Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 436: No different (Third update, please vote for me!)

Aiwass soon found the Great Guardian in the Candlestick Cathedral and told him the matter in a low voice.

It's not as simple as "Yulia" being captured by Emma, ​​but a more complete version. That is, "their Queen Isabel was abducted by Countess Emma".

"...Is there still such a thing?"

The great guardian suddenly frowned: "It's so..."

George immediately led Aiwass towards the open space in a hurry - it was quite difficult to find an open space in the overcrowded Candlemas Cathedral.

He frowned while looking for an open space.

He felt great pressure: "Sorry, Aiwass. I was at the candle ceremony, but I was in the front row... it was my responsibility."

The Great Guardian didn't notice "Yulia" at the very back. And there's no way he'd notice.

Because Isabel didn't enter the cathedral at all, but watched the ceremony outside.

Although the candle priest does not require any high status to enter, it is first come, first served. But it was too crowded and there were too many people inside. And "Yulia" is already short, so she can't see much if she can't grab a spot, so there isn't much difference between inside and outside.

They finally found a suitable clearing.

As the Great Guardian blew the whistle on his chest vigorously. The silent whistle carried far in the air.

After a short delay, the hurricane carried the gryphon and landed in front of him in the blink of an eye, and George grabbed Aiwass and jumped on it instantly.

"Philip, Lloyd's headquarters building."

The Great Guardian shouted: "Hurry!"


A steady and reliable voice sounded in the storm, and Aiwass and the Great Guardian disappeared in an instant.

The two sudden storms staggered the people around them - they were first pushed back, and then pulled forward.

When the storm subsided, most of them didn't even notice that the gryphon had landed here, and two people disappeared out of thin air among the crowd.

Aiwass was a little anxious. He had no intention of taking the elevator, and neither did the Great Guardian.

Instead, he directly let Philip, the gryphon of the Great Guardian, fly outside the top floor.

He glanced through the window and found Emma's office empty.

——The good news is that it can be confirmed that it was Emma who did it.

Because Aiwass had warned her not to let her leave the Lloyd's Building. But now she's not here at all.

The bad news is that they have no idea where Emma went with "Yuliya".

"That's it, Aiwass. I'll stay here and use the 'Eye of Avalon' to search for them, while also guarding them."

The Great Guardian quickly made a decision: "Take Philip to search elsewhere - first to a port or some other place. Philip can hear my call and come back no matter how far he flies, without worrying about losing contact. If you find it over there, come find me."

"No problem, leave it to me."

Phillip said solemnly.

The next moment, the Great Guardian jumped up from the gryphon. And Philip took Aiwass and disappeared suddenly in the storm.

From high in the sky, George stretched out his right hand forward.

He didn't even draw his sword.

The instigating storm followed his will and crushed all the windows on the top floors of Lloyd's House at the same time.

As if he was walking in the air, he took a few steps and landed in the room. George stepped on the broken glass, and his hard black military boots made a sharp, acidic sound.

The Great Guardian didn't even sit down.

He just stood in front of the window, stretched out his hand to press the Eye of Avalon on his chest, and immersed himself in it.

His field of vision suddenly switched to a perspective overlooking the entire Kingdom of Avalon from a high altitude.

As he focused his attention, the images provided by the "Eye of Avalon" zoomed in and switched at an extremely fast speed.

Avalon, Glass Island, Lloyd District...

He centered on this building and quickly searched every street and house in the surrounding area.

Asking Philip to take Aiwass to look inward in the distance was just a precaution, and it was also necessary caution.

George firmly believed that Emma should not be far away yet-the countess should be nearby.

——Because when he just broke in through the window, he vaguely smelled a very light aroma in the house.

Very light, very light...

Very light...

Very thick...

George's thinking suddenly began to slow down, and the pictures in front of him slowly stagnated and distorted frame by frame.

His mind was still stuck in the Eye of Avalon and could not be pulled out, but at this moment he vaguely felt as if he had fallen into a warm embrace, and a numbing voice sounded softly in his ears:

"...First meeting, Your Excellency, the Great Guardian of Avalon. This is my...full strength..."

At this moment, the material world.

The black teleportation circle spread throughout the room and turned into a dark cage.

The naked Countess Emma gradually appeared from the void in a transparent manner, hugging the Great Guardian's body intimately in an almost entangled manner. Thorns of pink, blood and black grew from her body, entwining around the Great Guardian, exchanging each other's blood.

His eyes, shining with white light, gradually dimmed. The black smoke that symbolizes the curse of the path of love slowly escapes from his seven orifices.

"My dear...relax..."

She whispered softly into the Great Guardian's ear.

——Traps and sneak attacks are the cautious Emma’s favorite combat strategies.

It was originally intended to deal with that strange "Minister Moriarty", but unexpectedly it yielded unexpected results.

In the state of "Eye of Avalon", the Great Guardian is not sufficiently wary of the outside world.

Anyway, Yulia has memorized the road and it has been branded on her. Don't worry about losing control - probably no one in all of Avalon can eradicate the mark imposed by the succubus herself.

So she hurriedly told Yulia's coachman and asked him to take Yulia home first.

Afterwards, Emma immediately triggered the demon summoning circle she arranged on the top floor of Lloyd's and teleported directly from Yulia.

——If you can take the opportunity to charm the great guardian of Avalon, wouldn’t the benefits be greater than charming that weird Minister Moriarty?

Such an idea suddenly came into her mind at that time.

But now, under the full force of the charm, a sharp tail gradually grew out of Emma's back, horns appeared on her head, and her skin slowly turned crimson.

Throughout the Lloyd's Building, those businessmen who did not participate in the Candle Ceremony began to become excited.

Their skin becomes redder and redder, and they become more and more agitated, as if they are going crazy. Soon there was a scream and the sound of breaking glass, and chaos ensued inside Lloyd's.

This is only a small part of the power leaked, but it has already caused a very strong impact.

The characteristics of the succubus gradually begin to appear, which is a symbol of the devil's incarnation using all his strength - the next step is to hatch the succubus directly from the body.


Emma felt that the Great Guardian's will was unusually tenacious, which made her frown.

The path of pure authoritarianism is extremely resistant to mental manipulation - in this tug-of-war at the spiritual level, she actually felt a vague tendency to lose control.

Was it my fault? Did you enter by yourself?

Emma suddenly felt something was wrong.

She asked herself and reflected secretly.

——No, I'm not wrong.

She quickly corrected her hesitation.

Anyway, I have already taken action, and there is no chance to regret if I make a mistake. And if you miss this time, I'm afraid you will never have such a good opportunity again.

His own side will also be exposed, and other plans will also fail.

If you successfully control the Great Guardian, everything will go smoothly...

If you win, both sides will benefit, if you lose, both will lose.

Thinking this way, Emma convinced herself and strengthened her determination again.

Although I can't help but feel a little regretful...but my time as a human being is probably coming to an end.

Anyway, Emma has already been mentally prepared.

As a devil incarnate, sooner or later there will be such a day. That is also her, just like she who is the child of the moon also belongs to the past.

But Emma didn't realize it at all, and at the same time she could never realize it -

Her sudden impulse to take action against the Great Guardian who was of the same level but had a little restraint, and temporarily put aside the most direct order from her "father" to "bring back the blood of Hercules", instead decided to do whatever it takes The thinking patterns that control the Great Guardian are the same as those of those who are charmed by him... different.

——With absolutely no psychological preparation, Emma was seduced by the unhatched succubus in her body at an extremely clever time!

Added one more chapter, updated!

An update of 8,500 words, please vote~

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