Nangong Waner glanced at Chu Xiuhan a few times before he decided to take care of his own business and started strolling around the market.

Every market costs enough money to buy ten carts of vegetables...

Chu Xiuhan brought it up a few times, then paid to buy Grandma Wang's dishes. Why did he have to work so hard to sell it, didn't we have money?

Nangong Waner smiled craftily, "How can that be, I can't waste it ah …"

Chu Xiuhan almost vomited blood. It would not be a waste if he sold off his perverted food.

Nangong Waner had just wandered around the market, and was a little tired, so he found a tea shop to sit at for a while. However, the citizens of Wu Sang Town were not gossiping, and Nangong Waner did not find anything to gossip about either.

"You grandpa, seriously! We don't allow you to sit here if you don't want to drink tea. Come, come, come. Don't disturb our business." Nangong Waner went over to check on his reputation. It was a white-haired old man who was probably a bit tired from walking around the market, coming over to the tea stand here to take a seat. The old man was a bit old, but his brain was also a bit muddled.

The boss pushed at the old grandpa. The old grandpa was confused, "I …" I... Sit for a while... "I'm tired …" The old man stammered and refused to go out.

Nangong Waner could not bear to watch any longer. "Teng" he stood up from his seat, "What are you doing!? "Come, old grandpa, come and sit with me. I'll buy you a cup of tea." While talking, Nangong Waner walked over to the old grandfather's side, and without saying a word, led the old grandfather away, "Boss, bring another pot of hot tea!"

Nangong Waner led the old grandpa and walked over. Then, he turned his head and instructed the owner.

The owner had good eyesight too. Seeing Nangong Waner's dressing, although it was only an instant of awkwardness from being shouted at by Nangong Waner, he immediately brought another cup of tea to Nangong Waner with a wide smile. Seeing the old man's face which she had chased away earlier, his complexion seemed to have improved by more than a little.

"Thank you, little girl." After the old man drank a mouthful of hot tea and sat down for a while, he seemed to have recovered a lot.

"You're welcome, Grandfather. Where is your home? Shall I send you home? " Nangong Waner smiled gently as he looked at the old grandpa.

"Home …" "Home?" The old man was confused again, "Home? "Cui Fen, you're back, is Black Witch also back?" The old grandpa's eyes were filled with chaos, as he looked at Nangong Waner in confusion and asked.

Nangong Waner was completely stunned.

"Grandfather, who is Cui Fen? "Who's Black Doll?"

"What happened to you!?" Are you crazy! "You're my daughter-in-law!" The old grandpa was a little speechless as he glared at Nangong Waner, as if he was looking at an idiot.

Nangong Waner blinked, he did not know how to respond.

Right at this moment, Chu Xiuhan, who had just finished selling a cart full of vegetables, walked through the crowd and looked over. Seeing Nangong Waner sitting together with an old man, Chu Xiuhan instinctively frowned.

"Come, let's go home, Wan Er." The corner of Chu Xiuhan's mouth hooked up, and his tone was light yet somewhat doting.

"Black baby?!" Did you come back, Black Doll? Black Doll, you're finally back! " That old grandfather was extremely excited when he saw Chu Xiuhan. He swayed and stood up from his seat, his trembling hands about to touch Chu Xiuhan's face.

Chu Xiuhan's face twitched as he took a step back.

At first, Nangong Waner couldn't help but twitch a little at the corner of his eyes. Chu Xiuhan's face lit up a little. How could this old grandpa call him Black Doll?

He just saw the old grandpa approaching Chu Xiuhan step by step, wanting to touch Chu Xiuhan's face. However, Chu Xiuhan resisted and retreated step by step.

Right at this moment, Nangong Waner blocked it from Chu Xiuhan's back. Nangong Waner smiled craftily behind Chu Xiuhan, as if he was looking forward to the old grandfather touching Chu Xiuhan's face.

Chu Xiuhan immediately twisted his face, and turned his face to the side. However, Nangong Waner refused to give up this good opportunity, and smilingly went forward to block Chu Xiuhan's face, twisting his body to send it to the old grandpa, "Black child, you can't not recognize people, haha." Nangong Waner laughed to his heart's content.

He touched it! The old man who touched Chu Xiuhan's face started to cry, his tears rolling down uncontrollably.

"Hei Wazi …" Cuifen... It's been twelve years … "You've all come back …" The old grandpa cried uncontrollably.

The old geezer, who was originally confused, suddenly had the chaos in his eyes clear. But now, his eyes were fiercely covered in tears, and his voice was filled with sadness and heartache. Nangong Waner felt really bad in his heart.

Nangong Waner immediately stopped laughing, and stopped playing with Chu Xiuhan.

This should be an old man who had lost his son and daughter-in-law …

"Yeah, we're back. We're back." Nangong Waner reached out his hand, wiped away the tears in the old man's eyes, and said with a gentle voice and a face full of smiles.

Despite Chu Xiuhan's stiff face, Nangong Waner did not give him a gentle look. Instead, he supported the elder as if he was sending him home.

Chu Xiuhan had no choice but to silently follow behind Nangong Waner.

It was also out of good intentions for Nangong Waner, or perhaps the old man's tears had aroused some sort of pity. After Nangong Waner asked about the old man's residence, he sent it back along the way, but of course, Chu Xiuhan did not stop him. As long as the old man did not want to touch him again, he would not care about Nangong Waner's kindness.

It was unknown whether it was because he had returned home or because his emotions had gradually stabilized, but not long after the old grandpa returned to his humble home, his eyes regained its clarity and his mind seemed to have regained its clarity.

"Little girl, it was you who brought my old man back, right? Thank you so much, you really are a good girl." The old man smiled kindly. Even the wrinkles on his face seemed to have regained their liveliness.

"The two of you are fated to be fated together. The marriage between you two, the blooming of a hibiscus, was fated to happen." That old man glanced at Chu Xiuhan, and said something that didn't seem to come from nowhere. Nangong Waner was originally confused, but just as he was about to ask Chu Xiuhan, that old man cut the conversation short.

It turned out that the old man's son, Hei Wazi, had been enlisted in the army thirteen years ago and had gone to the border to join the army. He had died not long after his war with the border countries, and was rumored to have been a diviner around here who had opened his Heaven's Eyes.

Thinking about it, that black child's new wife had also suffered a lot after knowing about what had happened to him. She packed her luggage one day and said that she was going to collect the dead body of the black child, but this journey had been going on for many years, and it was unknown whether or not Cui Fen had gone to the battlefield and collected the corpses of the black child.

"Chu Xiuhan, if only there was no war." On the way back, Nangong Waner was quiet for a long time before saying this to Chu Xiuhan.

Chu Xiuhan laughed, but that smile went straight to his eyes.

Chu Xiuhan smoothed the ends of Nangong Waner's hair. "This is also the reason why I helped the emperor." Chu Xiuhan seemed to be a little off topic.

Nangong Waner rolled his eyes at Chu Xiuhan, "You are a duke, how can you not help?"

Chu Xiuhan laughed, but did not explain.

The old man got up and cleaned up the next day, only then did he realize that someone had put some silver on the table at home. He smiled and cried again …

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