Path Of Sword Master

Chapter 15 - Power Corrupts

The next day Li Jie went to the training pagoda, where he would finally choose his path for the future and his life's main turning point,

he saw the pagoda and sighed for how his life was going to change from now on,

He opened the door to the entrance of the pagoda where he noticed the same as before, the mysterious middle-aged man with an ever eternal smile etched on his face sitting cross-legged staring ethereally at the sword placed in-front of him which was normal in every way yet felt unfathomable at the same time,

this time instead of going beside the middle-aged man like before, he came in front of him and bowed slightly to show his respects,

the middle-aged man nodded and motioned him to sit after which he sat down opposite to the middle-aged man and the sword was in between them which the middle-aged man started staring at again as if it was the only thing in the world worth paying attention to,

"So, you finally know what you want, I honestly assumed that it would take longer for you to decide, but looks like some special events occurred to you through the workings of fate",

the man's voice which sounded mysterious with confidence to Li Jie took him by surprise at the fact that the middle-aged man sitting in front of him was able to infer to such a degree, looking at his surprised expression made the man snicker.

"Well, I know your choice but of course I would love to know your reasoning behind it",

smiled the middle-aged man in curiosity, Li Jie first thought about how the whole day before passed and all the incidents that had transpired and all that he knows of this world,

then he pondered more to make sure his reasons have a strong backbone and no conjectures,

"Honorable sir, at first I was almost sure of getting the bloodline infusion, after all the bloodline you were going to give me as you have mentioned before is an extremely high-level bloodline but I have noticed something recently while bloodlines have advantages and are perfect for anyone,

yet at the same time, they are shackles that restrict everyone whether their bloodline is of high grade or low grade, the low-grade ones have the obvious advantage, they have a limit and that limit makes it impossible for them to go far in the path of cultivation, while those with High-grade bloodline have no visible disadvantage but I have noticed that there is, and that is what makes them also have a limit at a certain point in the path of cultivation, not only that their primary righteous goals change after a certain period of time, they become dull and wallow in the pride of having bloodline" the middle-aged man nodded and smiled upon hearing Li Jie's theory,

"I have to admit you are pretty smart for someone your age, if I had not known about you personally, I would have thought that you might be a reincarnation of some beings I know of!!!,

while you are right about this flaw of the bloodline, that every bloodline no matter of how high level, it has a certain limit at one point in the path of cultivation, and many get stuck at that same point forever not moving even one inch, but there are also some flaws in your theory" said the middle-aged man with a grin on his face,

"Boy, don't underestimate the geniuses of this world, while bloodline does represent a limit but there are also those who break the limit by their own talent, there are those who were born with the most useless low-level bloodline but end up cultivating higher than the person who had high-level bloodline, there are many rare treasures which many do not know of but can help in progressing a bloodline, so tell me are you sure about your answer".

Li Jie listened to everything said by the middle-aged man earnestly and felt that he might be too naive to underestimate the geniuses of this world and the power of bloodline, after all,

bloodline was the most essential thing present in this cultivation world but this piece of information still didn't shake his resolve in choosing his path and he was more sure of what path to choose now than ever because he wanted to strive above all, help the weak, and fight the strong that will be his way of sword.

"I have decided honorable sir, I will choose the path of sword, while the path of sword is way more arduous and tough, I will still go on this path because this the path is which suits me best, I will never be complacent with my strength, I will never wallow in my achievements,

I will always strive to improve because if one mistake occurs then there is only death awaiting me.

I will not be naive like before as to underestimate the heroes and geniuses of this world, but I will defeat each and every one of them and topple over all of them, while some might become my friends and some might become my enemies,

I will still keep going on this path and my sword will be my beacon towards my path illuminating the way to move forward without hesitation no matter how strong or who the enemy is,

even if it's the whole world against me, my sword will face them and fight to it's utmost and bring justice to those who are weak and innocent while judgment on those who are strong and vile" said Li Jie with a resolute expression,

Li Jie became completely sure of the path of sword, yesterday night when he asked his father to help those living in the slums,

yet his father hesitated even after attaining strength and status which many could dream of, but that doesn't mean that his father is an evil person or not capable,

It just means that he has to consider many things for his family before taking action, that's what makes him hesitate and the consequences that will come after him,

while many others had the same problem, at first they have a fire and righteousness when they are young but later in life, they become complacent and dislike changes regardless of the injustice played out in front of them,

Li Jie knew that on the path of sword one can't have any of the qualities of being complacent or fulfilled with life, they have to strive to improve more and more, or else being complacent and relaxation will only bring him death.

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