Furthermore, on that day, Prince Zhan and Nangong Waner rode in the same carriage out of the palace, and on the way, it was extremely swaggering, as though they were afraid that no one would know that Nangong Waner was sitting in her carriage.

At first, Nangong Waner did not discover anything, he only felt that Zi Ye's driving skills had retreated, why was it that the carriage became slower and slower, slower than the people on the road?

Initially, Nangong Waner wanted to ask Zi Ye if he could learn how to quickly drive a horse carriage when he wasn't free, but he was afraid that Zi Ye would be too thin-skinned and be embarrassed if she said that. Nangong Waner endured it a bit, but didn't say anything. Nangong Waner pondered for a while, and then thought.

On one hand, he looked like a tortoise that was crawling on the ground. On the other hand, he seemed to be especially anxious to get on the road, as he continuously shouted, "The Prince Zhang and Assistant Minister’s Residence's Miss Nangong are in the carriage, those who are not working, please quickly move aside. The Prince Zhang and Assistant Minister’s Residence's Miss Nangong are in the carriage, those who are not working, please quickly move aside." From time to time, Zi Ye would shout these words.

Nangong Waner had thought that there were a lot of people on the road, but he opened the curtain with great curiosity and peeked his head out of the carriage.

"Aiya, aiya, is this Nangong Waner? It really is sitting inside the carriage, it really is sitting in the same carriage as Prince Zhang! " The surrounding crowd gradually broke out into a flurry of discussion. On the way, they followed quite a few onlookers.

Nangong Waner did not understand why there were so many people gathered on the streets in this cold weather.

His family's prince was going to marry his wife. He was happy, and wanted to let the whole world know immediately.

In the end, the Prince Zhang was unable to control her excitement and led Nangong Waner directly to the Assistant Minister’s Residence with an imperial edict.

As someone who believed himself to have transcended from the modern world, Nangong Waner did not know the procedure of the imperial edict. He only knew that if Chu Xiuhan wanted to talk about marriage, the matter of marriage was written on the imperial edict.

Therefore, when Nangong Waner went into the courtyard to call people, he hesitantly said to the Assistant Minister couple, "The Prince Zhang is here to announce the imperial edict."

Assistant Minister and his wife were shocked. What kind of imperial edict was it that the Prince Zhan himself would have to announce to them? According to the customs, all the eunuchs in the palace would come to the palace to pass the imperial edict.

"Wan Er, do you know what is written on the imperial edict?" Lord Assistant Minister asked, puzzled.

Nangong Waner was a bit embarrassed. He couldn't possibly say that Chu Xiuhan was thick-skinned enough to personally read the imperial edict and marry her into the Duke's Palace, right? "I … I don't know. "

Seeing Nangong Waner's hesitant look, Lord Assistant Minister thought in his heart, this is bad, this girl must have gotten into trouble again.

"Don't tell me he's here to rob the residence?" Lord Assistant Minister really thought that Nangong Waner had caused some trouble in the palace, so he brought some people to search the palace. He was very nervous as he ran all the way to the front hall.

Seeing that, Madam Yang also followed worriedly.

Lord Assistant Minister worriedly arrived at the front hall, but he saw Prince Zhang standing there alone, and he was even laughing a little … Filled with happiness? Would the Prince Zhang still laugh?

As long as it was not a family extortion, Lord Assistant Minister would be at ease. Lord Assistant Minister also smiled on the surface, and asked respectfully, "Sorry to bother you, Prince Zhang. Do you want to read out the imperial edict now?"

Prince Zhan felt that it was inappropriate. After all, he was about to become Lord Assistant Minister's son-in-law, and asking his father-in-law to kneel down and receive the decree was not appropriate.

He even squeezed out a smile that he thought was very kind on his face, looked at Lord Assistant Minister and said, "Lord Assistant Minister, in two months, I will come to marry Wan Er."

When the Lord Assistant Minister heard Prince Zhan's words, his expression instantly changed as if he had been struck by lightning, and he couldn't react for a long time. Even though Madam Yang was shocked in his heart, he had already known about the situation here, so he shouldn't have been so shocked.

Madam Yang secretly kicked Lord Assistant Minister, causing Lord Assistant Minister to feel the pain in his leg, he immediately regained his senses, "This … "This …" After all, the Lord Assistant Minister suffered a lot of shock and was unable to utter a complete sentence.

"Old master, what's this?" Madam Yang ruthlessly twisted Lord Assistant Minister's arm again.

"This wangfei hasn't even entered the palace yet. Can I still marry her first?" Although Lord Assistant Minister knew that his reputation was somewhat low, and many people in the capital would envy him to become an aunt, Lord Assistant Minister was not really that happy about this marriage. Furthermore, even if the main wife were to enter the palace, Wan Er would not be able to be a good concubine in the future.

"It's not an aunt." Prince Zhan explained with a faint smile.

Oh my god, Lord Assistant Minister and Madam Yang gasped in shock, could it be that she was still a side concubine? Although Lord Assistant Minister was happy, but this side concubine of his was really too high levelled for him to climb, and Lord Assistant Minister was overthinking things, so Madam Yang was the first to react, "Prince Zhang, is this the first side concubine, the first right?"

Prince Zhan didn't expect that Lord Assistant Minister and his wife would have so many thoughts, so he could only explain indifferently, "Wan Er is this king's consort, he won't have a secondary wife, and he won't have a concubine either."

"Ah — —" The Lord Assistant Minister couple felt that the two of them had not woken up yet. They looked at each other in shock.

"Alright, dad and mom, what are you two doing?" Nangong Waner was a little embarrassed as he muttered to the Assistant Minister couple, then he sent Chu Xiuhan a message, "Alright, the imperial edict is finished. Go back to the palace and wait."

"Wan Er, when you were born, a wandering Daoist just happened to pass by our house. That old Daoist told me that you were not a mortal, and I thought that he was being courteous at that time. So it turns out that you really are not an ordinary person, why did you suddenly do such a thing?" Lord Assistant Minister said in praise.

Madam Yang was naturally happy as well, extremely happy.

The fact that the Prince Zhan wanted to marry Nangong Waner in the capacity of an imperial concubine not only frightened the Assistant Minister’s Residence, but also the people of Shangjing City and all the officials in the imperial court.

Lord Assistant Minister knew that he had to be more cautious when doing things this way.

A few days ago, Lord Assistant Minister kept a low profile and did not seem to be very happy. He had been rushing home since the day he left the imperial court, but in the imperial court, rumors were slowly circulating around, saying, look, Prince Zhan hasn't even married Nangong Waner, they are beginning to look down on us, with such a high profile.

Lord Assistant Minister thought about it for a bit and decided to change the way he did so. He would not be in a rush to return home even after getting off the court.

However, everyone still disagreed. I said that and then they started to show their royal blood, thinking that he was a level higher than us, and was considerate to greet us when he had nothing better to do. Did they really think we were his subordinates, and that we were just some insignificant Lord Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Public Affairs?

Lord Assistant Minister was extremely depressed. He couldn't be more depressed, nor could he be depressed.

Madam Yang was naturally troubled as well. The officials and wives circle that had been quiet in Shangjing for a long time became lively once again because of Nangong Waner, and all sorts of activities to admire the flowers, watch the fish, and climb the mountain started to revolve around Madam Yang. Everyone had the intention of getting closer to him, and all sent out invitations to Madam Yang to go to their gathering.

On the other hand, Nangong Waner, who was one of the protagonists of this storm, was not affected at all.

Nangong Waner ignored them and ordered them to be dragged into the big kitchen to start a fire.

Nangong Waner did not expect that when he was sitting at home, there was actually something coming from the sky.

Within a few days, someone came knocking on the door.

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