Path Of Sword Master

Chapter 25 - Gaining Experience

Picking up his tired body, Li Jie knew that this was the best chance for him to escape while the Ice-Tailed Scorpion is busy with the Lesser Flaming Viper,

he sprinted towards the outer area of the forest, where the weaker beasts resided because he knew that if he were to stay long enough at this place, he would be devoured, just like the Lesser Flaming Viper before him,

so Li Jie first squatted down to conceal himself from the eyes of any beast that might locate him,

while on his way towards the outer area of the forest, he found a hill filled with greenery,

which he found to be extremely quiet, believing that there might be no beast due to it's silent and peaceful nature, and different from the other areas where beasts can be seen battling each other from time to time.

Due to their less intelligence, it was extremely rare for a beast to be quiet, which is why he decided to risk going onto the hill,

while Li Jie was ascending upwards to the hill quietly and cautiously, he noticed a cave, which was surrounded by vines and bushes, the cave's entrance area was partially sealed by all the plants surrounding it.

Li Jie felt that this cave will be safe for dwelling as it can be seen by the lush vegetation surrounding it, that no one has visited this cave for quite a long time, he made his way with his small stature by squeezing himself inside from the left side of the entrance of the cave and entering it with caution by considering on the off chance,

if the cave is inhabited by some beast, then he will be doomed that's why he went cautiously inside the cave even if there was no sign of any beast in it,

walking towards the end of the cave and looking around cautiously up, down, left and right in case the beast is hiding, but there was no sign of any beast in the cave, confirming his thoughts,

finally Li Jie breathed a sigh of relief, the moment he relaxed, his eyes automatically closed as he felt the sensation of drowsiness overcoming him, which led to him sleeping soundly.

By the time he woke up, it was already dawn he didn't know how long he slept for, as he thought of a problem right at that moment,

not knowing for how much longer will he have to stay alive in this dreadful forest, out of nowhere he thought of Dai Chen at that moment,

does he live his life like this even inside the human territory since the day he was born, to be cautious of his surroundings at all times and thinking a million times before walking another step.

Thinking more and more about Dai Chen and those whose situations were similar to him, Li Jie felt sad that this was too unfair for those living in the slums.

Knowing that he can't do much at the moment Li Jie never felt more certain of his choice that when he gets stronger in the future, he will change the horrific condition of the ones living in the slums with his own hands, and no one stopping his path at that time,

Li Jie's gaze was burning with determination while contemplating his future.

Li Jie first came out of the cave being cautious of his surrounding, noticing no one in sight,

he exhaled lightly and then went on pondering about what he should do next, he would of course love to stay at the cave till the end of the week, but he felt hungry and parched without anything to drink in sight.

He first descended down the hill crouching cautiously surveying his surroundings for any beast that he needs to be aware of,

and then he sprinted steadily from one tree to another and stayed still at one position if he heard any kind of noise, step by step cautiously, he reached the place where he found the lake, wishing to quench his thirst for water,

when Li Jie reached near the lake, he found that no one was there, absence of the pack of beasts made him cry tears of joy, not knowing how to contain his happiness, still, he controlled himself to think rationally instead of jumping to conclusions,

what if there's a beast hidden waiting to be trapped by it, so first he checked the area by throwing stones at the water from afar to alert any beast that is if there is any near it, noticing no beast on sight,

Li Jie slowly stood up from behind the tree he was hiding, when immediately a huge figure of a bird with four wings can be seen crashing from the sky,

landing heavily on the lake, spreading splashes of water all over the area in copious amounts, directly halving the entire lake of it's water,

with it's direct descent as well as it's enormous size, which Li Jie has never witnessed in his entire life,

and astonished by the sudden descent of this huge bird who was completely surrounded by sparks of electricity on it's wings as well as it's complete physique, the gigantic-sized bird had a crown-shaped feather on it's head which was shining with splendor.

The bird in front of Li Jie gave him a sense of awe and pride, with arrogance ingrained in it's bones,

Li Jie kept on hiding behind the tree, from where he was slightly peeking at the appearance of the bird,

not knowing whether this bird in front of him was of the fabled King stage after all this bird's very aura had condensed the whole environment near the lake, it's as if everything near the bird got solidified and in it's attacking range.

Li Jie felt his luck couldn't have gone any worse before at-least he was able to run from his opponent,

but right now he couldn't even move his body, pressured into laying low behind the tree, a while after Li Jie was at the same place enduring this huge form of pressure in his mind as well as from the surrounding,

when suddenly from nowhere he could hear the sound of chirping, which was ringing loudly, after which he noticed by the end of his left eye that the bird flapped it's enormous beautiful wings which were shining with a metallic luster,

and had subtle hints of electricity crackling on his wings,

the bird flew up at an extremely high speed, as it went far from Li Jie's sight.

Only when Li Jie felt that the bird flew away, did he muster up his courage and sprinted towards the lake to drink his fill.

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