of reluctance. He hugged Prince Zhan's arm and asked the Duke to send him off.

"The royal carriage is broken." Prince Zhan looked at Nangong Waner, his lips curling into a smile, as he said mischievously.

"What?" You are lying to me. You are the great prince of the Tian Sheng Empire, how could the carriage in the Palace be broken? "

"En, that's bad, if you don't believe me, you can ask Liu Hong."

Yes, Miss, the Prince Zhan's Mansion's carriage has been broken for quite some time, and it is not suitable for you to return while it is still deep in the night, so why don't you stay at the Prince's Mansion for tonight? Liu Hong still stood there respectfully, his tone serious to the point that it didn't seem like he was lying.

Nangong Waner calculated in his mind. In the past, sitting in a carriage from Assistant Minister’s Residence to Prince Zhan's Mansion would take at least an hour. Then, wouldn't it be necessary for me to walk back to my residence? Nangong Waner asked.

"I'm afraid four hours isn't good. There's been a lot of snow in Shangjing City these days, and the sun has already melted a lot of snow water. The temperature is too low at night, and I'm afraid there's ice on the road, making it difficult to walk." Four hours is probably not good, and a lot of snow has fallen in Shangjing City these days. The Prince Zhan patiently analyzed to Nangong Waner.

"I'm afraid we'll need to walk until daybreak after six hours …" Nangong Waner was a little helpless, "Then let's stay in Prince Zhan's Mansion tonight."

Prince Zhan was very satisfied with Nangong Waner's intelligent decision, so Liu Hong could be considered to be relieved.

"Liu Hong, then please help me clean up. It's a bit late, I'm going back to my courtyard to rest. I'll have to trouble Liu Hong to help me wash tonight." Although Nangong Waner had woken up not long ago, his body was still rather tired. After finishing his meal, Nangong Waner suddenly felt sleepy again.

Liu Hong was speechless, and did not know what to do in a daze.

The Prince Zhan seemed to have thought of something as he said in realization, "Liu Hong, remember to place some rat ant repelling medicine in Wan Er's room to prevent them from biting Wan Er again at night. Especially the ones at the end of the bed, where the rats like to live, place them more often."

Without waiting for Liu Hong to reply, Nangong Waner felt goosebumps all over her body. She asked Prince Zhan with some fear, "Why is there a mouse in my room?"

Prince Zhan felt that Nangong Waner's expression was really cute when she saw his terrified expression. She resisted the urge to kiss her again, and spoke nonsense again, "It's not anything serious, it's just that I got struck by a rat. A while ago, the butler caught dozens of mice, maybe because you always liked eating pastries in the house.

thought about the scene of dozens of rats and was immediately shocked. He screamed and jumped into the Prince Zhan's embrace, hugging Chu Xiuhan tightly and said, "I'm not going, I'm not going, I'm going to find another place to stay."

"Oh, then Wan Er can only share a room with me." Prince Zhan said in a helpless tone.

"Your mansion is so big, and my house has been affected by a rat. I still don't have any other rooms to live in?"

"My Prince Zhan's Mansion is the largest manor in the entire Tian Sheng, and there are a hundred and eighty people here. Other than the empty courtyard for the future consort to live in, there is no other room for you to stay in." Prince Zhan softly explained as he embraced Nangong Waner.

"…" Nangong Waner stared at the Prince Zhan with suspicion for a good while. The Prince Zhan was able to bear it, no matter how hard he stared, he could not find any flaw to lie about it.

"So... Is it true that the Duke Palace's carriage broke? " Nangong Waner pulled off Prince Zhan's face and stared straight at him. Nangong Waner thought that his eyes shone with a bright light as he interrogated Prince Zhan.

"Of course it's true." Prince Zhan also opened his eyes wide and replied as he looked at Nangong Waner resolutely.

"Then... Is it true that my yard was hit by a rat? " The Prince Zhan continued to accept Nangong Waner's direct soul attack torture.

"Of course it's true." Prince Zhan was someone who had seen a big scene before, so he was not afraid of Nangong Waner's interrogation.

"Hmph." Nangong Waner kept feeling that he had been tricked by Chu Xiuhan, so he turned his head to vent his anger unhappily.

"Alright, you ate too much tonight. You can't sleep too early, so I'll accompany you for a walk around the prince's mansion." Prince Zhan pulled Nangong Waner's hand, intending to help her up.

However, Nangong Waner was not interested in the Duke Palaces at all. He thought about how he had been wrapped into a cocoon and laid on the bed in the Assistant Minister’s Residence and came to the Duke Palaces, so he didn't have to suffer that pain. "No, no, I'm still sleepy, I don't want to go." Nangong Waner said as he walked towards the bed, about to lie on it.

Prince Zhan was worried that her empty stomach had eaten another lot of food. Since it was midnight and her stomach was aching again, she naturally did not want Nangong Waner to go to bed early, so she followed quietly and advised, "Wan Er, you just ate a lot of food. You're lying down right now, I'm afraid your stomach will ache tonight." With that, Prince Zhan walked into the cupboard and took out a piece of Nangong Waner's robe. Naturally, it was bought by Prince Zhan and had not been worn yet.

Nangong Waner was not one to listen to advice. He immediately sat down on the bed, "There's still you with a stomachache, pinch me a little and it'll be fine."

The Prince Zhan was also helpless, she silently pulled Nangong Waner up, and carefully helped her put on her robes.

Nangong Waner struggled in Prince Zhan's embrace. Prince Zhan held back his laughter as he carried Nangong Waner all the way to the courtyard.

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