Qin Ruxue led Peach Blossom to flee in panic. She was really frightened by Nangong Waner.

Nangong Waner originally carried Prince Zhan into the courtyard of the Duke Palaces, but suddenly stood still and slowly turned his head. Looking at Qin Ruxue's fleeing back, his eyes were filled with disdain, and then, in the blink of an eye, he silently walked away, looking even more imposing and imposing.

Prince Zhan suddenly felt a strange aura from Nangong Waner.

A bit strong.

Prince Zhan stood behind Nangong Waner, a little dazed. Looking at Nangong Waner's back figure, he had a strange suspicion in his heart. He always felt that Wan Er was a little strange.

How could a mortal's soul travel back and forth in space? According to Nangong Waner's explanation upon returning, she had gone to another world after the age of five, and she had only returned when she was sixteen, with her soul in place.

But how could she be so lucky? In merely five years of time, she had picked up his body, which was originally from the Immortal Lord, and raised it for half a year.

What was with the inexplicable sense of familiarity he felt towards Nangong Waner?

Then, he looked at the aura that Nangong Waner was occasionally releasing, it was a somewhat arrogant and pointless deity bearing. Especially Bright Moon Town, such as the Blood Villa. Nangong Waner had killed the Third Master with his bare hands, and even went into a stalemate with the bandits from the Blood Villa for a long time.

How could this be possible with just the wealth of a Assistant Minister’s Residence?

"Wan Er." Prince Zhan called out from behind Nangong Waner.

Nangong Waner turned his head, revealing a bright smile, with a hint of elegance, "Hmm?"

The Prince Zhan was extremely moved and decided not to think too much. His Wan Er was his Wan Er after all, and since he had already decided to live his entire life, why would he care about all these?

Prince Zhan decided to wait until Immortal Doctor returned before we can properly discuss about Nangong Waner cultivating to become an immortal!

This king is wondering if this beauty is my Wan Er, which is why I called you out. This king is very happy to receive your response. I think my Wan Er is really the most elegant person in the world. " Prince Zhan took a big step forward, holding Nangong Waner's shoulders, he looked at Nangong Waner and said idiotically.

Although it was within the Duke Palaces, the Prince Zhan's sudden frivolous words and bold actions really startled Nangong Waner.

"What, you've troubled me so much that I've chased away my love rival, and now you want to curry favor with me? The Prince Zhang is truly magnanimous!" Nangong Waner slowly struggled free from the Prince Zhan's restraints, and teased after maintaining a distance.

"I feel really uncomfortable when my wife twists my heart. I am sorry that the Princess did not know that my love for her was greater than the sea or the mountains. " Prince Zhan didn't know why, but he felt that his teasing with Nangong Waner was really interesting. Not only did it make him feel that his Wan Er had truly returned, it also made him feel that he really had Nangong Waner now.

"You really are …" Chu Xiuhan, did your mouth get covered with honey today? " Nangong Waner laughed because of Prince Zhan's teasing.

Prince Zhan looked at Nangong Waner's smile, but his face was stern. He moved closer to her and said, "Whether or not you have honey on your face, Royal Concubine will know after tasting it."

After saying that, Prince Zhan hugged Nangong Waner's face and gave him a deep kiss.

Nangong Waner looked embarrassed. After all, in broad daylight, in front of everyone's eyes, Nangong Waner was pushing Prince Zhan with all his might. Prince Zhan seemed to not be done yet, but he was not willing to do so.

Nangong Waner spent a lot of effort before finally biting down hard on it to push Prince Zhan away.

The Prince Zhan laughed heartily. Nangong Waner's face was so red that it seemed to be dripping blood. It was unknown whether it was because of shame or anger.

When the Prince Zhan brought Nangong Waner back to the Duke Palace, the servants of the Duke Palace had already arrived in the form of a chrysalis. They followed behind the steward of the Duke Palace and surrounded the Duke Palace in a grandiose manner.

For the first time, Prince Zhan did not bother with the rules of the mansion's servants, and was in a good mood to flirt with Nangong Waner in public.

Being looked at by so many people and seeing how thick-skinned Prince Zhan was, Nangong Waner was naturally a little angry.

Nangong Waner always felt that Chu Xiuhan was simply a fox spirit in human skin, he was teasing her all the time and trying to seduce her.

Nangong Waner ran to her room with her skirt tied up, the Prince Zhan followed closely behind, "Is the reason why I'm in such a hurry to go back to my room because my husband didn't serve me well last night?

"You …" Nangong Waner was extremely angry, and deeply felt that he might not be able to win against Chu Xiuhan.

Nangong Waner suddenly stopped and fiercely twisted Prince Zhan's arm. He had truly used a lot of strength.

Nangong Waner thought that it was better to settle it by force.

Prince Zhan's face twisted from the pain, but he was still unwilling to let it go. "Aiya, Princess, please spare my life, your husband will accompany Princess Consort back to bed right now."

Prince Zhan dragged Nangong Waner in. He only left behind a group of people who were eating melon outside the courtyard, represented by Midnight.

No one had a chance to watch the show anymore. They could only walk away gloomily and return to their respective posts.

Nangong Waner was truly speechless, Prince Zhan was truly a man who kept his words. He really did enter the room to "sleep" with Nangong Waner.

However, Prince Zhan did not succeed. Just as Prince Zhan was taking off his clothes along with Nangong Waner, Zi Ye reported from the courtyard, "My prince, Lord Assistant Minister has come to kill you." Zi Ye held in her laughter. She knew that her master was holding in his own bad deeds, and things had yet to come to an end. He was about to be crippled by his father-in-law.

"Oh?" Prince Zhan replied Zi Ye with a tone that was as indifferent as it was in the past.

The Prince Zhan carefully straightened up Nangong Waner's clothes again. Just now, he was trying to pull off Nangong Waner's clothes, but now, he was trying to put them on again.

"Pfft — — Haha —" Nangong Waner felt that Prince Zhan's expression changed a little too quickly, and he found it funny.

"Do you know why father-in-law came to the Prince's Mansion?" The hands of the Prince Zhan did not delay any further, carefully buttoning the last button on Nangong Waner's collar.

Prince Zhan pulled Nangong Waner's hand and got off the bed. It seemed like he planned to bring Nangong Waner to see Lord Assistant Minister.

"In reply to Your Highness, the Emperor went to the Assistant Minister’s Residence and gave the Assistant Minister’s Residence an imperial decree bestowing upon him as his marriage. Five days later, the Lord Assistant Minister received the imperial decree and came to the Duke's Mansion to receive his disciple. to bring Miss Nangong back to the Assistant Minister’s Residence for marriage. " Zi Ye reported every word clearly.

It was as if he did not hear the emperor's decree on the marriage. He only heard that the Lord Assistant Minister had come to the Duke Palace to bring Nangong Waner back to the Assistant Minister’s Residence to be married.

Wouldn't they have to separate again?

After hearing Zi Ye's words, a smile appeared on Nangong Waner's face, "Chu Xiuhan, what number of marriage edict is this?"

"Third, I said that it's not easy for This King to marry a wangfei." However, this is definitely the last time. " Prince Zhan said with certainty.

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