Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 403 Sister Sasha’s Holy Feast

Immediately afterwards, Aiwass stretched out his left hand forward. 𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑔𝑙𝑒 Search for 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑜𝑚Read▲

Like inviting a dance partner, elegant and slow.

The veins on his left arm were exposed, and his red left arm was steaming with visible white heat in the winter night.

As the nearly transparent moonlight butterfly left the moonlight, the overlapping butterfly projections in the room also dissipated.

The butterfly flew around Aiwass' left hand and landed directly on the tip of Aiwass's finger.

Aiwass felt a slight pain in his middle finger.

It must have been a bite from it.

Afterwards, the light-attributed mana in his body drained away quickly - it wasn't until he had drained almost fifteen units of mana that it slowly stopped absorbing.

It seemed to sense that Aiwass belonged to the path of devotion, so it recognized Aiwass.

The butterfly flew to Aiwass's back and clung to it extremely closely. Covering from the lower back to the front abdomen, it is almost the part that is not covered by the ribs. It is extremely thin, so no bulges can be seen after it is attached to Aiwass’ skin. And Aiwass’s skin is fair enough, so only by looking at it carefully can you see a trace like a “parting line” arc-shaped gap.

An extremely refreshing, jade-like cold and slippery feeling, accompanied by a stabbing pain like needles, came from the spine behind him.

It took big mouthfuls of Aiwass's boiling and hot blood - it was enough to suck a normal person to death. But for Aiwass, who now has excess blood, this is just enough to lower his blood pressure.

The color of Aiwass's skin gradually became normal, and the prominent muscles and blood vessels gradually shrank.

After sucking up enough blood, clear blood marks appeared on Aiwass's abdomen and lower back in the parts covered by Sister Sasha's skin. They look like shackles and thorns - this is proof that they have temporarily failed the test and that some of their abilities have been temporarily sealed.

He waved his hand to extinguish the candle, then put his clothes back on in the darkness before lighting the candle.

——Oddly enough, it’s not that embarrassing to take off your clothes, but it’s very embarrassing to be stared at while putting on clothes.

And when it was full of blood, its attributes appeared in front of Aiwass' eyes:

【Giving Wings of Freedom】

[Extraordinary Equipment (Dark Purple)]

[Armor - Torso]

[Extraordinary characteristic: When you have not lost life in any way in the last hour, you will quickly recover your vitality (only triggered by the path of devotion or the path of love)]

[Extraordinary Characteristics (Seal): When the wearer loses his own life to gain or heal others, he will attach the status "Saint's Skin" to himself until he recovers his life next time; if he does not recover his life within one minute, then "Saint's Skin" will The "skin" status will be reversed to the "sinner's skin" status until the next time you lose life]

[Set: Sister Sasha’s Holy Feast (1/4)]

["——I will be whole, I will remain. I will be broken into pieces, and I will be flawless.\

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