Path Of Sword Master

Chapter 18 - "Power Houses And Their Bloodlines"

Dai Chen first placed his fingers on his forehead with a scrunched up expression on his face,

he didn't know from where he should start and what specifically should he say as the one he was talking to was the eldest young master of the Li family,

he was trying to be careful in what topics he should be sharing with the young master.

Li Jie was looking at Dai Chen with an expression of interest as if wondering what will he share about the outside world, he then called out to Dai Chen,

waking him up from his reverie asking him to sit and tell him about the outside world, Dai Chen was deeply touched by Li Jie's actions of asking him to sit with him, he didn't know if anyone else of higher stature would ever give him so much respect.

"Young master, what would you like to know, I will answer to the best of my abilities," said Dai Chen in a solemn manner,

"Well although I already know some things about the outside world and the other forces, but you have experienced it front hand so I would like to know your honest opinion about each of them".

Li Jie clearly understood how the big-sized or middle-sized organizations work, they just butter up to those who are stronger than them, he wanted to have a clear idea of what kind of an attitude was kept by the different organizations,

and the one to best give him a clear picture about all things was Dai Chen or people like himself who were treated without any fear or consequences.

Dai Chen understood what Li Jie wanted to know and started reiterating on what he knew about the outside world in detail,

"Young master as you know there are five great families which include your Li family, while Li family is said to be a family that upholds the idea of righteousness and are one of the two great families who have the strongest military power, whereas the other great family to have the military power on the same level as the great Li family is the great Wang family who are extremely arrogant about their strength and are battle crazed warriors, as for their bloodlines, the great Li family as you must know has a gravity type bloodline but it is only exclusive to the higher-ups whereas those of the branch family have an earth type bloodline which cannot be underestimated as there are records of the earth type being stronger in some cases, the main family members of the great Wang family, on the other hand, has blood controlling type bloodline which is quite powerful and considered overbearing among the great families and the other organizations present in the continent, whereas their branch family members have flame controlling type bloodline which is also quite strong and must not be underestimated but it still falls short when compared to the blood controlling type bloodline"

Li Jie asked Dai Chen about something he had doubts about, "Dai Chen, why can in some cases the earth type bloodline can match the power of the gravity type bloodline while the flame controlling bloodline cannot compare to the blood controlling bloodline, what makes it so special".

Dai Chen nodded in understanding and replied, "Young master I have no deeper knowledge about this, but from what I have heard from others is that the Wang family's main bloodline is perfect for battle and when they are on the verge of death their potential bursts out which makes them more perfect for battle, that's why they are called battle crazed maniacs, and it's hard for any other bloodline user to match them on, one on one in battle".

Li Jie nodded after understanding and asked Dai Chen to continue with his explanation

"then there's also the great Gu family, Zheng family, and Fu merchant family, main members of the Gu family have poison type bloodline which is quite peculiar and special and is something to be very fearful of, as, for their branch family members, they have the smoke controlling bloodline which is also quite toxic in nature their main interest of occupation is mostly assassination or they can be hired for help for hunting too,

while main members of the Zheng family are quite mysterious in this regard, where no one is sure about their bloodline but due to some rumors it is known that they can use various kind of abilities at a time depending on the user which isn't certain as their bloodline abilities even in the main family differ from person to person,

and their branch family members are different too, they consist of members with only mid-level bloodline mostly, but they have varieties of bloodline which aren't powerful in particular,

they usually delve into scholarly research and in studying the forces of nature as well as studying different bloodlines,

their main occupation is to create weapons and all sorts of equipment for battling as well as for research purpose, their most prized invention is the floating castle of the Zheng clan,

as for the last of the great family which is completely neutral with it's stance not supporting anyone, nor against anyone, they are an alliance of merchant families who grouped together to take care of each other as to not be exploited by the other families or organizations, they also have members with varieties of bloodline which is not special in particular but they have the most resources and are the richest of all the other great families and the other organizations combined!!!"

Li Jie was quite shocked by this statement of Dai Chen, after all, to be able to be richer than all of the families and organizations combined is no small feat.

Dai Chen then continued "as for the last force of this continent and also the one who everyone, no matter their status bow to, is the imperial family which has the noblest and strongest of all bloodlines existing in this continent, the Light type bloodline".

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