Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 532 Sun Crown Scepter

Chapter 533 Sun Crown Scepter

——In the end, Aiwass bought it.

It was a purple grade sun crown scepter worth 8,800 white crown coins. The boss also presented two daggers made by elves... just right for Lily to use.

With the elf's stature, this dagger was basically equivalent to a dagger to Lily. The quality is better than the sword Haina used when she was an inspector, and it can be used for a long time.

Counting the daily necessities worth more than 400 white crown coins, Aiwass simply bought some rare ancient books for Sherlock, as well as some precious ritual materials and potion materials, and collected a total of 10,000 white crown coins, and got the A full 30% discount - although Aiwass knew very well that the boss would definitely make more money than he would save, but he was still very happy.

There is an illusion of making money with blood.

After all, consumption is all about happiness in addition to what is needed, and even if it is an illusion, you will be very happy if you have this illusion of making money - in a sense, this can be regarded as buying an illusion that can make you happy for a long time. Serve.

——Aiwass defended himself in his heart.

When Aiwass touched the scepter, the attributes of this weapon jumped out before his eyes:


[Extraordinary Weapon (Purple)]

[Scepter, medium size, blunt weapon]

[Feature: Increased fire attribute/light attribute damage]

[Elf style: durability greatly improved, maintenance cost increased]

[Module - Light Concentrator: When there is only one person being treated, the amount of treatment will be significantly increased]

[Module - Coronal Fire: Gain increased fire damage based on light attribute mana pool]

[Module - Sacred Prayer (Si Zhu): You can omit one section of the prayer for Si Zhu]

Among the many scepters here, Aiwass fell in love with this one at a glance.

Compared to other scepters, this scepter features a high fire damage bonus. You can see the percentage gain in the game, but you can't see it here... but Aiwass roughly remembers the data.

An ordinary purple-level scepter can increase dual-attribute damage by about 20%-30%. The "Corona Fire" module can increase fire damage equal to the percentage of the light mana pool - for priests whose mana allocation is three lights and one fire when upgrading, they can get a very significant increase in fire damage.

In the game, few priests would buy this weapon and use it.

On the contrary, the much cheaper [Consecrated Scepter] is more versatile - the Consecrated Scepter can save two bars of chanting for the blessing spell, reduce the mana consumption of the blessing spell, and significantly extend the duration of the buff provided by the blessing spell. Even in the later stages, there may be priests who come out with unknown versions of the consecrated scepter.

Then there are three entries, [Forest Scepter], which are used to increase the amount of healing.

As for Aiwass, there is no need to increase the amount of treatment.

He is not an adventurer. He watches the health of his teammates and takes the elevator every day. In fact, Aiwass has never fought in a team as a priest - compared with the amount of healing provided by the priest, it is better for Aiwass to directly take out the book of law to deal damage.

As long as I kill all the enemies, my teammates won't be hurt.

This is called taking precautions before they happen.

This is also the reason why Aiwass has never been in a hurry to find a main-hand weapon for the priest profession. The scepter has no range gain and no mana saving. The main improvement is the increase in damage and healing value. It is one and a half meters tall and weighs more than ten kilograms. It is really inconvenient to hold it in daily life, and it will be painful if it bumps against it.

For priests, equipment that provides mechanisms is more critical than weapons.

Compared with the Book of Laws, which directly greatly improves combat effectiveness... when Aiwass serves as a priest, what is more important is his identity as a priest itself, rather than the amount of healing and combat effectiveness provided by this profession.

He doesn't even have a human shield teammate... The only one who can be a tank is Haina, who is now a parliamentarian. The others are all brittle, so what's the use of the healing amount?

——But the "Corona" is different, it is closer to the staff used by the mage.

For Aiwass, whose usual fighting method is to summon the Little Flame Butterfly, it has a very significant benefit - even if the percentage cannot be seen, there is at least an 80% increase in fire damage.

Aiwass knows the specific attributes of this weapon because "Corona" is an exchange weapon in version 2.0... It is the kind of weapon that can be exchanged for materials after randomly matching high-difficulty versions every day. Its main effect is to provide transformation.

The pure white threaded staff body has three golden thin lines that converge upward, forming an upward spiral like a tower. At the top is the head of a saint wearing a triple crown. Once activated, a small crown of flaming thorns will appear directly above the "Corona" staff - and when the top of the staff is held in prayer, the crown will be transferred to the holder's head.

Combined with the huge ecclesiastical crown, a very large flame halo will appear.

- That's cool.

It is very consistent with Aiwass’ current status as archbishop!

Aiwass was very happy to be able to directly use money to buy extraordinary weapons of this level without downloading a book or running a mission.

After all, as the prospective head of Moriarty's family, Aiwass is also relatively wealthy.

As for other things, you can entrust the trolls to take them back.

Although these trolls are huge and look stupid, they look less savage when they are well-dressed. They all wore serious and uniform black uniforms. They looked like suits and ties, and they were relatively quiet when working. They only occasionally whispered a few words in Troll language to their companions.

It was obvious that neither Aiwass nor Sherlock nor Lily could understand the giggling troll language.

The only worry is whether their clothes will be torn if they carry something too heavy.

In order to lead them the way, Lily and Sherlock had already left ahead of them - letting the two of them walk together was mainly to prevent one person from getting lost.

Aiwass planned to go shopping alone to see if there was anything else he wanted to buy and spend some more money. Wait until dawn tomorrow to find Master Yannis.

Anyway, that's the fifth circle over there, not far away... The "elevator" here is extremely slow to get up and down, so it's better to do everything you need to do in one go.

But not long after the two left, someone came up to them.

"In the sacred name of the Candlestick...the nobility of the Nine Pillars. Greetings to you! May you always burn...and be bright forever. Dear Archbishop..."

A thick and stiff voice sounded behind Aiwass.

The voice stopped one sentence at a time and had a long drawl. It is the kind of foreign language speaking that is very obviously lacking in practice... Not only does it sound quite uncomfortable, but the grammar is not very correct.

Aiwass raised his eyebrows, grasped the scepter and turned around.

The person in front of him was considered a half-acquaintance.

——It was the three-color troll trio that Aiwass and his party met at the port.

Compared with Aiwass, who was dressed as an ordinary priest at that time and looked as young as a student, Aiwass, who was now dressed in archbishop's clothes and holding a scepter, already had a noble air. It would be difficult to recognize him after just seeing him briefly for a few minutes... But these three trolls recognized Aiwass just by looking at his back.

The one who spoke to Aiwass was the brown-black-skinned troll among them.

The skin that has not been stained by any dye symbolizes his most noble status. Among the three trolls, he is also the strongest and tallest. His face is the cleanest, his features are the straightest, and his hair is neatly styled and tied into a high ponytail. Other parts of the scalp were engraved with crude black runes.

"We want to ask you to do something."

The troll said one sentence at a time: "It is paid. We can tell you some information first. Very important information. There is a reward for your portrait. In the black market, someone is buying your information."

Before Aiwass turned around, the troll was at least seven steps away from Aiwass, very politely.

From this distance, he could already smell the stench of the three-headed trolls - only the brown-black one at the top had a slightly lighter smell, but it also had a strong smell of oil and spices. As for the remaining two, one had a fishy smell and the other had a herbal smell.

Seeing Aiwass scanning and sizing them up, the green troll nodded flatteringly to Aiwass and bowed awkwardly.

…Someone is buying my news?

Aiwass raised his eyebrows and suddenly understood why these three people were pointing fingers at him before.

Not because Aiwass revealed his wealth, but because they were confirming whether it was Aiwass.

"How do you know it's mine?"

Aiwass did not answer their words, but asked instead.

Hearing this, the tall troll muttered the translation to the side.

The grass-green skinned troll took out a strange triangular stone rune with three deep claw marks on it.

He made a sniffing motion, then pointed at Aiwass. He scratched himself a few times with three fingers, muttered something, and then bowed to Aiwass in fear like a monkey.

Aiwass's expression suddenly became serious.

Although he didn't recognize the thing, he roughly guessed it - because the grass-green skinned troll was a hunter, which meant that he smelled Aiwass' scent. Like a hunter stalking a wounded beast.

And what can provide "Blood of Aiwass", coupled with the shape of the claw mark...

...Xiong Tiansi?

The four great apostles are gone. Does He have other subordinates or followers?

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