Speaking of which, Nangong Waner had left Shangjing City after leaving behind a letter.

Prince Zhan immediately left a letter for the Emperor and chased after Nangong Waner. Lord Assistant Minister was so angry that he felt a headache coming on.

As a result, the Lord Assistant Minister had to take a few days off from the morning assembly. This was something he had never done before in his dozens of years of life in politics, and it was also something that spread like wildfire throughout the hall during the days when the Lord Assistant Minister disappeared.

The Lord Assistant Minister did not have the mood to care about the gossip about him. He felt that in those few days, Nangong Waner was so angry that his head was buzzing all day.

"I wish I had died outside." Lord Assistant Minister was really shameless and pretended to be sick for a few days, "I can't wait for her to die outside, it's so embarrassing!" The Lord Assistant Minister pretended to be sick, but Madam Yang surrounded him and waited on him.

"Wan Er, maybe you have some difficulties, as a father, you don't need to think about it." Madam Yang kindly brought Lord Assistant Minister a cup of water.

"What difficulties can you have? Our Assistant Minister’s Residence is so unlucky, how could we be blind … Cough cough, Prince Zhang already favors us so much and is planning to use the position of main wife to propose marriage. What difficulties does she have to be able to run away from home and escape the marriage? " When Lord Assistant Minister thought about this matter, he felt even more pain from the buzzing in his head. He really didn't know how to face the ridicule from his comrades in the imperial court.

Madam Yang had been listening to Lord Assistant Minister talking too much and had gotten used to it. He took out a flower and pretended to focus on embroidering the silk handkerchief, but in reality, he was too lazy to listen to Lord Assistant Minister talk about it.

Lord Assistant Minister didn't have much of an eye for discernment, he just continued to lie on the bed and talk about it, "Airu, no matter what, you can't stop me this time. When Nangong Waner comes back, I will definitely break her legs, and then take her to Prince Zhan's Mansion to apologize to Prince Zhang."

"Right." Madam Yang skillfully continued embroidering the silk handkerchief, giving a light reply, as if he was really focused on embroidering the handkerchief.

After a few days passed, Lord Assistant Minister felt very apologetic in his heart. It was mainly because he, who had been working hard all this time, truly felt too embarrassed to stay in the palace and pretend to be sick.

Madam Yang felt a headache coming on when he looked at Lord Assistant Minister, and seeing him walk towards his room, Madam Yang quickly took out the flowers and started to embroider them in a very serious manner.

"Old master, you go back …" Madam Yang pretended to be extremely virtuous as he raised his head. Just as he finished speaking, he was immediately interrupted by Lord Assistant Minister.

"Oh, it's not good! This is bad! " Lord Assistant Minister said somewhat anxiously, as he looked like he didn't know how to organize the language at the same time.

Madam Yang smiled lightly, pretended to understand and picked up the silk handkerchief, preparing to embroider seriously.

"Aru, your embroidery... "This really won't do. I've watched you embroider for several days, but you haven't been able to do anything about it …" Lord Assistant Minister stood up and looked at the silk handkerchief in Madam Yang's hands.

Madam Yang's hand that was holding onto the needle stopped, and he didn't know how to react …

"Aiya, I nearly forgot about proper business. Something terrible has happened." Lord Assistant Minister suddenly thought of something important. He smacked his forehead and was about to have a good discussion with Madam Yang, but as he just so happened to diverge the topic, Madam Yang heaved a sigh of relief deep in his heart.

"Today, I will go to court in the morning. At first, I thought that my snobbish colleagues would definitely mock me for my family's misfortune, but guess what? My comrades all sympathized with me, and said that Prince Zhan would definitely not let us go, who is Prince Zhan? Get on the horse with your blade, someone who you can kill whenever you shout, what do you think we, Wan Er can do, we won't be found by the Prince Zhan, and we'll just kill him with one slash! " Lord Assistant Minister was immediately worried and a little scared.

Madam Yang started to despise the Lord Assistant Minister a little from the bottom of his heart, "Old master, you really are a b * stard. That was clearly to chase after him and ask for his hand in marriage! " Madam Yang looked at Lord Assistant Minister speechlessly, but he could only say this deep down in his heart. He was too lazy to tell the Lord Assistant Minister.

Master, two days ago, didn't you say that your family was in trouble and couldn't wait for Wan Er to die outside? Madam Yang pretended to be serious and asked.

"Then... At most, I will go to Prince Zhan's Mansion's doorstep and kneel for one day and one night, for two days and two nights, until Prince Zhang forgives us and doesn't hold our Assistant Minister’s Residence accountable. " Lord Assistant Minister spoke a bit boldly.

Madam Yang smiled but did not speak. It was only after a long while that he opened his mouth to let the Lord Assistant Minister feel at ease, "Rest assured, old master, Wan Er will definitely return safely, and then he will be gloriously married into the Prince Zhan's Mansion."

"How can you be so sure?" Lord Assistant Minister was a little doubtful. Although he was a lot relieved to see Madam Yang's extremely confident appearance, he still couldn't help but want to ask.

"I naturally know less about court matters than you, but you are naturally not as good at talking about love in this house as me. As the saying goes, there is an expert in martial arts." Madam Yang put down the needle and thread in his hand and explained with a faint smile.

When Nangong Waner was escaping from Assistant Minister’s Residence for his wedding, Shangjing City was really lively for a while. First, Prince Zhang personally left out the Fragrant Sky Pavilion, then Prince Zhang left a letter for the Emperor.

However, in the end, everyone only converted the information into a deep curiosity, curious about how the Prince Zhan would react on the day Nangong Waner returned, and how the emperor would react.

Therefore, in the first few days, escaped the marriage due to being jealous of Su Xiangxiang, but because he could not compare to Qin Ruxue who was ashamed of his poor appearance, the gossip and gossip circle in Shangjing still spread rumors about when Nangong Waner would return.

Everyone acted like a detective as they carefully transmitted the news of Nangong Waner, even the matter of him appearing in Mingyue Town and Wu Sang Town was exposed.

He would be back in one day!

Nangong Waner's journey had already been excavated. Some people said that they saw with their own eyes Nangong Waner and Prince Zhan's carriage appear more than ten miles away from Shangjing City. Combined with Lord Assistant Minister, it would be their birthday in two days.

Everyone felt that this made sense. "This matter is finally coming to an end. This can be considered as having a load on your mind!" A bystander said happily as he sat at a tea stand and drank a mouthful of tea.

"Yeah, yeah." Quite a number of people sitting on the tea stand nodded their heads in agreement.

As the main topic of discussion, Nangong Waner did not know when she had once again held a discussion in Shangjing, nor did she know when she had returned back home. If she knew, she would probably give a huge praise, as this group of people could already become a detective.

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