"Pa — —" Taking the chance that the sturdy man turned his head to look at Nangong Waner, Nangong Waner took out a brick from nowhere and slapped it on the sturdy man's head, striking it solidly in the head.

The brawny guy immediately … He fainted.

Ye Qianmei and Qing Ping were both shocked. This little mortal girl's martial prowess was actually so high.

The more Nangong Waner fought, the more brave he became. He instantly picked up a few bricks and with a seemingly casual toss, smashed or knocked out a few brawny men in front of him.

Not knowing much about his son's martial arts, Nangong Waner forcefully carved a hole in the encirclement of the strong men.

Nangong Waner himself was somewhat shocked, regarding this matter of smacking bricks … Aren't I too good at it!

She didn't have the time to praise herself, so she pulled Ju Xiang's hand and shouted at Ye Qianmei, "What are you standing there for?! Hurry up and run! "

Before Nangong Waner left, he didn't forget to smack a Brick on Lin Chengzhi. If nothing went wrong, that Brick would definitely hit him right in the face again, allowing him to recuperate for a few months.

"Serves him right! "I wish I was dead." Nangong Waner couldn't help but roll his eyes at Lin Chengzhi ruthlessly.

Nangong Waner pulled Ju Xiang and sprinted along the road, not caring about the Immortal Doctor and the servant beside him. By the time Immortal Doctor and Qingping had reacted, Nangong Waner had already dragged Ju Xiang and disappeared into the distance. Immortal Doctor looked in the direction that Nangong Waner had disappeared in, as if he had lost something.

As for why he was disappointed, he was not sure, probably because Nangong Waner was an interesting person.

"Nangong Waner... "Qingping, I feel like this name sounds familiar, even I can't recall it right now." Immortal Doctor Ye Qian Mei pondered for a while, but was unable to sort out any clues.

"Young Master, do you want to chase after him to get to the bottom of this?" Qing Ping asked seriously.

"No need, I was just saying that. Let's hurry up." The Immortal Doctor said softly.

"Young master, you've left the Three Realms and become a wandering Loose Immortal. What path do we have to travel?" Qing Ping felt that the Immortal Doctor today was weird, as though there was something wrong with their emotions.

"Hurry …" Immortal Doctor lowered his head and muttered to himself for a while, "That Ye Bai from Qingqiu Secret Realm heard that he advanced to Godly Monarch, and as his close friend, I decided to congratulate him.

"Another Godly Monarch actually came out from the Qingqiu Secret Realm?! It's really amazing, but Immortal Doctor, other than your medical skills, your cultivation is not even comparable to a Rogue Immortal. " Qing Ping narrowed his eyes, looked at Immortal Doctor and said in a somewhat disdainful tone.

"Qingping, I don't blame you for being young and inexperienced. My cultivation level is higher than a Rogue Immortal's …" The Immortal Doctor slowly explained.

"Just now, you couldn't even beat a mortal. Luckily, that girl saved your life." Qing Ping said without backing down.

"Oh, not only is your cultivation low, you're also very timid." Qing Ping added another stab to his wound.

After all, Immortal Doctor was a person who had lived for a few thousand years, how could she possibly care so much about him? Immortal Doctor decided to temporarily not argue with Qing Ping, and then he really planned to slowly find Godly Monarch Ye Bai to join in the fun.

Nangong Waner and Ju Xiang also ran frantically. They were afraid that Lin Chengzhi's men would catch up with them again, and it was really a coincidence. As they ran, they actually managed to run all the way to the restaurant that the storyteller talked about.

In front of the delicious food and the delicious wine, Nangong Waner did not care about escaping. On the spot, he decided to pull Ju Xiang to the restaurant first and eat and drink first.

Miss, let's hurry up and leave. You have offended that Lin Chengzhi, so I'm afraid you won't let us off this easily. Ju Xiang was a little worried, and advised Nangong Waner.

"It's fine. He won't be able to wake up with my brick in a month or two." Nangong Waner didn't know where he got his confidence from, in short, he was completely confident and thus led Ju Xiang into the restaurant. He also drank the legendary honey grapefruit wine, giving off a sweet and fruity aroma.

The owner of the restaurant was also shocked, he had been selling the honey grapefruit wine for many years and it could be considered as fruit wine, but he had never seen anyone who was able to get drunk after drinking this, so the owner of the restaurant had the good intentions to find an inn for Nangong Waner and Ju Xiang to rest in.

At first, Ju Xiang was very grateful to the restaurant owner for his enthusiasm. After all, his young miss was too drunk, and the restaurant owner was very zealous to find an inn, so the inn's owner was actually also very warmhearted. Very quickly, he found a good room, which was slightly quiet, located far from the main hall.

Just that, when Ju Xiang carried the drunk Nangong Waner into the room, he had a nagging feeling that something was wrong. As for what was wrong, Ju Xiang could not tell.

Nangong Waner had indeed drunk too much.

Ju Xiang spent a lot of effort to get Nangong Waner onto the bed and covered himself with the blanket. After a round of tossing and turning, Ju Xiang was also exhausted. He found a couch to lean on and fell asleep.

However, Nangong Waner didn't sleep well this time, and in a daze, he once again had a dream that he hadn't had for a long time.

In her dreams, she would be dancing happily in the middle of a sea of hibiscus flowers on Mount Luojiao.

In that place, not only did she have her parents, but also her uncle and aunt.

"Mother, you're so beautiful …" She looked at her mother dancing in the sea of flowers and said happily.

"My voice is the most beautiful." The mother's gentle smile slowly stopped in her tracks as she slowly extended a jade hand to pat her head. Nangong Waner felt that it was warm and gentle at the same time.

Yin'er, you are the best child in the entire Three Realms. Your mother has always cared about you. said the mother in the dream with a smile.

Yin'er, now that you are in this mortal world, this is your fate. If you die in this world, your primordial spirit will probably be extinguished as well. You must be careful and take care of yourself.

"Wake up, Yin`er."

"Wake up, Yin`er."

Nangong Waner suddenly opened his eyes, as he had just woken up from a dream.

"Ha ha-ha ha-" Nangong Waner widened his eyes as he breathed in deeply and motionlessly.

After a long while, Nangong Waner finally woke up from the dream.

Nangong Waner looked around. It was an extremely simple and crude carriage. Although it was very big, it was much worse than Assistant Minister’s Residence's carriage.

Looking around, there were a lot of people lying around. They were all pretty girls!

Nangong Waner was a little confused. She had no idea what was going on, how could she be lying in a horse carriage with so many girls.

Moreover, the girls seemed to be in a daze as they slept in the bumpy carriage in broad daylight, oblivious to everything that had happened …

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