During this period of time, the empress dowager had sought Nangong Waner out and entered the palace a few times, but she did not find Nangong Waner for any reason. Every time she was called into the palace, she would drink a cup of tea and admire the flowers.

Nangong Waner was also not a person who did not understand the big picture. The empress dowager had treated her courteously, and she returned the courtesy.

Seeing that the empress dowager intended to make peace, Prince Zhan was sincere towards Nangong Waner, and his expression towards the empress dowager also gradually became much better.

After all, he had been living for dozens of years in the mortal world. He still needed to observe the grudges and grudges between people of the mortal world. He still needed to maintain his identity as the Prince Zhan.

Even Qin Ruxue, who was extremely scheming in the past, seemed to not have made any further movements. As the days passed by, Qin Ruxue seemed to have given up on the idea of marrying into the Prince Zhan's Mansion. Every time Nangong Waner entered the palace, Qin Ruxue would obediently sit beside the empress dowager.

"Aunt, when Wan Er and Prince Zhang get married, I want to give him a big present. I got a very good bracelet, so I can give it to Wan Er to cheer him up." Qin Ruxue obediently poured tea for the empress dowager and said with a smile on his face.

As the day of the wedding approached, Nangong Waner entered the palace more and more often. The Prince Zhan's status was respected, and there were also a lot of royal rules. The empress dowager kept checking with Nangong Waner over and over again about many of the details of the wedding.

Including the bridal gift list, including the time of marriage, and even the postures of the bridal sedan …

The empress dowager seemed especially excited about the Prince Zhan's wedding. Many etiquette rules were actually done according to the emperor's wishes. The empress dowager didn't think that there was anything inappropriate about it, even the emperor didn't think that it was inappropriate.

But Nangong Waner felt that it was really not right …

Nangong Waner didn't have any other thoughts in the past few days and could only concentrate on dealing with the upcoming wedding.

Isn't it because early in the morning, Nangong Waner received another message from the empress dowager? The empress dowager called for Nangong Wan'er to come to the palace to discuss the details of the wedding.

Nangong Waner was initially happily eating, when he suddenly felt like he was choked up to the point that he couldn't eat anymore.

"Why does it always have to be discussed? Wouldn't it be fine if the empress dowager decided on her own? " Nangong Waner frowned, and put down his chopsticks unhappily.

"Don't count them all. Day after day, the empress dowager values the Prince Zhan and then you." Lord Assistant Minister turned his head and used the other end of the chopstick to smash on Nangong Waner's head.

"Father!" Nangong Waner, who was already unhappy to begin with, was not in a good mood after getting hit by Lord Assistant Minister's chopsticks.

The emotion that Nangong Waner had accumulated for many days finally exploded!

On his way to the palace to find the empress dowager, Nangong Waner took a detour to the Prince Zhan's Mansion and dragged out the Prince Zhan who was in his study reading.

Thus, the huge body of the Prince Zhan was dragged away by Nangong Waner without a word, causing the servants in the Duke Palace to lower their heads in order to avoid any suspicions.

It could also be that everyone could no longer bear to watch Prince Zhan's current appearance.

Nangong Waner and Prince Zhan's carriage slowly entered the palace. When it was very close to the palace gates, Nangong Waner once again shook his head, feeling a little drowsy.

Just then, the Prince Zhan carefully supported Nangong Waner's head, allowing her to lean on his shoulder. After a few "whoosh whoosh" sounds, it sounded like a communication signal, followed by countless arrows flying in from all directions.

Chu Xiuhan reacted quickly as he hugged Nangong Waner and flew up.

Just as the two of them reached the top of the carriage, the entire carriage fell to the ground with a clang.

"Crack ~ ~ ~" The arrow had already destroyed him.

Just the weapons in the mortal world could not hurt Prince Zhan at all. It was just that, Heaven Realm had long ago stated that all Godly Monarch s were not allowed to use any techniques in the mortal world for no reason.

"For no reason whatsoever … After all, Wan Er is about to become my close relative, so there's nothing wrong with protecting them … " Prince Zhan whispered in his heart.

Prince Zhan naturally did not think much of the assassins in front of him. Although the scale of this assassin was not low at all, each of them wielding a weapon that was highly toxic.

"Be careful, the sword is poisonous." The Prince Zhan warned.

The moment before Prince Zhan spoke, a masked assassin raised the sword in his hand to stab Zi Ye. Zi Ye originally did not think much of it, but just as he was about to stab him, Zi Ye was eager to win, thinking to get closer to the assassin in order to stab him to death, but doing so would definitely put himself in danger.

"That was close." Zi Ye exhaled lightly. If it hadn't been for Prince's reminder, he might have died on the spot from just a small scrape with that assassin.

It wasn't just Zi Ye, the Prince Zhan didn't understand how this wave of assassins had cleared the path. Each of them extended their hands, and each of them was a group of Death Soldiers.

At this time, Zi Ye and Prince Zhan were completely encircled, and Zi Ye had to struggle with them. It was a pity that the reinforcements had not arrived, and after all, no one had expected something like this to happen at the bottom of the imperial city.

Prince Zhan wholeheartedly wanted to protect Nangong Waner, even though he didn't put any mortals in his eyes, he couldn't possibly do it too obviously.

Suddenly, a strange palm wind struck over, the wind seemed to have grown eyes, straight towards Nangong Waner.

Chu Xiuhan immediately noticed that something was amiss, and dispelled the palm wind with a wave of his sleeve.

Chu Xiuhan looked in the direction of the palm strike and sure enough, at a street and alley not too far away, there was a girl dressed in black standing there. When the girl saw Chu Xiuhan dispelling the palm strike with a light wave, she couldn't help but be startled.

Immediately after, the young lady stood in her original position, both of her hands forming seals, and swung her sleeves with all her might. Upon closer inspection, a few weapons flew out from her sleeves, which were either a weapon or a materialization of the God Power, and countless of flying daggers immediately flew towards the location of Prince Zhan and Nangong Waner.

The Prince Zhan pushed Nangong Waner gently away and used a divine power to push him to a safe place.

The Prince Zhan quietly used his divine power to cover himself, causing the numerous flying daggers to split into two and fly towards the Prince Zhan.

"Ah …" Many of the flying knives killed quite a few assassins. However, the girl dressed in black at the entrance of the alleyway didn't seem upset at all. Instead, she slowly walked out from the shadows, "Who are you?" The lady opened her eyes wide and looked at Chu Xiuhan.

"You don't have to know, you are someone from the underworld?" Chu Xiuhan asked indifferently.

"You really aren't a mortal, but I don't plan to tell Shi Xuan and I'll let you guys have fun together. It's getting more and more interesting, maybe it's a good thing for me." After all, she had been staying in the underworld the entire time and rarely walked around the God Realm. Furthermore, Chu Xiuhan was no longer the Prince Zhan from before, so no one knew about this matter other than Elder Xiu and Elder Bai from the Qingqiu Secret Realm.

However, she was only trying to test the waters of the Prince Zhan. After knowing that the Prince Zhan was not a mortal, she no longer had any plans to stay there, and turned around to disappear into the shadows of the alleyway.

Nangong Waner blinked his eyes. Did he really think he was still dreaming?

After being messed by the black clad lady, the casualties had been great, and the remaining people were no longer a match for Zi Ye and Prince Zhan.

"Capture him alive." Prince Zhan instructed lightly.

But who knew that just as Zi Ye was about to capture them alive, the remaining Death Soldiers exchanged glances, then swallowed the medicine one after another, abruptly dying.

"Your Highness, do you need to collect a few corpses to go back and check?" Zi Ye looked at Prince Zhan and asked.

"No need, since we're Death Soldiers, we won't leave any clues." Prince Zhan took Nangong Waner and left, it seemed like he did not plan on entering the palace.

On the other hand, Nangong Waner was very happy. An assassination that did not end had been exchanged for a day's worth of leisure for her, it was actually worth it!

The Prince Zhan felt helpless, as if he would never understand Nangong Waner's brain circuits.

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