came to find Nangong Waner in a hurry, it suited Nangong Waner's intentions. After all, this was the time when both of them were on guard, and although she had guts, once the Lord Assistant Minister found out that she was a young lady who had stayed at the house all night, wouldn't it only be a matter of time for her to break her legs?

When Nangong Waner saw Ju Xiang, he happily went back to his room to pack his things. Ju Xiang followed closely behind him, but when they arrived at the entrance of the courtyard where the Prince Zhan lived, the guards sternly blocked his path.

Nangong Waner continued to pack up in the house, thinking that it would take a while before he would be back, so he might as well take as many things as he could.

Nangong Waner was cleaning up the mess in the house, while Ju Xiang was anxiously shouting outside the courtyard, "Miss, there is no need to pack up, just bring your things back for the Master and Madam to see, there is still no way to explain it clearly. Besides, Madam is waiting for you at the mansion. Stop tidying up and go back quickly. "

Unknowingly when, Prince Zhan had also returned to the house. Seeing that the house was in a mess caused by Nangong Waner, and that Nangong Waner was struggling to think and think about the things in the house, it seemed like he was thinking about whether to bring him along.

The corners of the Prince Zhan's mouth hooked up as he quietly asked, "What is Wan Er doing?"

"Oh, my mother came looking for me because of an urgent matter. She told me to hurry back and said that she was already waiting for me at home. I packed my bags and headed home." Nangong Waner said in a very carefree tone, his tone not holding back at all.

When Prince Zhan heard this, he did not feel well. His face darkened and he immediately stopped smiling. When he thought about how he had slept together with Nangong Waner these past two days, and how this girl actually still wanted to leave him without a single shred of reluctance, even the Prince Zhan herself did not know what she was feeling uncomfortable about.

With his back facing Chu Xiuhan, Nangong Waner seemed to be able to feel the chilliness coming from his body. Thinking that his words might have angered the stingy Prince Zhan, he hurriedly turned around, held up the thing in his hand with a smile on his face, and asked in a flattering tone, "Chu Xiuhan? I'll bring this to the Assistant Minister’s Residence, okay? "

"Not good." Prince Zhan's face was still a little ugly as he pretended to be angry.

"Stingy, you still said you wanted to marry me, but you're unwilling to take even a few things from me." "Hmph, no need for that." After saying that, Nangong Waner seemed to have forgotten that he had planned to coax the Prince Zhan a little.

When the Prince Zhan saw that Nangong Waner was suddenly angry because he rejected her idea of taking the items from the Assistant Minister’s Residence, how could he continue pretending to be angry? He helplessly grabbed Nangong Waner's shoulders and turned her around to face him.

"Idiot. I'm only leaving you some thoughts to return to the Prince's Mansion as soon as possible." Prince Zhan looked into Nangong Waner's eyes and said.

"Who wants to return to the manor earlier …" The passion in Prince Zhan's eyes burned a little hot. When Nangong Waner thought about how he had to return to Assistant Minister’s Residence, he felt a little reluctant. He turned his head and looked elsewhere and muttered with a mosquito-like voice.

"Then I can also move to Assistant Minister’s Residence."

"Chu Xiuhan, are you still that majestic Prince Zhan after all? Isn't it a joke that Master Prince Zhan moved to the Assistant Minister’s Residence to live with me?"

"Because we aren't married yet, you laugh at me? Is Wan Er urging me to marry you again? "

"Who wants to urge you to marry me …"

Ju Xiang saw that the sky was getting dark, so he did not pack his things and came out. He anxiously called out to her twice, "Miss, are you still not done packing?"

Inside the room, Nangong Waner heard Ju Xiang's words and decided to pack up and leave after. Before leaving, he hugged Prince Zhan, making him extremely happy.

"Miss, the sky is about to turn dark. Quickly follow me back to the manor." It was Ju Xiang's extremely anxious voice again.

When Nangong Waner heard Ju Xiang's words, he also became a little anxious, and attempted to break free from Prince Zhan's embrace. Prince Zhan, however, reluctantly hugged even more tightly, "Wan Er, Ju Xiang is too old, why don't you find a good person for her to marry earlier?"

"…" Nangong Waner couldn't help but roll his eyes. He naturally knew that the Prince Zhan despised Ju Xiang and always urged her to go home.

After going back and forth, Nangong Waner and Ju Xiang finally stepped into the moonlight and returned to the Assistant Minister’s Residence.

Upon returning to the Assistant Minister’s Residence, Nangong Waner first went to the Assistant Minister couple's house. From the looks of it, Madam Yang had been waiting for her the entire time.

"Your father and I thought that you were lying in bed wrapped in the cold air of winter. I didn't expect that you wouldn't be home for the whole day." Madam Yang anxiously pulled Nangong Waner into the house. Just now, when they were speaking, they did not go through the details of their daughter that they had not seen for a long time. Why did they not see each other for so many days?

Madam Yang could not help but look carefully, only to see that Nangong Waner was wearing a set of robes with a high collar, his entire neck was wrapped up, as though it was covering his entire body, Madam Yang did not think too much, since Nangong Waner was afraid that the entire mansion would know it.

"What's wrong with that mouth of yours?" Madam Yang lowered his head and observed carefully, asking with concern, "Why does it look swollen?"

Chu Xiuhan suddenly recalled that one time, when he was deep in love, he had ruthlessly bit her lips while kissing her. Naturally, Nangong Waner could only stare and say, "Oh, I didn't see you walk at night, so I slipped and fell."

"Is that so? Where did it slide? It doesn't matter. " Hearing Nangong Waner's words, Madam Yang started to care about her.

"Aiya, I'm fine. Mother, didn't you have some business with me?" Nangong Waner immediately tried to divert Madam Yang's attention. When they left the Duke Palaces, Chu Xiuhan had warned her that the empress dowager was dragging him to the palace tomorrow to reward La Mei. It was probably because of this matter that he suddenly looked for her.

What could Nangong Waner do? She was just a young miss of the Assistant Minister’s Residence. As the empress dowager had sent someone over to deliver the message, she could only go to the palace on time tomorrow.

Madam Yang immediately remembered her important matter after he was reminded by Nangong Waner.

Madam Yang hurriedly told Nangong Waner about the news that was transmitted from the palace to the empress dowager's palace tomorrow, telling her to go to the empress dowager's palace to reward La Mei, and quietly reminded Nangong Waner, "A while ago, the wives of the various families gathered together to chat. I heard that the empress dowager intentionally married Qin Ruxue to the Prince Zhan since he was young, or else the empress dowager would have been waiting for Qin Ruxue to grow up in the empty backyard."

Madam Yang saw that Nangong Waner was listening intently so he explained it slowly, "To the empress dowager, no one should go past Qin Ruxue. You must take care of this Flower Viewing Banquet carefully."

Nangong Waner knew that Madam Yang was purposely reminding her to guard against the empress dowager and Qin Ruxue. Although Nangong Waner naturally knew that the Prince Zhan had deep feelings for her, hearing Madam Yang's words so fiercely made him think of the Empress Dowager and Qin Ruxue, his heart still felt a little helpless.

Madam Yang saw the change in Nangong Waner's expression, and his heart also ached a little. He tried to advise her, "Wan Er, mother has long since seen through your intentions towards that Prince Zhan, but it's just that we are indeed unable to climb higher than him. You also know that a while ago, your father suffered some humiliation when he went to that Xiao Residence for you.

Nangong Waner suddenly heard Madam Yang's feelings for Chu Xiuhan out loud, and did not know how she even had the mentality to be a little girl in school. She was shocked and embarrassed, and did not know how to reply.

Madam Yang laughed lightly as he looked at Nangong Waner, "Wan Er, your father and I only hope that you can live a happy life, and not be wronged. For our future path, you must think about it yourself."

Nangong Waner muttered to himself and nodded, "Mother, I understand. Wan Er understands." He didn't voice his concerns too much, so why bother his parents?

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