Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 382 The precursor to the evolution of the shadow demon

The moment Ligeia's voice came in, David shivered violently, with an obvious look of panic on his face.

It was like when I was secretly playing games at home and suddenly heard the sound of my parents taking the keys to open the door. The whole person was so panicked that he didn't know what to do. He was so shocked that he left the chair - because the chair was too high, he almost fell off.

Obviously, David subconsciously regarded what "Miss Aleister" said as a secret that could not be known to others.

It was only when he turned around and saw clearly that the person entering the door was Ligeia that his panicked look calmed down a little.

Seeing David looking at her timidly, Ligeia's eyes suddenly became stern, and she cursed: "You kid, you are such a coward when you see me! Are you just stealing things or teasing others? Is it illegal?" "

"NO, I have not……"

David's eyes widened in fright at Ligeia's words, and he hurriedly explained.

But before he could finish speaking, Ligeia spat back: "No, just stand still! What's the matter with you? You're so flustered. Do you look like a man?"


David opened his mouth to explain, but after he opened his mouth, he hung his head obediently and dejectedly.

"Louder, you can't hear me!"

"Yes!" David stood at attention and responded with a loud voice.

"Stand outside."

Ligeia said, shaking the long skirt in her hand: "Or do you want to watch people change clothes here?"

"……NO, I have not……"

David's newly rising momentum deflated again.

He wanted to leave but he didn't want to leave. It was rare to see Ligeia, so he hesitated and said insinuatingly: "Your Excellency Ligeia, I was... introduced by Miss Aleister..."

Ligeia immediately became angry and said: "Get out of here first!"


David made a helpless and confused sound.

He knew it might not be a good idea for him to ask here, but didn't this just happen to happen?

There's no one else here anyway. So is there any difference between asking here and asking elsewhere? And it can be proved here that it was indeed Miss Aleister who introduced her here... After all, Miss Aleister did not explain or refute the rumor when she heard this...

After all, his parents never taught him such a thing, and David didn't quite understand. But he could still understand simply obeying orders, so he obediently bowed politely to the two of them, said goodbye and left.

After David left, Ligeia jumped to the seat before David. He waved away Aleister's restraints and threw her clothes onto the table.

She said angrily: "What a fool, exactly like his father when he was a child... Is it fun to tease him?"

"It's quite fun."

"Aleister" chuckled, flexing his wrists that were a little stiff from being tied up for a long time: "Although he is a bit naive, he is still very upright."

"You think highly of him?"

Ligeia asked in return: "Did you even teach him the sevenfold sacrifice?"

"I just think he has that talent and is very suitable for the path of becoming a warlock. But I can't say exactly when he should embark on this path. But I have already introduced you to him, and you can help watch when the time comes. Just order it.”

Completely different than when David and the Great Guardian were present.

At this moment, "Aleister" was not pretending at all, but was chatting directly with Ligeia in Aiwass's tone.

——Because Ligeia is one of the very few people who know the true identity of "Aleister".

After all, Aiwass's plan must be informed to Ligeia to ensure that it proceeds smoothly without causing trouble.

In front of reporters, Ligeia fell silent on the Admiralty of the Navy, leaving him unable to say a word - this was a necessary step for the smooth progress of the plan.

It is impossible for Aiwass to put all the hope of the success of his plan on the enemy's stupidity and unpredictability.

If you want to block the opponent's possibility of counterattack, you must have the referee on your side.

However, Aiwass did not use the honorific title - although he knew that Ligeia was Meg, Ligeia had completely sacrificed her old self on behalf of Meg in the sevenfold sacrifice. Since Ligeia herself has given up on the past, Aiwass will not deliberately mention it again.

"Can you wear a skirt? Do you want me to help you?"

Ligeia swayed her legs, flicking the dragon's tail behind her, and asked casually.

"Not really, but it's not a big problem. Although I've never worn a skirt before..."

"Aleister" responded with a chuckle: "But Miss Ligeia, you are so stupid... let's just forget it."

"Hey, you kid..."

Ligeia was a little helpless: "I must find a way to get taller when I shed my skin next time."

Aiwass was studying how to wear the extremely complicated aristocratic dress given by the twin mirrors after transforming into "Miss Bayard", while casually teasing: "I remember to put on this body for you at the beginning. Aren’t you very happy when you are here?”

"That's because I can survive, of course I'm happy. Idiot."

Ligeia said frankly: "But now I feel a little tired of it. It's too small, and it feels very inconvenient to move around."

"How long until your next molt?"

Aiwass asked.

Once an Ascension Warlock begins to shed his skin, he cannot stop it.

As contractors of Huantiansi, they will continue to change throughout their lives. Neither life nor posture can be fixed.

"The next round of evolution can start in three or four months, and it can be delayed until half a year at the latest. If there is no evolution after half a year, the body's functions will begin to gradually weaken."

Ligeia said calmly: "The problem now is that I don't know what else can give me death pressure besides my life span... I can't trouble the Eternal Pope. If it doesn't work out then, I will go to sea Go find a dragon.

"Anyway, it's good to be able to live healthy for so long. As long as I can find a way to complete one more molt, I can live for one more year. That's a real profit."

Her words were so domineering. He even comforted Aiwass in turn.

This is probably the troublesome part of Ligeia's transformation into a warlock.

Nowadays, the "transcendence" path has not been modified into the "transmutation" path, so the metamorphosis warlock must also comply with the rules of the transcendence path - that is, facing powerful enemies. Only in this way can the restless fire of transcendence in the heart be extinguished.

It is precisely because of this that Aiwass recommended that David change his profession before reaching the fourth level.

When you are weak enough, basically any change you make can be considered evolution.

This is called "you still have a lot of room for improvement."

"Three to four months to half a year..."

Aiwass said thoughtfully: "Then don't worry. There may be another way by then."

"I knew you had a lot of tricks up your sleeve."

Ligeia didn't panic at all, obviously knowing that Aiwass had a solution.

He is so magical that he can rejuvenate himself, be recognized by Sophia, and drag Avalon back to life... Now if Aiwass dares to say it, she dares to believe it.

"How's it going with the Lord Admiralty?"

Aiwass asked casually: "What did he confess?"

"I said everything I could say, and there was basically no resistance. It was obvious that he understood the situation and wanted to seek leniency."

Ligeia sneered: "Although those old men are so majestic with swords and armor, they are actually cowards who have never fought in a bloody battle. Avalon has been peaceful for too long... The Iris people invaded before, The navy basically had no resistance. It was landed within ten days.

"Although in China, the Ten-Day War is generally considered to be a victory for us. But in my opinion, we lost, and it was a disastrous defeat. If I hadn't taken action in the end, it would have been the fastest defeat in Avalon.

"——Avalon is an island country with an area less than a quarter of Iris. Less than ten days after the war started, it was landed by the opposing army's third line. What level is this? If you ask me, this should be dragged out and chopped down. level!"

Ligeia commented unceremoniously: "But because we really couldn't beat them, we could only promote it as a victory. We deliberately confused the details. Because of this, it actually became their merit.

"Sofia has a governing style that likes to plot everything secretly and change the country unknowingly like water. She almost always goes with the flow... This leads to the fact that when she is in power, these people are tightly controlled by her, No one dared to resist her. But after her physical condition declined, they all started acting like monsters one by one."

"...I thought you were the kind of person who doesn't like to deal with such things." Aiwass was a little surprised.

"That's true. I really don't like to care about it, because it's too troublesome to talk about it."

Ligeia waved her hands with a look of boredom on her face: "This kind of thing doesn't just happen if you see the problem. If you want to object, you have to propose a solution. Otherwise you will object, and others will object too. In the end, nothing can be done. They would only quarrel every day in the Round Table Hall.

"In other words, if you object, this matter should fall into your hands. I have no interest in accepting the mess in their hands. Their treasure is amazing, but in my opinion, it is just a mess. Rancid rotten meat.”

She said, and said with great interest: "The letter you threw to him before is very crucial. It can directly disrupt divination. If others want to predict through rituals or prophets, they can only get the 'Admiral of the Navy'" The result is that he is indeed connected with Aleister privately. They are probably going to be in chaos now... How did you come up with this?"

"Essentially, the way to deceive divination is to 'lie with the truth'. The same is basically true for so-called prophecies... Although the content will come true, it may not be the direction expected by the interpreter of the prophecy. So as long as it is reversed, it will be the opposite. Divination.”

Aiwass chuckled: "To put it simply, it's magic."

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be a magician."

Ligeia looked at "Miss Aleister" with a proud and confident attitude on her face, but her hands were still confused and clumsy as she fiddled with several complicated dresses that she couldn't understand. He couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Forget it, let me help you put it on... Your clumsiness makes me laugh to death."

Aiwass no longer resisted, but sighed.

"...I don't know why Twin Mirror gave me such complicated clothes."

Aiwass has tried it.

If the main body is switched to Son of the Moon, his clothes will not change at all. Whatever clothes the main body wears, Aiwass, the Son of the Moon, will wear; and when he becomes No. 14, he will wear the same clothes worn by Bayard. The white dress the lady wore when sucking blood.

This is nothing.

But the first time Aiwass changed into his "Bayard" posture, he was shocked.

——Because it was Bayard "dressed up" like never before.

It's not just a dress and necklace - it's a whole new set of "gear" including gloves, rings, bracelets, hairpins, hats, cloaks, and shawls. They have even been piled up to the point of "looking unnatural". They are more like clothes racks than dresses.

Even Shadow Demon himself felt a little confused.

It checked again and again, and then slowly recalled that these were things it had used before.

Aiwass had to remove the excess jewelry and clothing and store them away. This way, "Miss Aleister" won't look too weird.

——These things that were sent out of thin air by the twin mirrors, Aiwass simply confirmed with a ceremony that they were indeed genuine and not mirror images that could be dispelled. But on the other hand, they have no trace of being used or damaged by time.

It's as weird as a "factory-new antique."

This makes it difficult for Aiwass to sell it and give it away.

The greatest significance of collecting these strange antiques is probably to remind Shadow Demon of his childhood.

However, after receiving the pastoral care of Aiwass for the past few days, Shadow Demon felt a little strange.

It has obviously become less active than before in the past two days. Not only will he not chat with Aiwass or Lily when nothing happens, he will not be too active or crazy even after accepting orders.

He even looked "a little sleepy". After using Shadow Demon to disguise himself as Aleister, Shadow Demon didn't comment on it, nor did he have any objections to Aiwass' use of his body and identity.

Just like a cat huddled on the bed in winter, when its paws touched the ground, they were hit by the ice and retracted their paws with a swish. Then he returned to the warm quilt and hugged his hands.

—The cat withdrew one paw.

Although there was no evidence, Aiwass had a vague hunch from this unusual behavior.

This may be a precursor to the evolution of Shadow Demon.

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