Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 315 Haunted Hotel

Chapter 307 Haunted Hotel

Because Aiwass does not have wind magic power, Liz cannot take Aiwass to elementalize with her.

But even if it was just a simple close-to-ground flight, we quickly found the direction of Alder Town.

After all, when they first came to Eagle Point Village, the two gryphon aunts had already taken them through Alder Town. If this place didn't really look like Eagle Point Village, they might have landed here.

After being able to see Alder Town, Sherlock in the griffon subconsciously glanced back.

But he found that Yingjiao Village did not disappear just because he left there. A circular village is neatly placed at the bottom of the valley. Even if you look down from this angle, you can see that the edge of the village is a very neat circle.

He immediately patted Aiwass on the back and shared the situation with him.

Aiwass also looked back, then thoughtfully.

"That's it..."

As long as you have been to Yingjia Village, you won't be confused by the enchantment again?

Or are there other conditions...such as being remembered by the people here, or having slept here?

In this case, Dai Ya...that is, the dream demon egg of the dream demon, may also have been to Yingjiao Village.

Is she still in that hotel now?

I guess he's gone.

Dream demons are also serious high-level phantom demons that usually live in the dream world.

Without the contract of a demonologist, it would be difficult for a high-level demon to stay in the physical world for a long time. Unless the demonologist summons her again, she should stay in the dream realm of the Path of Beauty all year round.

...The Earthbound Spirit here is probably quite lonely.

She might have thought that the incubus was as good at manipulating hallucinations and dreams as she was, so he should be able to stay and play with her. But I didn’t expect that the other party was an older sister who had a job. She just came over to post a few posts and then went back to work...

With the griffin's cry, the height of the griffin began to slowly decrease.

"It seems that the chaotic time sequence is not attached to us. After leaving Yingjiao Village, the sense of time immediately became normal."

Aiwass first raised his head and glanced at the sun in the sky, and was moved by this moment when it no longer jumped suddenly.

Then he lowered his head and saw the road sign ahead clearly.

It was an old, crooked metal sign.

It is facing the direction of Alder Town and stands on the three-way intersection.

On the left side, a red arrow reads the warning "This is dangerous, no forwarding is allowed, and offenders will be sentenced to death." On the right side, a black arrow reads "To Bagpipe Town" with a black arrow above it. Arrow "To Alder Town".

It was now tilted forty-five degrees to the left, as if blown by the wind. It was stained with damp dirt, and there were a lot of dried mud stains.

Apparently few people come here. Because there were some wet roads, there were no more footprints or ruts except the footprints Liz made when she landed.

Sherlock suddenly frowned, looked around, and fell into thinking.

He suddenly got off the gryphon and ran behind the street sign to take a look. Then he stepped back and patted Aiwass' arm.

"Aiwass, purify this brand." Sherlock said.


Aiwass raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and without even asking "why", he waved his hand and released a flame butterfly carrying the fire of purification.

It flew slowly to the road sign, and then exploded into a ball of flame.

In the flames, the street sign was not burned, but underwent a strange change - the words on it suddenly changed into another font.

The original upward arrow turned downward, and the text on the left and right sides was also reversed. The danger arrow pointing to the left turned to the right.

"As expected," Sherlock sneered, "I feel like this sign is either plugged in backwards or blown upside down by the storm. Or there is some kind of illusion that turns the front and back sides upside down.

"If the three-way road sign in Avalon is facing a one-way street, it will not point up but down. Only when the sign faces away from that road will it point up - just like the up on the cross road. It means moving forward."

"This shows that the strength of the Earthbound Spirit is not as weak as we thought."

Aiwass said softly: "From such a distance...she can already create illusions and affect places far away."


Sherlock murmured.

Aiwass had previously told him about his experiences and encounters during the promotion ceremony, including of course the poor girl named Alice who was buried in the foundation. She is the earth-bound spirit of the haunted hotel, and she is also the source of the incubus' egg, Daia, and the subsequent series of disasters.

Generally speaking, earthbound spirits will create hallucinations or dreams to kill people passing by and absorb their souls to strengthen themselves.

And if the Earthbound Spirits are much stronger than they were sixty years ago...

That might mean that she has eaten a lot of people.

"...Maybe it's a fierce battle."

Little Sherlock warned seriously: "She is no longer the innocent girl she was sixty years ago who just became an earthbound spirit."


Aiwass shook his head: "I prefer another possibility..."

"What?" Sherlock was a little confused.

"No, we'll talk about it later."

Aiwass didn't answer.

Because that is just a conjecture and there is no evidence. Saying it now seems a little pretentious.

And as they mounted the gryphon again, they flew in the right direction.

Soon the sky became overcast.

It was like a video tape being accelerated - perhaps because the gryphon they were riding was too fast, causing the dark clouds in the sky to grow and pile up at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye.

They had just seen the hotel from a distance, and the sky, which could only be considered cloudy at first, had already become covered with dark clouds.

With a flash of lightning.

The cold wind howled by, and the rolling thunder sounded.

Then, the pouring rain came down without any warning!


Sherlock frowned: "It's still an illusion, right?"

"I can't dispel this."

Aiwass chuckled lightly, just covering his eyes with his hands and looking at the hotel approaching quickly, not paying attention to it.

By the time they arrived at the door of the hotel, Sherlock's newsboy coat was completely wet.

He had a stinky face and frowned. It looks like they are thinking about how much compensation to ask for.

But the hotel didn't look like much of an illusion.

Its brand was roughly removed, leaving only white traces of glue. The building is obviously old from the outside. A layer of white dust visible to the naked eye, like a computer fan that has not been taken care of for more than a year, has accumulated thickly from the gaps in the building.

"Is anyone here?"

Aiwass got off the griffin and opened the door of the hotel with a shout.

As a result, the hotel lobby, which was so dilapidated that it looked like it was from the last century, was empty.

In the dim hotel, there was only a young front desk guy.

He looked very thin. Wearing thin clothes that were inappropriate for the season, he folded his hands like a student, lying on the table and taking a nap.

But with Aiwass's divine vision as a third-level priest, he could easily see that the outline of the body at the front desk was translucent.

Aiwass raised the corners of his mouth slightly and walked to the front of the reception desk.

"Hey, long time no see, little brother."

He greeted with a smile.

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