Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 368 Aleister Crowley is born

Chapter 368 Aleister Crowley is born

He knew that there was indeed a Crowley family in Star Antimony, and he also knew that Chloe was the Hawkeye assassin who was performing "Operation Stop the Bleeding". He also knew that Prime Minister Iris was the leader of the Hawkeye organization——

"We didn't capture Chloe at first. And Aleister only became active after Chloe disappeared... So we have to consider a situation, that is, 'you were captured and Aleister rescued' 'This incident was actually directed and acted by myself."

After Edward finished telling Aiwass the content of the intelligence, he looked at Aiwass seriously: "Do you know the meaning of this intelligence now?

"Her Majesty the Queen specifically pointed out that this matter should be concealed first. Because you are the minister who is about to be appointed, and the fact that you were rescued by Aleister has already been published in the newspapers. If'Ales Especially if the "Star Antimony Spy" is announced at the same time, people will begin to doubt your position - the fact that you were rescued will have special significance.

"——The problem now is that the letter is lost."

After hearing this, Aiwass finally fully grasped the whole situation.

But because he provoked a little too many people, Aiwass couldn't determine who was behind it for a while.

However, from the source of the information, Aiwass can basically confirm that this matter first came from the conspiracy of the Star Antimony people. Because everything else is easy to say, but to be able to explain that the Crowley family came out to stand up and even asked a general to come out to give perjury, 80% of this was the work of the Earl of Leipzig.

In a casual move, attacking Iris's Hawkeye organization is also in line with the Earl of Leipzig's position as the son of the moon. After all, the Hawkeye organization is a pure and extreme anti-Moon Son organization, and their main action is to assassinate the Moon Son.

The only thing that Aiwass couldn't figure out here was why they wanted to protect Chloe's reputation...

"How did it get lost?"

Aiwass asked: "Why is there this letter? Why is it in the hands of Captain Camus?"

"Not many people know this information. When we investigated this matter before, we only knew the advance information and did not receive the original. The original letter sent by Iris' agents from Star Antimony took a long time to arrive. Arriving at Glass Island through naval channels. Captain Camus just got the letter the afternoon before yesterday. But the letter disappeared the night before yesterday."

Edward sighed, and clearly felt that this matter was very difficult: "He wanted to find Sherlock yesterday, and wanted to ask Sherlock to retrieve this letter. But he searched for a whole day and couldn't find anyone. He just got it from me today. I know Sherlock left with you."

But he still comforted Aiwass: "There is no need to worry about whether Aleister is a spy. Because as long as this letter is made public, we cannot prove that Aleister is not a spy. And as long as there is such doubt, people will become A means of attacking you - it might even become a weapon used by the Round Table to attack you. After all, Mr. Oswald is not here, and there are even rumors that Mr. Oswald is also dead.

"If the guardian spirit is missing and you have not been officially passed down by your father, even the Moriarty family itself may be attacked."

Edward reached out and patted Aiwass on the shoulder: "But don't worry, I will protect you. The letter cannot be lost out of thin air, it must have been stolen. Just follow the information and investigate."

"In fact, Captain Camus originally came to see Sherlock. He hoped that Sherlock could help him find this letter. It's just that Sherlock was not here... He had no choice today, so he came to me to admit the matter."

Aiwass narrowed his eyes slightly and fell into thinking.

He already understands.

Since this information has been verified by the Inspectorate, it means that there should be many people who know about it, but they can't get the exact evidence that can be disclosed.

Within Avalon, there is still a high degree of resistance to the appointment of Aiwass, a minister regardless of the ministry.

No one is stupid.

At first glance, Aiwass was the back-up man arranged for Isabel by Her Majesty the Queen, who was nearing her end of life.

Under the suppression of authority, these knights have been unable to lie to the royal family, resist royal executions, or resist the royal family. This has lasted for hundreds of years. After all, they have waited for a new king without the gift of authority - even if they don't plan to do anything, this kind of freedom is refreshing enough.

Who doesn’t want to be a noble?

Star Antimony and Iris next door both have the titles of Baron, Viscount, Earl... these titles. They also have their own land, their own knights, their own private soldiers and their own industry. In Avalon, they can only be called "Your Excellency". Even the number of servants was limited, they were not allowed to own a piece of land, and the number of properties they held could not exceed the number of direct members.

Even if you accept gifts from businessmen, you may be investigated and interrogated by the Inspectorate. In the past, there was Lloyd's who had great powers. Now that Lloyd's has collapsed, who will give them money?

As a big family, we can't just drink the northwest wind.

Although there are still a small number of inherited families who still possess the "chivalry spirit", most knight families have long since changed their original intentions after hundreds of years of financial constraints. The most critical change is the rapid expansion of merchant assets in the past century.

If the knight families could be considered wealthy before, then after the advent of the industrial age, their assets were simply pitiful compared to those of businessmen.

But now that the Star Antimony people's power in Avalon has been cut off, and the rebel Noble Red has also been eliminated, Star Antimony's diplomatic attitude towards Avalon has obviously improved, and the businessmen at Lloyd's have also become more well-behaved, and the Iris people And because they took over the responsibility for assassinating the royal family, they ceded a large amount of eye-catching benefits.

No matter how you look at it, Avalon seems to be rising again.

Everything is getting better!

Especially since Meg's reincarnation is still a secret.

Even though young Ligeia possesses Meg's voice, her intimidating power is obviously not as good as the "infamous" old Meg.

Under such circumstances, while Aiwass was still in his infancy, his influence was cut off.

This is entirely a decision that those in the Round Table Hall may make.

Not many of them 100% believed that Aleister was a spy. After all, this information is too detailed... far more detailed than what can be collected under normal circumstances.

But they can pretend they believe it.

As a royal agent, Aleister works under the name of the Ministry of Regardless. And if this letter is made public, even if it cannot prevent Aiwass from taking office, it can at least eliminate Aleister.

And Aiwass does not have the adaptability to the authoritarian path, and he will only be a bishop in the end. And he is not an elf. If he cannot learn advanced divine arts, he cannot become a cardinal.

So as long as Aleister is removed as a thug, they can at least fight with Aiwass.

In addition to these vigilant old knight families, the emerging knight families and the newly born merchant class who are jealous of the founding family may also take action against the Moriarty family, which seems to be the weakest.

Everyone is an enemy.

In Aiwass's eyes, the purple-red light couldn't help flashing.

I am still worried that there is no entry point to influence the Round Table Hall.

——Causing trouble for me?

The Star Antimony people also have to pay the price.

You have sent me a family claim - Aleister Crowley. This is an identity you made up yourself. You have already settled down...then you should take over, don't deny it again when the time comes.

As for Iris... forget it, it won't be their turn first.

Also, the Round Table Hall of Avalon——

——Don’t be so nervous. I really didn’t know the power of ministers was so great.

Aiwass narrowed his eyes slightly.

He said gently: "Since Sherlock is not here, why don't you ask me to give it a try? I have handled many cases with Sherlock, and he also quite recognizes my wisdom."

He called me a "scheming fox" several times.

Since it's urgent, it means it's a sincere compliment.

Aiwass volunteered: "I will not intervene in this incident, but I will help you find this letter - how about it?"

Edward was lost in thought, and Captain Camus looked at Edward with pleading eyes.

Obviously the captain wanted Edward to agree - because he really couldn't bear the consequences of losing this thing in his hands. Even if he is just a scapegoat.

"That's fine."

Edward sighed: "I originally wanted to protect you. But maybe it was just wishful thinking on my part... You have indeed grown up, and I may not be able to protect you in an incident of this scale.

"But if you need me for anything, don't be pushy. Come to me as soon as possible."

A reliable adult told me so.

I feel like my body is starting to become weak again... The coding time is getting longer and longer now, and I want to take a day off tomorrow!

Please approve it——

This is the second time I’ve asked for leave this month, and I happen to have to go out to apply for a passport tomorrow... I don’t know if the passport is troublesome or not...

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