Wen Guang was also curious, his own master was a tyrant, a character known as a Battlefield Asura. If this were in the northern borders, many people would look at him in the eye and their legs would tremble, not knowing what kind of situation their master would have when talking about love.

Could it be that all the cold air in his body was going to freeze Nangong Waner to death...

Thus, early in the morning, Wen Guang sneaked into the courtyard of the Prince Zhan and coincidentally met with Zi Ye, who was guarding outside the house.

What a joke, how could Wen Guang possibly be a match for Zi Ye? Wen Guang immediately decided to use wits, "Aren't you curious what your highness looks like when you're in a relationship?"

"I'm different from you. I've always been guarding by the prince's side. When the prince is in a relationship, I've already seen it before, so I can't see it." Zi Ye proudly raised his head and said.

Seeing that his actions were not effective, Wen Guang immediately came to a realization and changed his explanation, "Don't tell me you don't want to learn from our prince? Seeing that our prince is usually quiet, he's actually an expert at talking about love. " Although Wen Guang said it like that, how would he know what kind of relationship the Prince was talking about.

Zi Ye was somewhat moved by her words. His head, which had originally been a bit high, was now lowered, as if he was thinking about something.

Wen Guang took this opportunity and gave Zi Ye a boost in confidence. Wen Guang snuck over to his side and suppressed his voice as he continued to advise, "Think about it, your highness is an expert in the field of love, if you hear what your highness is saying to the Miss Nangong, you can learn to use it as well. In the future … Do you, do not use it. "

Wen Guang knew that this move was useful, he had actually forgotten about the lantern that had been pasted on the night of the first day.

Hearing Wen Guang's words, Zi Ye's eyes immediately lit up. He turned around silently and walked straight to the door of Prince Zhan's sleeping quarters.

's martial arts were not as good as Zi Ye's, in other words, the disparity in strength was so great that Wen Guang could only slowly move to the door of the prince's room, afraid that the prince would notice that he was listening from a corner.

Fortunately, the prince was completely immersed in the sea of love and could not extricate himself from it.

Listening on, Wen Guang and Zi Ye could not listen any longer, "Disgraceful …" Wen Guang and Zi Ye couldn't help but exchange glances.

"Chu Xiuhan, you should let Liu Hong come back. Since you made it so that she can't find the carriage, then let her come back to serve me." Outside the house, Zi Ye and Wen Guang could hear Nangong Waner's voice clearly.

"No need." It was the Prince Zhan's voice. Her usual cold tone was completely replaced by gentleness, and there was even a hint of gentleness in her gentle tone?

"Eh …" Thinking about that, Wen Guang felt goosebumps all over his body, "This is too creepy, our master, is someone who knows the face but not the heart."

"Why not? You don't need anything? " Nangong Waner asked Chu Xiuhan.

"I don't need Liu Hong to serve you. I will serve you." Prince Zhan's smile had a deeper meaning.

Nangong Waner knew that Chu Xiuhan was purposely teasing her, but he was still unable to control himself from thinking along with Prince Zhan's words. Thinking of this, the red flush on his face once again extended all the way down to his neck.

"Oh? Haven't I served well enough last night? " Prince Zhan pretended to be serious and asked Nangong Waner.

When Prince Zhan saw how Nangong Waner, who was still chattering just a moment ago, was instantly stumped by his teasing, he was even more overjoyed.

The Prince Zhan then cuddled Nangong Waner, "Alright, who would have thought that the great Miss Assistant Minister’s Residence, who is not afraid of anything in the world, is actually so shy in a boudoir. Liu Hong has just left to take care of some matters and will be back very soon to service you. I just don't have the heart to part with you this early and leave you here for a few days, after that, I'll let you go. "

"Chu Xiuhan, I naturally cannot stay in the Prince Zhan's Mansion forever. In the next two days, I will be returning to the Assistant Minister’s Residence." Nangong Waner looked up at Prince Zhan and said.

"Then I will live with you in the Assistant Minister’s Residence?" Prince Zhan asked as if he did not understand.

"You … We are not married, I am still the young miss of Assistant Minister’s Residence who have yet to leave the pavilion, how can I live together with you? " Nangong Waner was getting anxious, she thought that the Prince Zhan had a cold personality and did not care about the mortal world, and did not understand how the world worked.

When the Prince Zhan heard Nangong Waner's urgent words, he actually laughed really hard. His entire face seemed to contain a smile as he continued, "Oh, originally Wan Er was in such a hurry to marry this duke, but this duke was a bit slow. In a few days, I'll go to the palace and ask the Emperor for the imperial edict to bestow the marriage. With that, Prince Zhan's eyes lit up again as he looked at Nangong Waner with a smile in his eyes.

"You, you, you …" Nangong Waner felt that something was amiss. Why did she ask for him to marry her? The current Nangong Waner really wished he could beat Chu Xiuhan up. She kept feeling like he had done something funny to her.

After comparing it for a bit, Nangong Waner believed that he was unable to defeat it. He angrily pinched Chu Xiuhan's face a few times, and it would count as getting out of hand.

Prince Zhan naturally accepted it with a smile.

Wenguang and Ziye, who had been the cat outside the whole time, had the urge to poke their eyes out and their ears out, but they couldn't believe that the person in the room was the first King of Tiansheng they had followed for ten years — Zhanheng Xiuhan. Even Wenguang and Ziye couldn't stand it any longer. "It didn't take long for the corner of the wall to disappear.????????????????????

The matter of Nangong Waner staying at the Duke Palaces was quickly known by the entire Duke Palaces. After all, Nangong Waner had entered and left the Duke Palaces several times, and he had lived there for quite some time.

However, outside of the Duke Palaces, no one knew that Nangong Waner was currently living in the Duke Palaces, and even the Assistant Minister couple had always thought that Nangong Waner was staying in his room for the winter. When they thought of how weak Nangong Waner was, they gritted their teeth and bought some tonic for Ju Xiang to bring back to the courtyard.

Miss doesn't fear the cold, so you don't have to go out of the room. Rest well in your room and tell Miss that you don't have to worry, it will be warm in a few days. With that, Lord Assistant Minister handed over the big and small bags of supplements he had clenched his teeth to Ju Xiang.

Ju Xiang was so scared that he lost his life and was called over by Lord Assistant Minister. He thought that something was wrong, and was afraid that the matter of Nangong Waner not being in the residence would be discovered, so he fearfully accepted the supplements and stayed there for a moment longer. He was afraid that he would be scared to death in the courtyard of Assistant Minister's couple, "Yes, Master, Ju Xiang is going to make a stew right now." With that said, Ju Xiang ran off with a pile of supplements in his arms.

Lord Assistant Minister was moved when he saw Ju Xiang run far away. "Wan Er is truly fortunate, Ju Xiang is really a good servant girl who only has her own heart."

Madam Yang was also extremely satisfied, looking at Ju Xiang's figure that seemed to be escaping, he nodded his head in admiration, "Yes, Ju Xiang is really a good girl."

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